Mac the Knife.Poem.Berthold Brecht.(1898-1956)Translated John Willet.Reader Tom O’Bedlam.



Editor’s Note: these comments below accompany the text. ‘Not Mack the Knife’. It’s a later translation by John Willet and truer to the original score and it’s not known of anyone who sings all of it. Brecht was impressed by John Gay’s ‘The Beggar’s Opera’ 1728 , and wrote his own musical version in German, ‘Die Driegroschenoper’ (The Threepenny Opera) in 1928. Like the original it is set in London, McHeath presumably is a cockney. There’s an epidemic of knifings  amongst London teenagers, yet Mack the Knife is popular and sung as a jaunty little number. If you listen to the version of Brecht’s musical you realise that it wasn’t meant that way. He’s become a folk hero. We accept he’s a thief and a murderer, so why should it come as a surprise he’s a child rapist too? Why leave that out?

Vladimir Mayakovski the poet, poems & poetry.

Vladimir Mayakovski was a Russian revolutionary poet of the Trotsky/Lenin era, who took his own life at the early age of 36 with a revolver to the heart. His influence on European poetry has been considerable but also in the USA, after a brief visit, extending to such poets as Frank O’Hara and Alan Ginsburg.
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The Stewards of The Earth by David Michael Jackson | A Poem


The Stewards of the Earth


Bite the tail in front
shuffle the feet
bite the tail
shuffle the feet
push toward the food
bite the tail
kick the one biting the tail
push to food
bite the tail

The Stewards of the Earth
push buttons
food flows
push to food
the machines whir
A door opens
The light slips in.

The door closes

Summer with Monika.Poem by Roger McGough. Read & Sung by Raymond Crooke.

Roger McGough is one of the famous trio of Brian Patton & the late Adrien Henri who came to be known from the trend that they set, as the Liverpool Poets, and who were the forerunners that heralded in the Beatles Scenario.
