poetry is sorted alphabetically by year.
Choose your year, then your title.
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can i ask
you something
Hartman and Saper, Corp.
hit joey
how to write a poem
if i will have the time
i’m sorry
it’s you
mulberry zoo
space journey
what are those noises in
the dark?
a smile on my
all my problems disappear
an innocent glance
do you know
good bye
have a friend in me
i see more
nothing colorful in my sight
the place
weeping willow
when i am weak
a new life1987
a common acquaintance
a crying baby
gives up the fight
grains of sand
i do think of you
like the dreams in your heart
maybe i love you
now i’m strong
now i’m strong - in Filipino
there are too many poems
about you, david
there is a fire in my
to the river
wanted to play
you once showed me
a new day
a smile on my face
best friend
because I am told
cried alone
find myself
finest feeling
he’s gone
ice cubes
i cannot love
i knew i had to
i see the scene
i’ve played this game
like daggers
love poem
make me
pocket knife
pushed aside
put it to rest
rendering me
sometimes the light
the best times in my life
the hammer falls
the hand
the nightmare
the road not taken
the sky is always blue
the tears
they tried
to lisa
when i am weak
writing your name
writing your name - in in Finnish
amber beads
cry to be held
hard enough anymore
have no backbone
how could i not love you?
i don’t care
i have learned
leather jacket
listen to what you’re not hearing
my blood
no longer pity you
oh mother
quite happy looking
that is you
this may sound
when you go home this evening
your little China doll
all men have secrets
all men have secrets in Finnish
egg drop soup (or a response to a love letter)
high roller
high roller [in French]
i just waited
i listen
tall man
tall man [in Finnish]
the dream
the room of the rape
the second death
there i sit
there i sit - in Finnish
victim - a song
why - a part of a song
brewing the coffee and remembering summer
father’s tears
how to do the impossible
how toscramble an egg
i look at the letters again
i wanted pain
i wanted pain [ in Finnish
photograph, nineteenth century
photograph, nineteenth century [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
photograph, nineteenth century [translated from Spanish, back to English]
the Martyr and the Saint
the Martyr and the Saint - in Finnish
they called it trust
they called it trust [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
they called it trust [translated from Spanish, back to English]
what you could make me do
what you could make me do [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
what you could make me do [translated from Spanish, back to English]
a match
a match [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
confident women
confident women [in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
right there, by your heart
the burning
see the burning as an animated image
the burning [in Finnish]
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
you love, dear man, is as lovely
to me
chldren, churches and daddies
chldren, churches and daddies - in Finnish
farmer [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
in the air
farmer [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
one summer
slate and marrow
the flashback
the muse, the messiah
the page
the fourteenth
wedding lost
a child in the park
a stand-off
backbone family act
childhood memories one, two, three, four, five or six
christmas eve
conversations one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight
decorating the lockers
door frame
from the new orleans poems - french quarter
god eyes
he told me his dreams one,
two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight or nine
hole in the heart
from the new orleans poems - jackson
last before extinction
last before extinction [ in French ]
or [ in German
mask in Serbian
motions on the planet
my father, shooting an animal
my father, shooting an animal [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
my love for you will stay the same
- a song
other horizons
our anniversary
poam - a conversation with jimbo breen
poam - a militant man with schixophrenia
private lives one
private lives two
see the prose section for private lives three, the prose piece in this series
of writings, by going to the prose section of this listing.
private lives four
raking leaves
she told me her dreams one,
two, three, four, five or six
signs of the times
st. anthony’s medallion
from the new orleans poems - the bridge to new orleans
transcribing dreams one. two or three
two years
one of six poems about one person - waiting
for you
walking home from school
one of six poems about one person - walking
with you
one of six poems about one person - wanting
one of six poems about one person - watching
what we need in life - a
one of six poems about one person - with
one of six poems about one person - without
for the need of gun control
an art file for accounts for the
need of gun control
all the loose ends
from the plush horse stories - ask
me if i’m a truck
at least i have this
from the plush horse stories - cashews
chess game again
chicago, west side
chicago, west side [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
from the poems about mom - cocktail hour
from the poems about mom - cry for me
from the poems about mom - decorating the palm trees
domestic violenc in america - the poem that involves a nose
domestic violenc in america - the poem that involves a stick
from the poems about mom - especially at breakfast
especially at breakfast - in Norwegian
everything was alive and dying
filled with such panic
for c ra
from the plush horse stories - four syllables
gas stations and gun shops
hancock suicide, chicago, december 1994
hard of hearing
from the poems about mom - have a party
helping men in public places
here it goes again
from the plush horse stories - his mom’s car
how to please a woman
i am the woman who loves pain
i seem to know animals
i want love
i want love [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
i want love [translated from Spanish, back to English]
i want
from the plush horse stories - ice cream stain
i’m really going this time
from the plush horse stories - in a cardboard box
from the poems about mom - let’s go
letter, 4/15/95 one
letter, 4/15/95 two
letter, 4/15/95 three
letter 4/19/95
meant to be
from the poems about mom - more than stories
from the poems about mom - musical
from the poems about mom - my mothermy mothermy mother
my mothermy mothermy mother [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
new vacuum cleaner
no consequences
oh father
over my skin with such ease
in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
packing [translated from Spanish, back to English]
people’s rights misunderstood
philosopher at the blue note
packing [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
from the poems about mom - picking my friends
from the plush horse stories - please drive through
from the poems about mom - poker face
precinct fourteen
precinct fourteen [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
precinct fourteen [translated from Spanish, back to English]
resurrecting the dead
resurrecting the dead [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
resurrecting the dead [translated from Spanish, back to English]
some people want to believe
soothe me just this once
from the plush horse stories - sparkle
from the poems about mom - squid
still no answers
taking out the brain
from the poems about mom - that dress
that’s not what i’m here
the carpet factory, the shoes
the house of the forest
from the poems about mom - the missing onion
the state of the nation
the state of the nation [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
they never ask me
this is my burden
this is what it means
to be different
too far
too far [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
from the poems about mom - tuesday
from the plush horse stories - under
his jeans
from the poems about mom - watching
people play
when you’re gone
where to go
wouldn’t have to
from the poems about mom - you’ll
like them
a retired policeman talking about the suicides he’s seen.
anyone good enough
before i learned better
bizarre sexual stories in the news
Bring Her Back
burn though me
can’t answer that one
catching a moscovy
chances one - yes, it’s yes
chances two - here i am
from the poems about mom - changing the locks
couldn’t take it home
emergency room stories
flase suicide
golfing with George Eastman
hiding vices
from the poems about mom - joe putz-a-vucki
knew all along
knowing Kevorkian
make people think
Marilyn Monroe’s sex life
odd how things turn out that way.
on an airplane with a frequent flyer
on an airplane with a frequent flyer [ in French ]
[ in Spanish ]
pop a pill
probably not
realistic dreams
Russiana at a garage sale
the last time
the moon
The One At Mardi Gras
The One At Mardi Gras [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
The One At Mardi Gras [translated from Spanish, back to English]
the things warren says
this halloween
this may soud
this you don’t hate.
