Group Mural Painting and Guitar Rag in Scottsville

This is a great video from The Allen County Arts Council in Scottsville, Ky. Beautifully filmed and the music is good. The art is worth the effort. I like the ending.

I found this video while surfing links to this site. Some come through our associations, this one through my friend, Chris Carmichael. I looked over at the wave next to my surfboard and ended up somewhere in Kentucky listening to Eddie Pennington and Tommy Emmanuel playing Guitar Rag. Surfing, surfing, end up where? Oddly enough wherever you land you sometimes find talent, this time in Kaintuck, and these guys can play!

If you watched the other video, you’ll have to turn the volume up for this one.!

Scottsville is cool.

Tommy Emmanuel on Youtube      Eddie Pennington on Youtube 

david michael jackson on internet    july 22,2012 send more music

Confusion in Paradise Painting

confusion in paradise painting

I also called this painting “Space Rocks”. Paintings are like people, they need a name so you have to come up with one. This painting is owned by my brother, James Larry Jackson. Beats me what he calls it or even if he still has it. It’s not up to me to decide what happens to them.
It’s quite beautiful to me.

david michael jackson july 21, 2012 send wine to go with the art