amazing how incompetence wins hands down poem by Andy Derryberry

amazing how incompetence wins hands down
amazing how much credence is given an ignoramus

amazing how reason is drowned out
amazing how group think is such a constant

i must soon declare my war on their stupidity
i must hold to the last piece of my mind
i must protect the small space where i can live

my mind not their mindlessness
my mindlessness not theirs


I am no Pound Poem by David Michael Jackson

I am no Pound
just an ounce of pure innocence
at best
we forget the child
and are very lucky if we
are suddenly old enough or
fragile enough
to examine a stone
or laugh as we
or explore
wander the creek again

finding the perfect skipping stone takes
must be important to
be worth the effort
as the stone is lost
as are we
after a few great _ _ _ skips


Bear Poem by Summer Breeze

Mudscapes #1


bear eyes mourning for such a species
as whose mating habits include
headache, kidney stones,
cirrhosis, hangover and lately shampoo and aphrodisiacs
bile of bear

2 days of tear drops for the bear before i finally saw
the bear’s mournful sad eyes are not for bearself
they are for us humanselves
with such collective karma
to render balance to
every life a jesusfreak to be reckoned with
soo many years/eons/moments
forgotten to remember
remembering to forget
mournful & bewildered
bear eyes
