Fiddler Man

Yesterday we received 1768 “requests” for our mp3 files. 100 of those were for Fiddler Man. Our “free” mp3s are streamed to play buttons on many file sharing sites. Some get a few listens per day, some get many plays each day. The people who play our songs don’t actually visit our site.

Fiddler Man was played 100 times yesterday. If you put 100 people in a room it would seem to be a lot but on the internet it’s a number. You might make someone applaud in Sri Lanka but you cannot hear it, or maybe they played it and went to the bathroom. You never quite know. Maybe they downloaded it and your song will be saved in Sri Lanka or Sao Paulo or Duluth. The compulsion of unknown artists to give their art away is unstoppable.

That person in Puerto Rico or China may have found me in a search for Michael Jackson or David Michael Jones.

I can’t even thank those 100 people for listening to me because none of them are reading these words. I can’t thank them so I’ll  thank you.

Thanks for listening.

They lead Dave quietly out of the room. They place a coat around his shoulders. He casts it off…he returns to the mic….

we miss you James Brown

Here is a younger me in a tree:

From the Album You Boys Ain’t Hopin’ Me None

Buy on Google Play



david michael jackson  july 18 2012    send a cool day it’s hot!