translated from the Hebrew by Riva Rubin I also want to be a partner in the building of Jerusalem. With you sing hymns to her with a great voice in the assemblage of her mutes; with you encompass her wall in a glory=march among her lame celebrants. I have the right to be a partner, after all I spilled the fury of my youth on her: fights with zealots and night patrols in the shadow of fences, sniping from her lattices. Wait, don`t finish without me, I`ve bought rough sandals and white linen to flourish with you on her towers, before I smash myself on the squares and am pounded by her stones like you powdered fine coveting the dust of her saints. Retirement translated from the Hebrew by Aura Hammer Poets do not retire On reaching their time to be silent, Praising the beauty of Jerusalem They are pushed slowly eastward Thrust aside forgotten to the desert. And there, suddenly in absolute secrecy Drop mutely from the cliff, And the bone of their poetry, drying Bleaching and gathering dust Descends to the cave opening. Sinks slowly, gathered In the dust cloud of the scrolls.
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Edited by CG Mair