this you don’t hate [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
was immune
was immune [ in French ]
[ in German ]
[ in Italian ]
[ in Portuguese ]
[ in Spanish ]
from the poems about mom - watching my father die
water on the street
a man calls a
a socially accepted target
a woman talking about her rapist friend
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
all these reminders
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
and i’m wondering
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
and what i want to know
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Spanish]
andrew hettinger
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
burn it in
[in French]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
civil war
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Norwegian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
from poems with David Jarvie - climbing trees
contempt for man
content with inferior men
diane talking about her trip to mexico city
in Spanish: Diane hablando sobre su viaje a la Ciudad de México
down the drain
from poems with David Jarvie - eating
fire alarms
from poems on religion - fulfill their deepect vications
gary’s blind date
gift of matherhood one
gift of matherhood two
here is me
here is me - in Korean
i have my dreams
i have my dreams - in Braille
i have my dreams - in Greek
i must believe
i must believe - in Braille
i never took a life until i took my own
i’m always the one
i’m always the one - in Hungarian
i’m thinking about myself too much
in their homes or in the streets
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
Kurt Irons - it’s just a girl
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
Kurt Irons [translated from English to Spanish, then back to English]
lambs to heaven’s gate
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
lessons from the Simpsons
from poems with David Jarvie - losing my best friend
love has tendrils
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
[translated from English to Spanish, then back to English]
loved you the most
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
middle-class husbands and fathers
more than we should have
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
more whiskey sours
more whiskey sours - in Hungarian
from poems on religion - most accurate metaphors
never did the same
new to chicago
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
on the california streets
on the california streets - in Bulgarian
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
saving myself
saving myself - in Catalan
saving yourself
saving yourself - in Arabic
see you crawl
see you crawl - in Japanese
self-destructive - in Indonesian
from poems on religion - service of others
shame on me
she was a woman
shiny new again
from poems with David Jarvie - shopping
sorry flowers
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
statue [translated from Spanish, back to English]
take the pain
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
take the pain [translated from Spanish, back to English]
from poems on religion - thank you, women who work one
from poems on religion - thank you, women who work two
the bathroom at the green mill
the deep end
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
the measuring scale
the men at the construction site
the mistakes he made
the one you always loved
the way you tease me
[in French]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
from poems on religion - they see independently
this halloween
this is my dilemma
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
this is my dilemma [translated from Spanish, back to English]
too much light
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
too much light [translated from Spanish, back to English]
two minutes with Ayn Rand
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
use what you had
watching you eat a doughnut
ways to spend your money
what do we say
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
where i belong - written to sing to a song
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
where i belong [translated from Spanish, back to English]
who is at my side
who is at my side - in Russian
why do you
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
why i’ll never get married
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
why i’ll never get married [translated from Spanish, back to English]
women’s very existence
you and me and your girlfriend
you are
you feel more
The First Half of the Year
almost the best part
anyone good enough
being god
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
burning building
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
death takes manyforms
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
holding my hand
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
i dreamt about you last night
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
i’m not sick but i’m not well
isn’t it amazing
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
looking for a worthy adversary
[in French]
[in Italian]
[in Spanish]
mixing metaphors
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
present and past
written with chad maier - springtime
the kitchen
timing is everything
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
true happiness in the new millenium
[in French]
[in German]
[in Italian]
[in Portuguese]
[in Spanish]
weren’t even married
what women want
will be just fine
you won’t miss her
The Recovery
The Second Half of the Year
These pieces are grouped in cluster within the half year by theme. Within each stylistic section the pieces are alphabetic.
A Diamond
A Diamond - in Persian
Afraid of Telling The Truth
A Lifetime Together
All The Details
and flowers and funerals
and flowers and funerals in Croatian
And I Don’t Care
And It’s Wide
And It Was Fun
A New Idea Pretty Quick
A New Patient
Any Help At All
Are The Things That I Like
A Select Few Things
As I Recovered
A Least That’s What I Hear
A While
Bad And Good
But It Is Cute
But I Won’t
But You Know What I Mean
By Who I Don’t Know
Called Me Twice
Changing Garments
Conscious Of It
Crazy Women Talking: This Much I’ve Learned
Creatures Can Live In Worlds
Creatures Can Live In Worlds - in Hindi
Deal With That Over The Years
Did you know I was watching?
Do That For Me Then
Do You Still Want To See Me
driving car into ditch
Each Morning
Enough So Far
everyone else does it
Feel So Much
for my car or my life
For The Moment
Frisbee By The Lake
Genuinely Tired Of Looking
Get It Over With
Get Me Through My Life
Get The Idea
Getting Used To Something New
Given A Warning Early On
Going To A Rock Concert
Good Things Have Happened to Me Too
Gotten To That Part
Had A Point
Happy New Year, Janet
Hasn’t Happened Yet
Have To Ask
Have To Ask - in Bengali
Have You Ever Had
Here’s your chance
how I imagine you
How many times I’ve done it
I Blow Bubbles
I’d Laugh More
I Know It’s Not Going To Happen
I’m Not Used To That
In The Room
In The Room - in Gujarti
Is it just me
Is To Blame For It
It’s Only The Tip
I’ve Done That, So Have You
I Want More Than That
I Want More Than That - in Kannada
Janet Being Alone
Janet Spinoto, Mother of 3
a dedication piece to David Jaarvie - jarv
just goes nuts
Keep Yourself Occupied
killing the tired
Kill Yourself
Know Any Better
know how the truth is
Last Wednesday
Late for a Class
Learn To Do That Too
Like My Motto
looking out for number one
Makes Me Love To Hate You More
Make Things Better
Making Sense Out Of The Insane
Maybe That Is Enough
Maybe That Is Enough - in Gurmukhi
Maybe You Can
mean to me
Men Are Dogs Is True
My Height Any Longer
my life changing
My Lunchtime Dream
My Turn
My Wishes Come True
Needy Person
No Place
Not For Me Yet
Not Getting Better
no there isn’t
On the Flip side
On the Flip side - in Welsh
Pleasure and Pain
Pool Together Our Money
prepared for the worst
Pressure On Me Again
Princess Diana, 1 Year Later
Reads Wrong
Rhode Island Is Neither A Road Nor An Island
Rhode Island Is Neither A Road Nor An Island - in Danish
Say It In The First Place
Say It In The First Place - in Swedish
Seasons 1998
short-term advice
Slow Painful Death
So Many Lies
So Many Lies - in Sanskrit
Someone Give Me the Answers
Someone Like Me
Sometimes It’s Not
So To Speak
Supposed To Be
Supposed To Make Us Laugh
Suspend My Beliefs
take it all away
Telling What you Want And Hearing What You Want
That Adorable Together
That I Get
that we wish
The Answers
the hunter and the fox
The Same For You
the solutions to the answer
the things they did to you
The Third or fourth Fourth of September
The Third or fourth Fourth of September - in Czech
The Time To Myself
The Truth and Liars
the world
Their Crutches
Then That Too
They Know How You Feel
Things I Find Charming
Things I’ve Needed
Think About It Much
Think of It
Thinks That Through
This Halloween Again
To Get To That Point
Want That Too You Know
Want That Too You Know - in Telugu
We All Want That
well, someone is
Well, What About Me
What Do You do
What Do You do - in Papiamentu
What Have I Won
What I Go Through
What It All Means
(Not To Share My Dreams Again) - What Makes Me Real
what the truth looks like
When You Walk
When You’ve Only Got You
where i left off
Which I Like
Will You Let Me Know
Wrong Attention
Wrong Attention - in Tamil
You Know What I’m Talking About
You Remembered Too
you will
you will - in Marathi
against my will
because there’s nothing to say
becoming a woman
breaking their heart
changing your clothes
expecting the stoning
for mom
getting quite good at it
group themselves together
hope and taxes
how do i explain it - dedicated to John Yotko
i don’t want to
i must continue
if i care to break it down
learning more - a poem about my father
magnum opus
overdoing it
smart thing to do
written with John Yotko - stairs
these theories with john
trying to make this work
what are=we supposed to do
white picket fence
without you getting something
you know it
you would know if you were here
After the wreckage
the battle at hand
change my perspective
changing city
a crack in the glass
Crush/But I Won’t
my dead daughter
from the dead
do i still
i have to explain
all your fault
Gears get caught in the mud
damned green
everything is new
For Now I’ll Think
Holding My Skin Together
how women look in men’s clothing
i can hear
instead of feeling nervous
Like the Whiteness
Lost in the breeze
my second marriage
memorial day
Once Wanted You as my Friend
People’s Lives Were at Stake
praying to idols
the real bitch of it
I’m a Record now
scars 2000
Scenarios 2000
start all over
stop drop and roll
tapes the key hole
Two minutes with a decrepit idol
what it felt like
Gossip 1
Gossip 2
Gossip 3
The poem Ten Minutes was written in 2000,
but has never been published in English.
It was translated in 2003 into assorted languages.
Ten Minutes, in Dutch
Ten Minutes, in French
Ten Minutes, in German
Ten Minutes, in Italian
Ten Minutes, in Norwegian
Ten Minutes, in Portuguese
Ten Minutes, in Spanish
Two Not Mute Haikus
venture to the unknown
dreams 01-14-04
dreams 01-16-04
dreams 01-17-04
dreams 01-18-04
dreams 01-19-04 one
dreams 01-19-04 two
dreams 01-19-04 three
dreams 02-10-04
dreams 02-12-04
dreams 02-13-04
dreams 02-20-04 one
dreams 02-20-04 two
dreams 03-19-04 one
dreams 03-19-04 two
dreams 03-08-04
dreams 03-11-04
The Little Differences
Worn Out
2005 poetry
A Great American
Communication ‘05
Dreams 04/20/05
Dreams 05/26/05
Dreams 09/06/05
Dreams 09/24/05
Dream 12/24/05: Aeon Flux Crawl
Fitting the Mold
Flooded War Memories
get me out of this cage
How Do I Get There?
