Between the Lines Poem by Rochelle Hope Mehr

Between the Lines

These are the spaces between the lines:

The gradations, elations, humiliations —
the sifts and shifts we endure

The seism which interrupts

The hiccup which skips
us through

The foothold which accedes
to the great leveler

A world’s wonder of grief
and wisdom

Do not try to pry even a whisper
from my lips


Memory Poem by Elisha Porat

Among Their Pictures

In my memory I’m the one who always wanders
Within their pictures: the stretched black
Strips around the gravestone photograph,
The standing twisted flowers,
The burning candles under their icons.
From inside the scene: suddenly, on
The white margins, I see their fingerprints
Which now appear along with their laughing voices;
Their stifled whispers are breaking me.
Oh, how different it should all be
With them, they should be running
With their warm breath panting,
And not inanimate and flaccid
Like they are now, without their lives.


Thief in the Night Poem by Samuel W Silva


How can I make you love me?
…and how to fill you
with a dream of me!,
unlikely and impossible
and utterly untrue

slowly steer you to the dire
(smoke and steam
profuse upon the fire) inadequacy
as limitless
as stony bare and vile.

No! It could not possibly
be the same for you!
Oh dream and lullaby and light
to which I give my wounded guile

like a thief
who steals you
in the night.
