Sleep Poem by Thomas Kellar

Thomas Kellar


I would sleep a lot better
knowing you weren’t out there
camouflaged in moonlight and indigo,
hiding among the redwoods
that encircle the house,
late night spying
though the bedroom window,
calling me from a cell phone
hanging up when I answer,
making the dogs disappear
one by one by one,
sending scissored newspaper type
pasted on white paper,
anonymous letters
filled with opaque messages
foreshadowing sex and death.

Yes, I would sleep more deeply
but would also miss you,
the sweet suffering you inflict,
the jolt of high-voltage fear
that nightly sears
my body and my dreams,
the sensuous smell
of burning uncertainty.

You are safe here.
I willingly survive
on French roast and catnaps,
a full eight hours
is not required.

Pet Adoption Day Poem by Cara Alson

Pet Adoption Day

(Yawn) Hmm? Hey, what”s going on? Who is this strange human that”s picking me up, waking me from a warm, sweet nap?. Put me back with my mother and my brothers! Easy…easy… watch out for my tail.. Okay, I”ve landed in a soft spot. In fact, this human is soft all over, and it has a soft voice, too. Gee, it almost sounds like my mother”s purring. Well, that”s nice. I”m being stroked behind my ear… I feel like… like I might… might fall asleep…

Ooooh, a good stretch feels so good after a nap. It must be time to eat. Or time to play with my brothers. Hey! Where are they? And where”s my mother? I don”t know this place. Oh, here”s that nice soft human again.

“Take me home! Can”t you understand me? Take me home!” Darn, it doesn”t seem to understand Feline. Maybe my family”s around here somewhere.

Oh, there”s a bowl of milk. I”d better hurry before my brothers show up and take it all. Hmm, nobody else is coming to eat. All this is for me? I don”t have to share? Maybe this place isn”t so bad after all. There”s the bed I was sleeping in, and there are some neat toys. Where”d the human go? I”ll try calling it.

“Come play with me!” Hey, here it comes – that was easy. I bet I could get it to do almost anything I want.

Oh, I know what this is! I heard my mother telling some of my brothers about it. What was that word? Pit. Pot. Pat. Pet. That”s it, pet! Gee, I didn”t know it would be my turn so soon. I”m a little young, but I guess I can handle having a pet.

© 2002

Sign of Life Poem by Cara Alson

Sign of Life

Taxi at a standstill

surrounded by pedestrians

crushed fifteen deep

drooling monsters

straining to glimpse

a pedestrian trapped

under the wheels

no sign of life

Rescue arrives but

can’t get through

the monsters won’t budge

might miss something

the last twitch of life

“He must’ve been a drunk”

they shake their heads

oh, look at the time..

have an appointment..

shoes on sale..

must be going..

On their way

to busy lives

in a busy city

too busy to weep

for a poor soul crushed

under the wheels

no sign of life

Copyright 2001

Balding Men Poem by Cara Alson

Echoes in Time

Girls in ponytails

huddled on the sand

sipped icy sodas

listened to the radio

flirted with lifeguards

dreamt of lives

they’d never have

Boys with peach-fuzz chins

played beach volleyball

ran in the surf

showed off their tans

dreamt of lives

they’d never have

White-haired ladies

huddle around the table

brag about grandchildren

play cards

replay memories and

missed opportunities

they’ll never have again

Balding men

sit by the pool

baste in the sun

play cards

replay memories and

missed opportunities

they’ll never have again

Bright sunlight

chatter and laughter

blue-green water

choppy in the

summer breeze

Days pass

dreams go by

the rhythm of life

plays on

edging towards

another tomorrow

Copyright 2001

Butterscotch Cat Poem by Cara Alson

Cara Alson

Butterscotch Cat

Butterscotch cat

stretched out

in the dusty road

napping in the sun

ears alert

tail twitching

A car rattles

up the road

slowing, no room to

go around the

butterscotch cat

The car stops

inches away,

the patient driver

staring at the

butterscotch cat

Slitted eyes glaring

head slowly lifting

letting out a

heavy sigh

rising with a

flick of his tail


the calico cat

gives up

his place

in the sun

Copyright 2002