Fish Ooem by Marylin McIntyre

The fish lays quite still at the bottom of the pond
listening to his own heart as
the desk talks of a life of children, crayons and colour
and the pen walks across the page as though to speak
a life of his own
the computer prioritizes his day
and the candle files the darkness to a dull gleam
as the moose types staccato footprints across the highway
the hat juggles for position on top of massive curls
and the bowl listens to the rustle of the cereal
as the cat lists her complaints with a disdainful twitch of her tail
and adds menace with her eyes
while the dog telegraphs his message to the waiting pole.

Copyright © 1998 by Marilyn McIntyre, All rights reserved

Seasons Poem by Marilyn McIntyre

It’s spring here
or so they tell us
the squirrels don’t care
the weather’s not sure

Summer’s coming
always is, at the equator
deer rummage the forest floor
foxes bathe their pups
and the sun knows

Somewhere it’s autumn
the birds nest anyhow
dandelions grow, smiling
the grass stands up and moves
I, myself feel cool

Winter at the Pole
geese hiss their goslings
into bluebells, dancing
and the stream rushes along
he knows where he’s going

Spring is here
again without a timepiece
nature lets loose her bounty
the ice slinks into the water
time and infinity know.

Copyright © 1998 by Marilyn McIntyre, All rights reserved

After Yeats Poem by Brian Hooper


Chilled champagne awaited them,
a platoon of attentive captains and waiters
standing by to assure
that their glasses never emptied.

An unctuous manager extended
personal felicitations of the house
and a sumptuous, gout-inviting succession of
mouth-watering comestibles proceeded to
rain down on them like the
fortuitous bounty of a culinary god.

Scarcely having breath to speak
between bites and gulps,
throwing himself into the
consumption of the feast with
Bacchanalian abandon.

The champagne carbonated
the shadow of doom that had
dogged their last few days and
effervesced it to oblivion.

Around them the room
seemed impossibly lithe
and gay and
filled with light,
women glowing with Athenian glamour, the
men fortified by some Herculean ideal.

What a place!
What a city,
what a dynamic race of people!

It wasn’t until an ambrosian flamb? of
cherries, meringue, and vanilla ice cream
had landed in front of them that
the weightless balloon of his
undivided pleasure
begin to sink back into the
range of conscious awareness.

The dinner was not yet at an end
and already felt like a dream, for
he knew that the moment their discussion,
which up to the supernatural dessert
had been as carefree as
a clergyman’s Monday,
turned back to the life
that awaited them
outside of this cloistered Olympus,
the bill would
become due in more ways than one.


Brian Hooper received his B.A. in American Studies from Washington &
Lee University and his M.Phil. in Literary Studies from the Chinese
University of Hong Kong. He is a recent graduate of the Harvard Law
School, where he was Executive Editor and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of
the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy. He is currently an
Associate at a Washington, DC-based law firm.

Poem about This House or Home Poem by James Nicosia

This House

This house–
It stands like a life–breathing, beckoning
with a spirit that grew straight on earthy ground.

It listened in joy to voices of home.

It knows loneliness from memories it feels–
Sheltering through calm and storm.

This house–
Holds on, Longing to understand, to tell you a
million things.

It cries with eyes watching,wondering
looking out through windows now unadorned.

This house–
It reaches, it now waits, for family to warm.

James V Nicosia

poem drinking alone drinking poem by Joan Pond

I sat alone drinking a Margaux, Imperiale
by Joan Pond

I sat alone drinking a Margaux, Imperiale.
At three thousand a bottle,
it was described as a classic red
with vanilla-scented nose.
Having a ripe black fruit,
it held a firm and structured finish.
Along with Toll House Cookies
I emptied the bottle,
noting the ruby-red colour staining the sink.
A good wine to drink with dessert,
especially while listening to Beethoven”s Seventh.
The Allegretto was so memorable,
I wondered;
was it the wine or the cookies?