Key To Survival (the poem of “J”)
Love Affair With The Moon
On All Fours
marry me... whatever you are
Outsourcing the American Dream
Private Lives 2005, the elevated train, Chicago, Illinois
Suing NASA For Comet Play
The Quiet One
The Writing Of My Life
the view of the alley
Tribal Scream
We Listened
What I Would Ask
What the Hell is She Complaining About
your minions are dying
poems about news stories:
airbags - for security and defense
Anything for the Liquor Fix
Bad Tricks with the Cue Stick
Big Hair and Fire Don’t Mix
Choose Your Fate: by Knife or by Car
Cigarette Butts are Lethal
Couch Potato
doctors, breast implants and huge pectoral muscles
fast food makes finger food
God Will Save Me
hand-grenades, chainsaws and fireworks (oh my)
Internet Chainsaw Relationship
I Wanna Be Like Jesus
John Stories
lava (lamp) at a rolling boil
low-end lipo
Octopi Target McDonalds
organic sex toy
Running Toward Your Demise
Terrorism Intelligence
The Good “Doctor”
The Hands of a Handyman
the First Death of the New Millennium
the perils of lovemaking
the power of the devil
the self-knifing?
Too Many Guns
poems from past essays:
Flexible Ethics
Hanging For Justice
the Emotion in DNA
2006 poetry
Ants And Gods (AKA John’s Philosophies, part Two)
Cardboard Bending At WalMart 09/08/06
Breakfast in Las Vegas (Dreams 07/06/06 One)
Deity Discipline
Dreams 01/31/06
Dreams 02/01/06
Dreams 02/05/06
Dreams 02/06/06
Dreams 02/07/06
Dreams 02/10/06
Dreams 03/11/06 one, two and three
Dreams 03/12/06
Dreams 03/16/06
Dreams 03/21/06
Dreams 04/26/06, Stephanie Mason (the poker poem)
Dreams 04/29/06, employee written up
Dreams 04/29/06, hotel flirting
Dreams 05/03/06
Dreams 09/03/06, The Room Is A Boat 09/03/06
Dreams 09/04/06, Original High School Pot 09/04/06
Dreams 09/11/06 Incorporating Life Into Dreams
Dreams 09/14/06 Ice Cream and a Cat
Dreams 09/17/06 #1 Carting a Man in Shock
Dreams 09/17/06 #2 Dad Talking To Me
Dreams 12/28/06 #2 Jump Out of the Ship
Fit the Bill
He’s An Escapist (a haiku)
Make the Drawing Make Sense
Military Intelligence
Ninety Percent Sure (Dreams 07/06/06 One)
Physical Reactions to Emotional Traumas 09/11/06
September 11, 2001
Sweetened Sweet Potatoes (Dreams 07/27/06)
the Kuipers Name 09/02/06
The Mind of John
untitled, Father’s Day
Y-Shaped Cigarette
poems about mom
A Happy Ending To Everything
Brother, and Sister, and Father of Mine
Death Sentence
Dreams 08/30/06 — Forgot to Pack
Drinking Coffee
Every Minute I Can Get
Fifteen Minutes
Her Blood Is Evaporating
If She’s There
I’ll Push The Cart
I’m Tired
Life Can Slip Away
Listening to the Cancer Ads
Manic Depressive or Something
Mommy’s Not Leaving
My Memorials To You
Nothing Really Matters
Pain Is Weakness/Pain Is A Crutch
PDQ in Tin Foil
Planting Palm Teee Seeds
Really Physically Heal
Remembering Your Involvement
Rings Like Gravestones
She’s Going Home
She’s Made Her Choice
So Don’t Worry
So I’m Left Confused
The Last Time He Sees Her Alive
The Worst Nightmare Ever
This Isn’t Fair
This Is What It’s Reduced To Now
This is What You Leave Me
Tickle-Me Elmo
Videotaping Accident Recollections
We’re Trying
We’re Your Children
Wither Away
Your Soul is Shaking
poems written on her passing, 08/31/06:
The Messenger
Death and a Diamond Ring
Final Rally
Seven Ten, Seven Twenty
poems about mom, going to her home after her death
(sorted by date written)
from 09/01/06:
Coping With Her Leaving
Letting Time Tick By
“The Power To Tell Her”/“The Power To See Her”
Soaring So High
from 09/02/06:
The Good Ones
from 09/03/06:
It Must Have Been On Sale
Knelt and Cried
from 09/04/06:
We’re Not Making Any More Appointments
Where the Blackberries Came From
Even Though I Didn’t See It
Clouds Over Blue Sky’s
from 09/05/06:
Ingrained In Your Head
It Hurts in the Bones
Wanting to Touch a Corpse
from 09/06/06:
More Painful to Experience
Harder To Burn
from 09/08/06:
Where Else Would I Be
Making the Bed
from 09/09/06:
Flowers on the Tables
Wearing Her Jewelry
Story Telling
from 09/10/06:
Mother’s Day Flowers Forever
Keeping Christmas Ornaments
from 09/11/06:
A Little Angel Inside
Just Let Her Rest
It’s Just Not Right
from 09/14/06:
It’s Just Hard
from 09/17/06:
I Want To Get Out Of Here
about wedding Ivy her mother grew:
Everything Lives With Her (from 09/02/06)
The Death of my Ivy (from 09/07/06)
Doesn’t Like Being Alone (from 09/12/06)
2007 poetry
Cast in Stone
Dreams 01/28/07 (seeing mom)
Dreams 09/07/07
Dreams 09/08/07
Ending a Relationship (a haiku)
I’m Sure We Killed It
Falling From the Sky
Seven and Seven, plus eighteen
2008 poetry
(and you could hold me)
Canned Condolences
Couldn’t Reach It
Dreams 08/24/08
Evil Floats
From Words to Wars
Going Nowhere
I Think About These Things
Dreams 12/22/08:
the indescribable infant
is it a fish? is it an animal? is it human?
Money Became an Abstract
Now You’re Nothing To Me
the Randomness of Everything
Thirteen Seconds
Where Does The Love Go
Why I Didn’t See God
Wondering Why
2009 poetry
Aim Carefully
All I Can Capture
Bad Rhyming Poetry can be Contagious
Before Taking Over the Controls
carrying me through
dead grass fires
Don’t Go To Denny’s
eternal struggle
Faith Comes Only
Fifteen Gun-Toting Tweets
Floating Away with the Tide
Frozen Together
Hard as a Rock
he makes me think about these things
How People Interpret My Words
How You Know When You’re the Wrong Height
Knotted Hate
Let Me Be
like cheesecake
Like I Was Never There
Menu Poem
More Believable That Way
My Attempted Death
My Future Job Options
on a bike
Our Couple In Love
pock-marked molehills
Scratch the Surface
“that’s from the barbed wire”
the Cycle of Life
Trying to Change Fate
Tumbling Diaper Seeks Fresh Baby
Waiting for a Sign
witnessing hitler’s reign
you’ve already paid for this
2010 poetry
At the Camp
Bar Poem 20100423
Became a Jungle
be free of you
bitter suburbs
Build Your Own Cross
Counting Bodies
Don’t Forget to Write
Drinking Their Life Away
egg for a week
Evicted Today
Finding Faith in a Grocery Store
Fingers Black
for better or for worse
Got on the Road Again
How He Failed
hurt less then
Just Can’t Breathe
Just Let It Glide Over Me
Just Out of Reach (Edges of their Ocean)
Keep Driving
Keep me Sane
Keeps Pounding Against Walls
Keep Them Apart
labeled me again
Left with a Hole
Live in my Imagination
Loving Four
Marine Rifle Poem
no Heat in my Heart
no one will
no thank you
observer’s love poem
On Ashes
Only For One Night
Our Music
Out of my Element
out of the space program
Painted Buddhas
Passed Away
prefer things soft
Raped With Words
Somewhere Else
Spit Me Out
Swallowing Sand & Pebbles
Teaching Our Children
the greatest spectacle in racing
Thinking. I hate that.
