Bell Buckle Cafe and Four Shades of Grey


I finally got out of the house and went down to my favorite place in this part of Tennessee, Bell Buckle and the Bell Buckle Cafe, my fav restaurant.
Bell Buckle is a railroad town, it hugs the railroad and a train is apt to roar by the old storefronts which say so much about this part of Tennessee and its history. It hasn’t really changed much and we tend to hold on to those places. We touch history and I tend to touch the bricks of this tiny town. I love driving to Bell Buckle because the views after I leave I-24 are the most breath taking in this part of Tennessee.

On this night Andy and Clay Derryberry and The Four Shades of Grey  were playing. Also check out Four Shades of Grey at Facebook . It’s a tough place to film and to try to catch the sounds because it’s a long narrow room and the restaurant is very popular because they make meat and three into gourmet delight!
I only managed to capture one song properly and what a song!. This song doesn’t just represent the Duck River area of Tennessee. It’s a larger song that, to me. It represents both America and life.
This part of the country is not so panoramic as others. Our delight is just around the corner of a country road and a quiet view of a creek replacing panorama with glimpses of water flowing through rocks in a small way, not a big way.



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Song by Clay Derryberry

Performance by Shades of Grey at the Bell Buckle Cafe July 12, 2014

……….by David Michael Jackson
