freezing outside Jesus
yes it has been a busy season
you guys definitely seem busier than
anyone else I know,
do you ever just sit and relax together,
watch a little TV, listen to some
mood music, read a book?
or is it always go go go!!!
I’m feeling very guilty I haven’t
been to Florida to visit Grandma
for so long; was going to go down when
Mom was in Africa, but then Robin
decided to have her foray
in Somerville ghetto
and I couldn’t go anywhere; so my plan
is to go down in a couple months;
my Aunt Alice (she was the one
who came to Laura’s Bentley graduation,
remember she got lost and sat on a bench
crying) is moving down near
Grandma and if all goes right
she should be settled by March;
then we can go down, see my mother
and her 2 sisters, then head over
to Kerry and Todd;
sure you want to do such a thing?
would be fun to bother Kerry again,
he’s always been an easy mark