three minutes for three dollars
You Cannot Burn Me
2011 poetry
Basic Investment Question
Beauty in the Eyes of Einstein
Before I can Put a Smile on my Face Again
Before it Occurred to Me
Broke the Reflection
Conflicting Convictions
Dentist in Iraq (twitter-length poem)
Eat Me Alive
Elephants Carry the World
Eleven and Two, plus Eight
End of an Empire
Envision It in the Night Sky
Escape My Brain Somehow
Escaping Every Cage
Even With no Wish Bone (vegetarian Thanksgiving poem, with haiku verses)
film the cheerleaders
Gonna Break
Human Construct of Time
In These Times
It’s Someone’s Job
keep looking for death
Letting Ourselves Go
Look at the Downs
Made Any Difference
mechanical soldiers (twitter-length poem)
My First Time
My New Grocery List (twitter-length poem)
No Compunction
On a Downtown Chicago Light Pole (twitter-length poem)
On a High Horse Like This
one by one, the beech trees fell
On This Ride (a “two tweet” twitter-length poem)
our lady of humility’s hypocrisy (twitter-length poem)
refuse in a single church
Ruminating (twitter-length poem)
Skittery (“two tweet” twitter-length poem)
Supposed to Make Sense
Universe... Now In Color
Update 2011 on the Man who Loved me
Upstage Everyone Else
Us, Actually Touching&
You Carried It
You’ve Killed Me
you’ve left me on Siesta Beach
poetry compiled from 2006 poetry about the passing of her mother
(for an October 2011 show, performing with the HA!man of South Africa):
Remembering Death
poetry converted from 1994 prose:
dreams turned into nightmares
poetry converted from 2005 prose:
From Orpheus to Nuking the Moon
Travel Through Space
2012 poetry
Aluminum (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Americium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Argon (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Arsenic (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Barium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Been a World Leader
Beryllium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Bimbo (twitter-length poem)
Building Houses out of Pallets
Calcium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Carbon (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Chlorine (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Chromium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Cliques Gathered Together (from the “Depression... The singles” series)
cocoon i’ve created
Communication 2012
Copernicium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Copper (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
couldn’t (twitter-length poem)
couldn’t (twitter-length poem, with no spaces)
Depression (from the “Depression... The singles” series)
Dreams 12/3/12
Dreams 12/6/12
Dysprosium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
eight people outside (twitter-length poem)
Einsteinium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Enough’s Enough
Etched into that Tombstone
Etiquette for Tattooing Thigh “Bracelets”
Ever Be
Ever Consumed Goat
Ever Expanding Spaces (twitter-length poem)
Ever Since You Got Me (from the “This poem is about...” series)
Everyone Else
Everyone Has a Choice
Everything Else Falls Away
Excuses to Ignore me (twitter-length poem)
Excuses to Ignore me (twitter-length poem, with no spaces)
exposed ankles (twitter-length poem)
exposed ankles (twitter-length poem, with no spaces)
Fake Face (from the “Depression... The singles” series)
Feel Comfortable (from the “This poem is about...” series)
Fit Together Like That (twitter-length poem)
Fluorine (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
found poem (twitter-length poem about former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevic)
found poem from a New Jersey mom (twitter-length poem)
Francium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Games We Play
Garret’s Lament
Germanium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Get His Product to Town
Glomming off the Wrestling World
Goblins on Top of the Bus
Good Escape (from the “This poem is about...” series)
Goth Girl Photographer (twitter-length poem)
Goth Girl Photographer (two-tweet twitter-length poem, with no spaces)
Gouge Out Their Eyes (from the “This poem is about...” series)
grandmother charged with murder
Grinning from Ear to Ear
Guantanamo Bay (twitter-length poem)
Guantanamo Bay (two-tweet twitter-length poem, with no spaces)
guzzling drug cocktails with champagne
Helium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Helium Addiction (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Hollow for so Long Already (from the “This poem is about...” series)
Hunt the Game (twitter-length poem)
Hydrogen (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Inches Above the Ground
Iridium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Iron (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Jack, Charles, Michael
Jaw Gets Sore (twitter-length poem)
Jaw Gets Sore (two-tweet twitter-length poem, with no spaces)
Jet Puffed
Just Beyond Those Front Doors
Just Making Face After Face
Just Saw a Circa (twitter-length poem)
Kill the Vermin
Know what I know (from the “Depression... The singles” series)
Know You
Know You Only Got Me (from the “This poem is about...” series)
Koala Porn (twitter-length poem)
Krypton (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Lead (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Lithium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Livermorium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Love Affair With The Moon 2012
Lutetium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Magnesium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
melted marshmallow (twitter-length poem)
melted marshmallow (twitter-length poem, with no spaces)
Mercury (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Missed the Clicks and Scratches
Momento Mori
Moros y Christianos
Mother’s Day 2012
My Kind of Town
Neon (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Neptunium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Nickel (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Nitrogen (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Nobelium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Now That You Got Me (from the “This poem is about...” series)
Obama on the Subway (twitter-length poem)
Occupy (twitter-length poem)
once i saw (twitter-length poem)
once i saw (twitter-length poem, with no spaces)
One of the Carts
Only Occasionally (twitter-length poem from the “This poem is about...” series)
On that Summer Day (from the “Depression... The singles” series)
On Their Way
Opening Our Own Doors (twitter-length poem)
Opening Our Own Doors (twitter-length poem, with no spaces)
Osmium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Over and Over Again
Overloaded with Liabilities
Over Their Coffins
Overweight Reasons
Oxygen (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
oxygen bars (twitter-length poem)
oxygen bars (twitter-length poem, with no spaces)
Palladium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Part of my Pain (from the “This poem is about...” series)
Phosphorus (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Photo Studio Packages
Pistol Case (from the “Depression... The singles” series)
Platinum (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Plutonium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Pork Skins (twitter-length poem)
Potassium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Poverty in America (twitter-length poem)
Promethium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Protect Ourselves from Ourselves
Push Your Button (from the “This poem is about...” series)
Quenching Anybody’s Thirst
Quiet for a While (from the “This poem is about...” series)
Quitting is Always an Option
Radon (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Really Do Drive like Madmen
Selenium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Silicon (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Silver (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Sodium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Sulfur (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Surviving the Apocalypse (twitter-length poem)
Surviving the Apocalypse (twitter-length poem, with no spaces)
Tired of Trying (from the “Depression... The singles” series)
Tungsten (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Under my Fingers (from the “This poem is about...” series)
Under Your Total Control (from the “This poem is about...” series)
Uneven Ground Beneath my Feet
Ununoctium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Ununpentium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Ununseptium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Uranium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Us Creative Types
Vegetarian Stands by the Meat Sale
Vengeful Phone (twitter-length poem)
Worth Something
Y Chromosome Missing
Yeah, the Passion
You Moved from Island to Island
You Are a Force
You Repel Me
John Yotko’s editing of the poem “You Are a Force”
to give it the exact opposite meaning
Zach Makes Me Think About These Things (twitter-length poem)
Zinc (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Zirconium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
2013 poetry
Actinium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Aluminum {April Fool’s Edit} (an edited poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Alumium? Aluminium? Aluminum? (a bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Antimony (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Astatine (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Astatine in a Fantastic Car Crash (a bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Beauty in the Eyes of Einsteinium (a bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Bismuth (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Boron from the Big Bang (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Bromine (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Cadmium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Californium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Cerium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Cesium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Curium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Darmstadtium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Dilithium (a bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
DNA and Carbon, in Asteroids (oh my) (a bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Dreams 2/20/04 two, for Charlie Trotter 11/5/13
Each Half is the Enemy
Europium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
even if the pope claims it (twitter-length poem)
explaining what condoms are for (twitter-length poem)
Eyes are Blurred to the Battlefield
Fermium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
filed under fiction (twitter-length poem)
Flerovium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Flying to China (twitter-length poem)
Foreign Farmer (twitter-length poem)
Holmium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Hydrogen Cyanide (a bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
