Poem: Five Latest BRIKS

Motion Has My Built In
Emergency Brake
Deep in my dream world
trying factor in 100 %
the ordinary situation
using available powers
Whether this potential
is in this first place
using the premeditated
or emergency situation
A absolutely necessary
product of consumption
used in US marketplace
A something just shown
a case of an emergency

Wake Me Out of A Dream
With Your Pain
Out of the dream world
of yelling obscenities
out of the night woods
Jerry and Evan Concord
Queers of the old days
could be in heaven now
was my thing of beauty
brothers Bob uncovered
still hear in a street
early morning wake the
holy b Jesus out of US
Why is beauty so noisy
out of being her alone

Martha And Drunken Boy
Teach Me A Lesson
From out of this month
of my dreams of August
there is always hiding
one can not manipulate
my world all by itself
so has chosen a secret
which I can not reveal
to the dead world here
I shall project myself
a century beyond lives
that came to see today
the same our yesterday
ghosts will hoard away

Using Mind Over Matter
A Choice You Can Make
Do the dreams wear out
does there come a time
when the possibilities
have been examined out
You can use mind power
cures anybody problems
Turn on this selection
of mind over my matter
and change a direction
cancers went last year
with pure predilection
radical exists no more
thus ending my problem

US Overweight And Dead
In Islam Territory
Less alcohol drugs gas
being sold in the town
in their reverse order
morning dream has said
Before Iraq the street
the people out of work
carouse all night long
now our Iraq sick lurk
none where they belong
Pre Bush drugs and gas
lazy US National Guard
Bechtel Military Group
with fat boys deployed

(c) 2005 Frank Anthony
Use as you see fit to….


Mind Over Matter Poem by Frank Anthony

Using Mind Over Matter
A Choice You Can Make
Do the dreams wear out
does there come a time
when the possibilities
have been examined out
You can use mind power
cures anybody problems
Turn on this selection
of mind over my matter
and change a direction
cancers went last year
with pure predilection
radical exists no more
thus ending my problem

(c) 2005 Frank Anthony

Past Lives poem by Laura Greenall

Past Lives

By Laura Greenall

Cerberus guards the gates of my hell,

While I push my burden ever upward.

I am Prometheus bound upon the mountain

While the eagles tear out my entrails day after day.

Harpies fly around me, banshees scream in my ears.

Whirling dervishes dance about me

Begging me to throw myself on the pyre.

As Scheherazade, I spin my thousand and one tales

The fates cut the thread

And the tapestry of my life unravels.

Only to reweave and begin again


my lover's kiss poem by Laura Greenall

Physces Lament

By Laura Greenall

Through the mist, my lover’s kiss

Though his face I cannot see

So sweet a kiss, I’d sorely miss

His kisses give ecstasy

He comes to me in pitch of night

The black as thick as tar

When he comes, my heart takes flight

And flies up to the stars

His touch is gentle, though it’s hot

My soul I must acquiesce

To see his face, though I dare not

It is my heart’s request

I know not why he hides in shame

For I know Cupid is his name.

The Racing Cats by Laura Greenall

The Racing Cats
By Laura Greenall

It seems from the heavens they came

Hundreds of them to play the game

But only one cat would run to fame

For all the world his name to proclaim

I entered my cat. Her name is Sue

My brother entered his racing cat too

A big brute whose name is Blue

Another came from Kalamazoo

They lined up in groups of ten

The winners would then contend

But only on cat could win in the end

It mattered not, for we were all friends

The racing cats from County Cork

Were the only ones to make the mark

One took off as though he had tork

Shades of Dallas, his name was South Fork

South Fork was the best cat in the land

He was paraded with a big brass band

His proud owner thought it was grand

And toasted his cat with Old Granddad
