Gambler Poem by Tom SternerHowe

The Gambler (word count – 113, line count – 27)

The man lived in a jar
with twelve pennies on its lid
money close over his head
entirely outside his existence
A quarter to save his life

If he manages
to reach through the barrier
he will be a copper penny more
than a man half dead
struggling in between
and above his head

The mad died in a jar
with twelve pennies on its lid
Lincolns by the dozen
fair men outside his existence
A quarter to save his life

If the fair men heed his words
from half a world away
he’ll remain a copper penny more
than a man half dead
an odds-on favorite
and above his head

Tom {WordWulf} SternerHowe, a native son of Colorado, lives in Lafayette, Colorado with wife Karen, her two sons and his youngest son, Zedidiah. Family and riding his Harley Davidson fill up the hours left over from creative enterprises. He has been extensively published in independent literary magazines including Howling Dog Press/Omega, Skyline Literary Review and Flashquake. He is winner of the Marija Cerjak Award for Avant-Garde/Experimental Writing 2001, 2002 & 2003. His first novel, ‘Madman Chronicles: The Warrior’, is available at his website: Music from the novel may be accessed at or

Contact Information:
Tom (WordWulf) SternerHowe
1305 Centaur Circle
Lafayette, Colorado 80026