Mural Wall Art- Forgotten Art- My Wall

Wall Art, a Mural


This is an abstract I painted on a wall in my house. You can repaint the wall after I’m gone. It is a all mural……I happen to like the colors. I’m not sure if the profile is saying phooey to the world orwhy he’s  sticking his tongue out. I never intended a statement of any kind. It’s just a mural which will be lost as the new tenant goes, “Oh my let’s paint over that! What will peoiple think.”
We I think it’s quite pretty.


david michael jackson April 14 2012

Girl at Table Painting- Janet at the Table

Janet at Table


Here is a painting I did of Janet at the table. I have no idea where this painting is. I have only this image. The girl at table painting still exists somewhere in the world. It represents a time when my wife was here.

An old poem I wrote for Janet many years ago:

I am worn weathered wood.
I have seen the storms,
felt the hot sun,
endured the wind until
I am cracked.
My colours have faded into
burnt siennas from red under
the sun’s rays.
I have seen the owl at night and
the hawk in the day for
I am a window in this wood,
this weathered wood.
I am a window or
I am nothing.
I am a window.
Sneek up, take a peek
into my panes.
She will be there, sitting
at the table
having her tea
or holding her cat

for Mary Janet Jackson on this sping day April 4, 2012 …david michael jackson

End of Summer Painting- by Glenn Merchant

Summer Painting- The End of Summer


This summer painting really reminds me of summer.It is by Tennessee Artist Glenn Merchant. This is an abstract painting of a tree. The colors play with the eye. I really like the tree.

Here is and end of summer poem by Wayne Jackson (1951-1989)

August laughing wind
bouncing against the open window
extending a finger
into the corner of the summer
to ease the curtain aside
and gently blow a kiss
on my sweating brow

Here is Monet’s End of Summer Painting:

Monet End of Summer Painting
Monet End of Summer Painting

Claude Monet End of Summer

There are certainly similarities in color relationships here. Merchant is a more modern form of Monet, drifting into abstraction, but with the same intent, to capture the colors of the moment. To excite the eye.