from Hydrogen to Nothing (a bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Gadolinium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Gallium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Gold (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Indium (a bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Iodine (a bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Iron in my Eyes (a bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Jumping from the Skyline to the Clouds
Just Cave In
knew what he was talking about
Lawrencium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Looking for a Worthy Adversary (an extreme sestina variation)
Lost my Breath (twitter-length poem)
Manganese (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Mendelevium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
middle eastern man in front of me
Molybdenum (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
My brain was
Neodymium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Niobium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Nitrogen in my veins (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Objectifiable (twitter-length poem)
Okay, it’s all about the Oxygen (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Oklahoma water-surfing (twitter-length poem)
Old Star, New elemental Tricks (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
One Summer Traveled
Only Searching
Our Lady of Mercy (twitter-length poem)
Out Of Place (Dreams 12/3/13)
Polonium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Praseodymium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Radium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Rhodium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Roentgenium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Rubidium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Ruthenium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Samarium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Scandium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
shoe prints on the toilet seat (twitter-length poem)
Smelling Sulphur on Nine One One (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Strontium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Tantalum (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Technetium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Tellurium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Terbium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Thulium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Tin (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Titanium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Touching Cobalt (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Tritium (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Ugly babies need the most love (twitter-length poem)
unclean left hands
Under Constant Supervision
until the next truck comes (twitter-length poem)
Ununtrium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Vanadium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
White Phosphorus (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Xenon (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
You Can’t Tell (twitter-length poem)
Ytterbium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Yttrium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
2014 poetry
addiction (haiku, on Twitter)
Ants and Crosses (haiku, on Twitter)
Arsenic and Syphilis (bonus haiku from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series, on Twitter)
barbed (haiku, on Twitter)
bear (haiku, on Twitter)
behind (haiku, on Twitter)
Berkelium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
blood (haiku, on Twitter)
Bohrium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
bruised (haiku, on Twitter)
cage (haiku, on Twitter)
can’t get you (haiku, on Twitter)
census (haiku, on Twitter)
choke (haiku, on Twitter)
civil (haiku, on Twitter)
clogged (haiku, on Twitter)
close (haiku, on Twitter)
coincidence? (haiku, on Twitter)
console (haiku, on Twitter)
defenses (haiku, on Twitter)
Depth of Field
destroy (haiku, on Twitter)
Diburnium (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
difference (haiku, on Twitter)
Dubnium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
easy (haiku, on Twitter)
eight ball answers all (performance art for 10/7/14 Chicago improvisation show)
Eight to Sixteen
elusive (haiku, on Twitter)
end (haiku, on Twitter)
ends (haiku, on Twitter)
enemies (haiku, on Twitter)
energy (haiku, on Twitter)
Erbium (poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
errors (haiku, on Twitter)
escape (haiku, on Twitter)
everyone (haiku, on Twitter)
eventually (haiku, on Twitter)
evil (haiku, on Twitter)
existence (haiku, on Twitter)
explosions (haiku with bonus line, on Twitter)
extinct (haiku, on Twitter)
fader, his mädchen and the Führer
faith (haiku, on Twitter)
falling (haiku, on Twitter)
feel (haiku, on Twitter)
fit (haiku, on Twitter)
floor (haiku, on Twitter)
fog (haiku, on Twitter)
force (haiku, on Twitter)
forever (haiku, on Twitter)
form (haiku, on Twitter)
fought (haiku, on Twitter)
found (haiku, on Twitter)
found haiku (haiku, on Twitter)
free (haiku, on Twitter)
G Block (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
gone (haiku, on Twitter)
greatest (haiku, on Twitter)
groove (haiku, on Twitter)
guide (haiku, on Twitter)
Hafnium (poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Hassium (poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
heaviness (haiku, on Twitter)
hold (haiku, on Twitter)
holding hands (expanded, extreme sestina variation)
humans (haiku, on Twitter)
instead (haiku, on Twitter)
I started writing this poem when
jabbed into an open nerve
“Jimbo” (haiku, on Twitter)
job (haiku, on Twitter)
jobless (haiku, on Twitter)
John’s Mind (haiku, on Twitter)
judge (haiku, on Twitter)
jumped (haiku, on Twitter)
JY asks (a two haiku twitter-length poem)
keep (haiku, on Twitter)
Keeping a Record of Going Too Far (audition performance of a 2-poem adaptation)
key (haiku, on Twitter)
kids wielding freedom and sin
kill (haiku, on Twitter)
kindness (haiku, on Twitter)
knees (haiku, on Twitter)
knife (haiku, on Twitter)
know (haiku, on Twitter)
knowing (haiku, on Twitter)
labor (haiku, on Twitter)
Lanthanum (poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
last (haiku, on Twitter)
life (haiku, on Twitter)
Lord Have Mercy
lost (haiku, on Twitter)
love (haiku, on Twitter)
Meitnerium (poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
mirror (haiku, on Twitter)
misogyny (haiku, on Twitter)
mister (haiku, on Twitter)
much (haiku, on Twitter)
My brain was
need (haiku, on Twitter)
nightmares (haiku, on Twitter)
Observing Theories of the Universe
octopi and brains (haiku, on Twitter)
octopi and dogs (haiku, on Twitter)
of his thirst (haiku, on Twitter)
oil (haiku, on Twitter)
on Witnessing the Icy Graveyard (twitter-length poem)
only (haiku, on Twitter)
on the back of a touring bike
opening (haiku, on Twitter)
organs (haiku, on Twitter)
ourselves (haiku, on Twitter)
out (haiku, on Twitter)
outsourcing the American dream 2014 edit
out there (haiku, on Twitter)
over (haiku, on Twitter)
pant (haiku, on Twitter)
pet (haiku, on Twitter)
Pleading (haiku, on Twitter)
Potassium Chloride (bonus haiku from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
predator (haiku, on Twitter)
progress (haiku, on Twitter)
Protactinium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Questioning Atoms through Inference (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
Questioning Religion, Father and Son
Red Phosphorus (bonus poem from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
relegated (haiku, on Twitter)
rescue (haiku, on Twitter)
Rhenium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
run (haiku, on Twitter)
Rutherfordium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
scorches (haiku, on Twitter)
Seaborgium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
sort (haiku, on Twitter)
stagger (haiku, on Twitter)
Star Trek, Star Wars and Storm Troopers
sting (haiku, on Twitter)
strike (haiku, on Twitter)
study (haiku, on Twitter)
Thallium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
this is only a test (haiku, on Twitter)
Thorium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
timing (haiku, on Twitter)
Translation (2014 haiku) (haiku, on Twitter)
universe (haiku, on Twitter)
upturn (haiku, on Twitter)
Value from Nothingness (a two-tweet poem)
violent affair
years (haiku, on Twitter)
you (haiku, on Twitter)
2015 poetry
Bases Loaded
Before Taking Over the Controls (2015 edit)
bored the night before 9/11 (a twitter-length poem)
Change (2015 edit)
choice (haiku, on Twitter)
cover (haiku, on Twitter)
don’t (haiku, on Twitter)
drowning (haiku, on Twitter)
each of you carry one body each
Earth is a Topiary
eating slices of white bread
Empty Chocolate Counter
entering courtroom 101
Entering the Lake of Fire
entire town’s baseball team
Eugene’s limit
even got to first base
ever leave me
extend (haiku, on Twitter)
extinct, like the dodo
extinct on planet earth
final rally 2015 edit
Full Stop
Fuming in the Morning
grandmother charged with murder (2015 edit)
imprisoned / ignorance (haiku, on Twitter)
It Hurts in the Bones 2015 edit
jihadists and astrophysics
jog hurt
Just Desperation
just you
kinds of interference
Koi Ponds and Concrete
Lucille Ann (haiku, on Twitter)
melted marshmallow (2015 edit)
new to chicago (2015 baseball edition)
Nitrium (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
of independence or freedom
old school and high-tech monuments
one and six
one oh one destruction instructions: a man calls a woman
one oh two destruction instructions: self-destructive
one oh three destruction instructions: run faster
one twenty fifteen destruction instructions: on destroying a relationship
one twenty fifteen destruction instructions: use drones to kill
one, two, three strikes you’re out
only option is fighting
only philosophy
Open Book
operation diligence
Other Souls
Outer Space and the Sound of Silence
oxygen to flame the fire
PDQ in Tin Foil (2015 edit)
poor (haiku, on Twitter)
Quoting twitter with a found haiku (haiku, on Twitter)
red matter
Reduced To Now
Shared Air
Somebody’s Scoring Somewhere
Story Telling (part one)
Story Telling (the end)
the Messenger 2015 edit
Time, Time, Time, See What’s Become of Me
uncuffed and printed
Under his Bed
unique noise
unless (haiku, on Twitter)
unless it happens to you
unmarried women and dead bodies everywhere
untitled 6/11/15 (two-tweet poem)
Utopia Planitia, Titan and the Kuiper Belt
Visakhapatnam (haiku, on Twitter)
X-rays and broken hearts
Young Dreams from a Potential Legend
2016 poetry
a Great American (2016 edit)
brewery (haiku, on Twitter)
Dilemmas in Gift Giving
Earth was Crying
endings bring light
Escaping rapeugees
Ever Get It Back (Twitter-length poem)
Every Soul Celebrates
Everyone Celebrates Together
everything is my home
Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 cruelty to animals edition)
Everything was Alive and Dying (2016 political edit)
ex boyfriends became goldfish
Excuses for Skipping Work
Exempt from the Draft
exhaling toxic fumes
Job of being Homeless
Jumping from the Mausoleum
Just By Holding His Hand (extreme 2016 sestina variation)
just to be on the safe side
Juxtaposition, or Irony?
