Janet Kuypers’ “Masquerading in Costumes & Personas” 10/1/16 poetry feature/show

Janet Kuypers’ “Masquerading in Costumes & Personas” 10/1/16 poetry feature/show

    Below are writing links and video links from a October 1st 2016 (10/1/16, or 20161001) poetry performance (with costume changes for every poem reading) of Janet Kuypers’ Austin poetry feature through Expressions 2016: the Metaphor of Costumes at Austin’s the Bahá’í Center. The usual host for this event (Thom Woodruff) was out of town at another event in Waco TX, so he asked Janet to take over the reigns and host this evening, where she chose the theme of costumes (since for this monthly event, October ends with Halloween).

[tubepress mode=’playlist’ playlistValue=’PLYa-AZK78_hoIOh23UKvhRyi0x0bY-9_h’ ]

    Before the show started she also released copies to most everyone there of a chapbook of the writings she was performing in her show (in the order they were performed), and all of the pieces from this reading were also released electronically in a “Masquerading in Costumes & Personas” chapbook, which you can download as a PDF file for free any time.

Read the poems and songs below:

before the show:

the show:
This Halloween
This Halloween Again

after the show:
On All Fours
Observations: Nine and Six
Vanishing Scars
