For My Country Heart

“Absolutely amazing. Feels a bit old school and it has this hint of sadness to it that uplifts a country track. Enjoyed it throughout the whole duration and i absolutely love your voice as well—RevolutionizeMusic—- Country Music All Time Country Hits Spotify Playlist on For My Country Heart.

“Hello David Michael Jackson, I really liked the old school acoustic song, i liked the instrumental that reminds me a lot of past decades. The guitar timbres are really good and highlight for the great riffs. The chorus is great, the vocals are very good and I liked the great timbre, congratulations”…Marcio Senna, Country Hits Playlist

Writer and singer of love songs as Jake And Haystack or David Michael Jackson.

It’s the same barstool
where I talked to you
and I held your hand in mine.
It’s the same dance floor
where we danced all night
and I kissed your lips for the first time.

That old jukebox plays
that sad old song for me.
My country heart knows the melody.
Take these quarters here,
put’em in the slot
and play that country song
for my country heart.
Play that country song
for my country heart.

It’s the same country tune
that makes me think of you
when I looked into your eyes for the last time.
It’s the same bar keep
who laughed with us ’til dawn.
I said fill up my glass.
She’s gone.

That old jukebox plays
that sad old song for me.
My country heart knows the melody.
Take these quarters here,
put’em in the slot
and play that country song
for my country heart.
Play that country song
for my country heart.


Head on Fire Poem

Head on Fire by David Michael Jackson

The news hit hard again

as he shuffled in the line and

searched his pockets

for tickets, his mind for answers.

“They cannot be so stupid as to return
to those days”

His face grew redder and redder,

His hair started to smoke.

The smoke rose into the grey sky.

Suddenly his entire head burst into flames.

He ran down the street, No