keep flying into death
Kinds of Torture
knowing and lurking for eons
Life got in the Way
Marilyn Monroe Falling Through the Cracks
New Beginnings: getting married to my knight in shining armor
newspaper ink’s the blood of a dying species
nobody finds me (“two tweet” Twitter-length poem)
Oh, She Was a Woman
On Becoming a Woman
One Spring
Only an Observer
open flame for the celebration
opposite (Twitter-length poem)
origin, from the macro to the micro
or my happiness, or my life
or my happiness, or my life
Over the Cracks (I Don’t Need You)
Pluto, Plutonium & Death (from the “Periodic Table of Poetry” series)
QLG 647
Queen ISIS battling for peace)
Questioning Creativity through the Cosmos
Questions and Tension
Quibbling over Religion
Quieted Soul
Quiver with no Home
Saving Fingers and Scooping Ice Cream
The State of the Nation (2016 edit)
True Happiness in the New Millennium (2016 edit)
Ultimate Connectivity: a bird in the band
Ultimate Connectivity: aches and pains
Ultimate Connectivity: disconnect to reconnect
Ultimate Connectivity: forgetting fear and feeling free
Ultimate Connectivity: getting naked with nature
Ultimate Connectivity: how coffee can be relaxing
Ultimate Connectivity: swimming with the fishes
Ultimate Connectivity: trying to separate peace from war
Understanding what’s Crazy
Vanishing Scars
Viewing the Woman in a 19th Century Photograph
violence and peace both work
Violence There
Visions were Justified
You Know What I’m Talking About (2016 grateful edition)
2017 poetry
Autumn (2017 Dripping Springs / Bahá’í Faith Center edit)
brain (haiku, on Twitter)
Burn It In (reaching the end edit)
control (haiku, on Twitter)
earth (haiku, on Twitter)
Earth was Alive and Dying
Echo in my Mind
elusive imaginary creature
eminence (haiku, on Twitter)
enemy (haiku, on Twitter)
enjoy (haiku, on Twitter)
Entering the War Room
erasure poem: a Declaration of Female Freedom
erasure poem: a Poetic History
erasure poem: corner stone against slavery
erasure poem: Hitler and Art
erasure poem: ‘One of the Most Hated Women in America’
escape (haiku, on Twitter)
essence (haiku, on Twitter)
Every Street Corner
everyday objects equals performance art
Evolving, Connecting and Confounding
exterior (haiku, on Twitter)
ghosts (haiku, on Twitter)
Haiku (poet) (haiku, on Twitter)
I’m not sick but I’m not well (Future Imperfect edit)
Job that Only Paid the Bills
jumped (2017 haiku, on Twitter)
Jumping, Flying
just one book
Just Thinking About It
Keeping the Peace and Coming to Peace
Kick Someone Out
Killing the Survivor Bug
Knew I Had to be Ready
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls
lost (haiku, on Twitter)
Mapping the Way to True Love
Marry you in Autumn
My Brain Was (2017 Streamline)
oceans (haiku, on Twitter)
Ocean’s Call to Dive
only choice is to build
Only Half the Story
Only Voice He Could Hear
on the Bridge
optimizing your odds
Original Snowbirds
our futures
Poem About This (twitter-length poem, on Twitter)
Political Merry-Go-Round
Protecting Peace can Put you in Prison
quarrel (haiku, on Twitter)
Queen of Multimedia for a reason
Quell the Vibrancy
Quivering against the Invading Enemy
Really Physically Heal (2017 edit)
Returning to Georgetown
rush (haiku, on Twitter)
Sepia Leaves
soul (haiku, on Twitter)
The Truth Is Out There
True Happiness in the New Millennium (2017 Dripping Springs edit)
unbounded (haiku, on Twitter)
Underwater and Swimming
uphill (haiku, on Twitter)
upside-down (haiku, on Twitter)
Utopia never happened
Verge on Meditation
violation (haiku, on Twitter)
Visiting Pristine Places on the Planet
Who What Where When Why
x-raying metal under my skin
xeric (haiku, on Twitter)
yearning to break free
Years, Centuries, Eons
You and I, Walking through Georgetown
Your Imaginary Soul Weighs 21 Grams
you were meant (twitter-length poem, on Twitter)
Zenith of the Night Sky
Zoo / Putting on a Show
2018 poetry
aflame (haiku on Twitter and instagram)
Bamboo (poem on Facebook)
Brittle (poem on on Twitter post and instagram)
dreams (haiku on Twitter and instagram)
ever since my childhood (poem on Twitter and instagram)
ever was in real life (poem on Twitter and instagram)
Every Step (poem on Twitter and instagram)
Eyes (poem on instagram)
For Far Too Many Years (verses 1, 2, and 3 on Twitter)
Hunting for Life (two tweet poem, on Twitter)
keyboard (haiku on instagram)
left living (on Twitter and instagram)
(Less Than) Two Minutes With Ayn Rand
like nothing ever happened
Meningitis, Six Feet Under
nonetheless (poem on Twitter and instagram)
One Year After, the Icing on the Cake (poem on instagram)
our differences (poem on on Twitter and instagram)
popular and useless
Quenching Chemically (poem on Twitter and instagram)
quote unquote love for your government (3 tweet poem, on Twitter)
right direction (poem on Twitter and instagram)
The Things They Did to You (5/8/18 edit)
Violations in the name of love
Violations tested (3 tweet poem, on Twitter)
Xynotyro: It’s Not Ricotta
2019 poetry
after (haiku on Instagram and Twitter)
Aluminum Becomes Priceless poem on Facebook, via Twitter
Americium in Smoke Detectors poem on Facebook and Twitter
Antimony: Sordid and Violent poem on Facebook and Twitter
Argon like my Exes poem on Facebook and Twitter
Arsenic is the Cure poem on Facebook and Twitter
Ask Me if I’m a Truck (2019 April Fool’s Day edit) (on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr)
A Storyteller’s Dilemma (on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)
Barium Dateline poem on Facebook and Twitter
Became a Circus
Because of Fire
Beryllium Shimmers poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Bolt of Lightning poem on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr
Boron’s Birth poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Bromine’s Assault poem on Facebook and Twitter
Bronze Sculptures will Crumble to Pieces
Burned into these Nightmares with a Pen
Burning Building (Day of Silence edit)
Cadmium and Cancer poem on Facebook and Twitter
Calcium, Osteoporosis and Meat poem on Facebook and Twitter
Carbon Based Life Forms poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Carbon Copy poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Cesium for Certainty poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Tumblr
Check your Beliefs at the Door
Check Your Clock
Chlorine: the Good and the Bad poem on Facebook and Twitter
Chromium Shine poem on Facebook and Twitter
Cobalt Goblins poem on Facebook and Twitter
Copper in your Mouth poem on Facebook and Twitter
Dance Among the Ashes linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr
Dear Diary
Death Takes Many Forms (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)
Didn’t Think Anything of It
Dreams 2/3/19
Each Trigger Pull
Earrings Glow on the Beach
Earthly Gravitational Bond to the Moon highlighted on Twitter and Instagram and tumblr
Easier and Easier
Eat your vegetables, be a proper girl
Eat Your Words poem on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr
Edith’s Lament
Eighteen and Eight, Plus Eighteen: Where We’ve Been and What We’ve Seen poem on Instagram and Twitter
Elaborate Exaltation poem on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and Tumblr
Eleven Days
Eliminating the Endangered Species List
Emperor Assassinations and Partisan Politics
Emphatic One
Ending It with Alexa poem on Instagram and Twitter
ends of the earth poem on Instagram and Twitter
Engineering with Creativity
Enshrined poem on facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Enticing Whirling Darkness
Equality for Women
Equality Manifesto
Escape to Peace
Escaping the Atmosphere Any Way we Can
Etching, Scribbling, Drawing
Eternal Never Ending Now
Eternal Salvation in Hieroglyphics
Ethical Thing to Do
Europa and Ganymede Calling
Even if Only (dreams 4/15/19)
Evening Sea of Sacred Poetry poem on facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Ever Felt Safe
Every Day is Sweetest Day
Everyone is to Blame
Everyone Will React
Everything Was Alive And Dying (12/8/19 studio TV show recording)
Evil is Tricky
Evolving with Mutant Genes
Expand and Save Yourselves
Exploited Color in Books
Exploit the Island
Explorers at Heart
Explore your Imagination
Exploring Evolution
Explosive Energy poem on Instagram and Twitter
Extension of “Him”
Extension of Violence, Cute as a Button
Extra Blade
Exude more in Black linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr
Feeling of False Ownership
Fiction Becomes Nonfiction poem on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr
Fighting for Freedom on Christmas
Fluorine Crystalizes poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Following in the Footsteps of Genius
Freedoms of Speech we can Agree With
from Looking for a Worthy Adversary
from Visiting Pristine Places on the Planet
Gallium Anticipation poem on Facebook and Twitter
Genesis One
Genesis Two and Three
Genesis Four: Cain and Abel, and sin from killing
Genesis Six-Nine: an Apocalypse/Doomsday Prepper’s Take
Genesis Eleven: the Tower of Babble
Genesis Eighteen to Nineteen
Genesis Twenty-Two
Genesis Twenty-Three
Genesis Twenty-Eight
Genesis Thirty-Seven
Genesis Forty and Forty-One
Genesis Forty-Two and Forty-Three
Genesis Forty-Four
Genesis Forty-Five
Genesis Forty-Nine
Germanium: We Would Never Survive poem on Facebook and Twitter
Glacial Ice Haiku / extreme Sestina variation on Instagram and Twitter
Helium Addict poem on Facebook and Twitter
Helium Rising poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Hide from the World poem on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr
Hydrogen Cyanide Escape poem on Facebook and Twitter
Hydrogen: One Against One poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Hydrogen: One On One poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Hydrogen Three: Glow for Me poem on Facebook and Twitter
Hydrogen to Nothing poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
imagination haiku on Instagram and Twitter
Indium, trying to get through poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Iodine on the X Files poem on Facebook and Twitter
Iron Bloodied Eyelids poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Iron, Filtered In poem on Facebook and Twitter
Jails Almost Broke Me
Jet Stream of Water: dreams 3/9/19
Joining the Grave-Robbing Crew
Join Me
Journalists Revealing the World
Journals Extinguished
Journeys on a Train
Judged on Looks
Judging the Chicago Seven
Jumping Genes, & the Infiltration of my DNA
Jupiter Revealing Neptune
Just a Little Crazy , via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Just Let Me Have My Space haiku on Instagram and Twitter
Just Made the Choice
Just Names linked on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Just one Day, Let a Girl Dream
Just Read a Book
Just so Others can Feel
Just the Right Words
Just to Craft
Just too High for Just one Man
Just Who May Try to Stop Us
Juxtaposition we Experience
Karma and Lollipops
Katie haiku on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Keep Looking for Hope
Keep Looking Happy
Keep Our Country and Save Ourselves
Keeps Repeating poem on Instagram and Twitter
Keep Your Chin Up
Kept my Eye on You poem on Facebook & Twitter & Instagram & tumblr
Kept Religion out of Politics
Key Imprisonment and Poetry
Key to a Storyline
Killing is our Only Option
Killing, Loving, and the Power of Women
Killing Women for Healing linked on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Kill Us for Our Beliefs
Kill with Impunity
Kind of like a City poem highlighted on Instagram, Twitter, and tumblr
Knew the Word
Know Completeness poem on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr
Knowing a Mastery of Poetry
Knowingly Live, Purposely Live
Knowing Panic Becomes a Picnic
Known for my Poetry
Know Peace and Rise to Power
Know they are Loved
stray cat excerpt on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.
