Elvis and Madonna Poem by David Michael Jackson

Madonna and Elvis Poem
Madonna and Elvis Poem
The best painter of our time is wasting away somewhere
the greatest scientist is working

while we are chasing Madonna
with cameras

somewhere some lonely Beethoven works tonight
and maybe
throws some paper
some paper which maybe
will be
in some museum
He beats his head against some wallpapered wall.

Somewhere some unknown poet taps taps taps at the keys
leaving scraps behind
to be thrown away by

– David Jackson


Princess and Gnomes Poem by David Michael Jackson

she’s lying in there
and I am in here in this world
of dragons and knights
wandering among the gnomes
castles and flowers
in the

and she is my princess
on a bed of
and I am her king
this night
and I will meet my princess
when she awakes
and finds me



Poem about poems by David Michael Jackson

Poems, Poems, Poems,
Magnetic spots on diskettes,
ink spots on paper,
words flung at the walls
held within
or lost
like those great paintings
of olden days
which were stored in the dampness
of the basement,
like the missing Van Goghs
which had been
used for archery practice.
Words scattered like rice at a wedding,
pigeon droppings,
like smoke which drifts and dissipates
in the crisp morning air.
Poetry is like the breeze which ripples the flag.
Just for an instant
the flag defies gravity
we notice

Poem on poems
Poem on poems

Downsized or Outsourcing Poem by David Michael Jackson

beast from hell
beast from hell


I hear voices outside my cubicle
they are talking work
they have no work talk for me
for I am being downsized
I was big
I was busy
I was useful
now I am small
for I am being downsized
i have almost nothing to do
…….i hear people passing by my
i recognize their voices
and say to my self…”that’s so and
so” they are keeping them..
.they are worthwhile…..
I hear them talking
about work……
I am
Oh I was so big
I carried the company’s future
on my broad
I walked with other giants
and spoke of 12 hour days and
reports to even bigger giants
now long
there’s no
telling how long it will take me
to get enough self-confidence
to get
another job.
i may have had some once.
and self-respect.
so long ago, i
don’t remember any more

so let’s go
downsize my ass
and get me the fuck
of here
(get yourself out of here you fool)
How did you come to this
a downsized fool in a downsized cubicle
in a downsized world
eating downsized shit