house cat excerpt in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.
Know What Planet She’s From
Know When to Play is Safe
Krypton, Messed With poem on Facebook and Twitter
Kuiper Belt Ferryman
Language poem on Instagram and Twitter
Lawyering can Lead to Leading the Country
Learning how Love Lasts
Learning More (2020 edit)
Lithium Desperation poem on Facebook and Twitter
Listen to Life poem on Instagram and Twitter
Lost Cross
Magnesium Burn poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Magnificent Desolation
Manganese Growing poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
March Forth
Meitnerium: For All We Women Must Do poem on Facebook and Twitter
Memorial Day 2019 edit poem on Instagram and Twitter
Molybdenum’s War Inside poem on Facebook and Twitter
nature I haiku poem on Instagram and Twitter
Neon in the Air poem on Facebook, via Twitter
Nickel the Demon poem on Facebook and Twitter
Niobium’s Demise poem on Facebook and Twitter
Nitrogen Needs poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Noble Cause
No Bother
No One Will Forget
Not Knowing poem on Instagram
Obfuscate the Truth
Object to Slavery while Protecting Slave Labor
Oh, the book is Better than the Movie
Old Stomping Grounds
Ominous Day poem on Instagram and Twitter
Once Again Regain our Humanity
Once Craned my Neck
Once They were Moved to This Foreign Land
Once You Found Fame
One hundred-fifty years. What did we learn.
One With Wildlife
One Would be Chosen
Only Certain People
Only find our Roots
Only Man on Earth
Only Nineteen
Only Remember Fragments
On This Day
Onto a Page
Opened the Door for All
Opens the Way poem on Instagram and Twitter
Opportunity from Freedom
Opportunity to Share Globally
Oppression on Every Front
Orange Clouds and Blood-Red Sunsets
Order in the Chaos
Original Sin and Unholy Ways
Ornaments from my Childhood
Oscar the Grouch and the Recycle Nazi
Other People’s Worlds
Other Side
Others Kill For Us
Otherwise Forget Life
Otherwise Reigned Supreme
Our Color, Our Gender, Our Creed
Our Demons Can Mark Us
Our Excuses for Celebrating
Our Population, Our Pain, and Our Growth
Our Waste in Space
Out of Wedding Dresses
Over a Year Away
Over Hazardous Land
Over the Lives
Overtake Me
Overturn the Futility
Oxygen Feeds poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Oxygen Save Me poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Oxygen: The Price is Right poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Palladium, Ouro Podre poem on Facebook and Twitter
People Forget Politics
Phosphorus Balance poem on Facebook and Twitter
Phosphorus: Strike That, Red poem on Facebook and Twitter
Phosphorus: Willie Pete poem on Facebook and Twitter
Pickle History was No Matter
Plot and Wait poem on Instagram and twitter)
Plutonium: the Fat Man on the Scene poem on Facebook and Twitter)
Poetry on a Stick
Polymath in the Making
Potassium and Chef Boyardee poem on Facebook and Twitter
Precariously Balance
Prescribe them Something, Anything poem on Instagram and Twitter
quake haiku poem on Instagram and Twitter
Qualms with a Headache
Quantum of Evidence
Quarrel over the Constitution
Quartermaster General, Burying Bodies
Queasy Feeling poem on Instagram and Twitter, written on World Sword Swallowers Day
Queen, Decapitated
Queen of the Night Sky
Queens Rule
Quenched Bloodlust
Quesadich in our Underworld
Quest Beyond an Icy Tail
Queueing in Line and Shaping Your Life
Quickly Judged
Quickly, Life Can Turn poem on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr
Quiet as a Painting
Quignogs: make Someday Today
Quilled for Poets
Quintessential Symbol
Quiver in Thought
Quote Unquote Holiday for us Beer Drinkers
Radium’s Faint Light poem on Facebook and Twitter
Rhodium’s Flava Flav poem on Facebook and Twitter
Rubidium Deep Red Explosions poem on Facebook and Twitter
Ruthenium for Free poem on Facebook and Twitter
Scandium, Held Tightly poem on Facebook and Twitter
Selenium Mixing poem on Facebook and Twitter
Silicon Implants poem on Facebook and Silicon Complete poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Silicon Implants poem on Facebook and Twitter
Silicon: the Taco Meat Filling poem on Facebook and Twitter
Silver from Vegas poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Sledgehammers and Cheers
Sodium: Worth your Weight poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Strontium Save Me poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Such a Surreal, Ephemeral Feel
Sulfur, Suddenly on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Technetium’s Inner Glow poem on Facebook and Twitter
Tellurium so High in the Sky poem on Facebook and Twitter
Tin Foil Hats on Tin Pan Alley poem on Facebook and Twitter
Titanium for Spies poem on Facebook and Twitter
Touch (2019 edit) poem on Instagram and Twitter
Uncharted Land
Unchecked Electricity
Underground History
Under Our Own Feet
Underscore for the Battles
Understanding Terrorism’s Interior
Understand the Power
Undulating Nexus
United We Wonder
Unity for Humanity
Unlocking History, One Asteroid at a Time
Unprovable Stories
Unraveling Two More Moons
Unrestrained Opportunity, and Fighting for Freedom
Until all the Pieces Connect
Until I Get a Chance
Until They Talked of Galvanism
Unwind and Revere Yourself
Up for the Challenge
Uphill Battles lead to Changing it Up
Uprising for Revolution
Uranium Flexing on Facebook and Twitter
Urine and Fireworks
Use Your Mind
Usual Conquest Style
Vacuum of Space
Vagary to not only Dream
Vaguely Crafted Verses
Valentine’s Day, Every Day
Valkyrie attempts
Value of π
Value of What Money Does
Vampires and Blood-Sucking Mosquitos Alike
Vanadium: Beauty with Mettle poem on Facebook and Twitter
Van can See the Blood
Vanishing Psycho in the Rear Window
Vanity Plates saying NO WAR
Vanquished by the Sleeping Giant
Vase of Tulips on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr
Vastness of Just the right Moon
Vatican Turned into a Whorehouse
Vaulted to Silhouette the Sky
Vegetarians, One Meal at a Time poem based on a Twitter post, and referenced in a twitter and Instagram post
Veins Burn Blue with Greatness
Venezuela was Mowed Down by Tanks poem linked on Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr
Verdant Green
Versatile Females in Athletics
Verses on Display
Versus Eating Death Daily
Vessel to Spread the Word
Vibrations Echo
Victims of Violence for Lending a Hand
Victory Day, after Midnight
Video Killed the Radio Star
Village is Complete with a Community
Violent Endeavour
Visiting and Seeing the Signs
Voice and Word
Volumes in Flames while the Spirit Lives
Volumes of Philosophical Masterpieces
Voluptuous, and Intelligent Too
Vortex Sucks Us In
Vortexes Indenting our World
Waiting to Take the Plunge
We Didn’t Start the Fire
Who I Was Supposed to Be (dreams 10/31/19)
Xanthoxenite in St. Mary Lake
Xboba Ancestors
Xenon & PTSD, to Fight that Spiral
Xenon, Stranger than Strange poem on Facebook and Twitter
Xenophobic Sociopaths and the Delusional Recluse
Xeryus Colognes, Aromas, and Scents
Xtc from Found “Candy”
Xylograph: My Story Must be Free
Xyresic Flames
Xystus to Foundation
Yes, For Our Future Too
Yoga Accepts
You are Born to Do
You Don’t Expect It
You Do What You’re Told
Your Burden
Your Essence
You’ve Tucked us Women Away
Yttrium, Seeping poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Zap My Will
Zealots Intentions
Zeal was Unbridled poem on Instagram and Twitter
Zeus and Jupiter’s Children
Zinc as Philosopher’s Wool poem on Facebook and Twitter
Zircon, Gemstones, Baubles and Bling
Zirconium Brilliance poem on Facebook and Twitter
Zones of Comfort and Taking a Chance
Zoos, Big Brains and Opposable Thumbs
Zouk or Xibelani
Zucchini Versus Sausage: different choices today
Zynski’s Manifesto
Boron nitride stretching poem on Facebook and Twitter
Communication (2020 edit)
Death takes many forms. (Concrete Mist edition)
dimensional shift
Do the Dead Still Live
Elementary, the Coronavirus poem on Facebook and Twitter
Española Lore
Everything Was Alive And Dying (Oz Hardwick edit)
Exactly Where She Belonged (dreams 2/29/20)
Exposed and Abandoned (dreams 3/24/20)
found pandemic haiku
from Other Souls
I never took a life until I took my own, part II, “the martyr”
Iron Leaking out of Earth
jar for my beating heart
Knowing that Instant
Lithium to Calm my Nerves
Love, Love, Love, Love, Love (dreams 12/14/20)
Manganese can cure us all poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
One Lonesome Whale
Our Society, Glossed Over
Phobos Fears his Future
Strontium and 3-D time poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Tumblr
Strontium shows Schrödinger’s cat poem on Facebook and Twitter
Surmising the Semblance (dreams 4/14/20)
Thorium smoothing the moon poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Too Far (2020 edit)
Until I Choose Life
Vacant Spaces (dreams 4/10/20)
Vaccinated from What Happens in Wuhan
You Have No Idea
Calcium can be good for the o-zone too Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Calcium: voltage to the brain Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Californium-252: communication, thanks to nuclear Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Carbon may have killed the dinosaurs after all Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Cerium-141: “one of the more prolific fission products of the atom bomb”
Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Cerium-141, slowly seeping in Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Cerium can soothe the soul Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Chlorine defines dioxins Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Curium’s radioactive glitter Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Deuterium: How Sweet It Is Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Dysprosium may be mined in the midwest Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Dysprosium-162; from superfluid to supersolid Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Einsteinium from flying through mushroom clouds Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Einsteinium’s Mysteries Twitter-length poem on Facebook and Twitter
Europium in Euros Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Every Heartbeat
Everyone’s Afraid
Francium, of the feline persuasion Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
from In the Air
Gadolinium, Save us from Our Mistakes Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Gold for the foolish at heart Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Hafnium attacks Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Helium rain is no laughing matter Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Holmium, only one atom Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
kitsch when “woke”
Lanthanum: the shoulders of giants Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Lead the way Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Magnesium becomes a thermal blanket Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Mercury’s volcanic, icy re-release Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Neodymium magnets up your nose Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Neodymium saved from e-waste Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Niobium 92 & Solar System Secrets Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Nitrogen with an icy heart Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Nobelium is fought for in transfermium wars Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Objectifiable 2021
Oddly Enough, A Non-Sentient Phone and a Swath of Hair (dreams 12/4/21)
Oganesson, bending time inside Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
On the Surface
on the way to a NOLA funeral
Out to the Horizon
Oxygen makes superionic ice Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Phosphine for Venus: virility vs. volcanism Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Plutonium: Badder than the Fat Man Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Polonium: choose your fate, cancer or radiation Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Polonium-210, with sparks flying Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Praseodymium: toxic if you breathe it... Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Praseodymium: up close and personal Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Promethium: hail to the orange, hail to the blue Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Quieting Anechoic Chamber
Rhenium: the little element that could Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Rubidium leads the way to a new state Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Rutherfordium, blinked out of existence Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Samarium made the music play Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Silver nitrate displaying our brain Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Tantalum macroscopically entangles Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Tennessine is what I get... Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Terbium is out of this world Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Terbium-161 is just the right number Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Uncontrollable Car (dreams 3/23/21)
Universe’s Lost Love
Uranium: Permafrost Saves poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Viruses: Entirely Human After All
Would you like some Cesium with your honey? Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Xenon discovers dark energy? Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
your body from the tub (dreams 3/30/21)
Against My Will (2022)
in Lithuanian: Prieš Mano valią
Eye now Blotchy and Gray (dreams 2/16/22)
Finally Treated Fairly
Information Carries Weight
No One Reports for Women
Only If She Had a Choice
Only Recourse
Outside of the Door (dreams 5/27/22)
Revelation One: One-Four
Revelation One: Five-Eight
Revelation One: Eleven
Ukraine, Rights, Freedom, and Peace
Ultimately, the goddamn particle
Uniqueness Finds Love
poems written for C Ra McGuirt:
Elixirs of the gods
Expression for Loss
Gods want their life to end
Only Souls who have Tried
Our Ships Would No Longer Cross
Tag Team Poets
Those Were the Days of Our Lives (dreams 8/12/22)
poems after the overturning of Roe v. Wade:
After All We’ve Accomplished
Elevating the Fetus Goes Against Religion
Eliminate All Rapists
Equality Doesn’t Mean Removing Rights
Evidence as Testament
Evil of What They’ve Done
Expecting Rights after Losing Rights
Fear for Their Safety
Flags at Half-Mast
It Really Is All About Choice
Jihad Against Free Choice
Journalisming the Story of Equal Rights
Just Checking my Religions
Kerning, Ballots, and Women’s Rights
Key, you see
Mary’s Perspective
Oh No — is Art not Safe form Big Brother?
Old Enough to Choose
On a Sunday after a Sermon
Once and Future Rights
Once You’ve Made Up Your Mind
Only Considering Women’s Rights
Only Pose What I Know
Oppression: the Ultimate Killer
Overturning Against All
Queueing as Defeatists, But Fighting for Freedom
Quickly Washing Away Women’s Rights
Unborn Fetus does not equal Human Life
Unless it’s about suppressing life
Use Any Angle
Using the Nazi Approach to Women’s Rights
Vote Changing: the System’s Solution
X and Y, and what’s Seizing the Sexes
X-ing out lives
X is for Pope Innocent X, not Women
Your Government’s Keeping Tabs
Twitter-length Periodic Table poems:
Actinium & the next-gen for cancer Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Astatine’s rarity may save us from cancer Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Berkelium can recycle radioactivity Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Bismuth in an ocean of one Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Bohrium is the secret Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Californium’s a double-edged sword Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Copernicium makes the worlds go ‘round Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Darmstadtium: what then Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Dubnium’s a fight to the finish Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Erbium and REEs from fly ash Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Fermium— bad and good? Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Flerovium, doubly magic? Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Hassium: a beautiful day Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Hydrogen laced with π Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Iridium blankets the earth Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Lawrencium: were we wrong? Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Livermorium, vanishing in our grasp Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Lutetium and the crude truth Twitter-length poem on Facebook & video post, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Lutetium-177: oh, what a relief it is Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Mendelevium, one atom at a time Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Moscovium and aliens: the truth isn’t out there Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Neptunium, just in time Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Nihonium: a tanka / waka Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Nobelium: war or peace Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Osmium when capitalism prevails Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Platinum, stronger than love? Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Plutonium (pee-eew) Twitter-length poem on Facebook and Twitter
Protactinium, and voilà... rocks? Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Radon: just a little’s enough Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Roentgenium, too scarce to waste Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Seaborgium only lasts Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Sodium turns into quantum tornadoes Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Thallium’s a real killer Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Thulium saves the day for some cancers Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Tungsten out from under your thumb Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Ytterbium, who knew Twitter-length poem on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr
Copyright Janet Kuypers. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted without express permission.