Butterscotch Cat Poem by Cara Alson

Cara Alson

Butterscotch Cat

Butterscotch cat

stretched out

in the dusty road

napping in the sun

ears alert

tail twitching

A car rattles

up the road

slowing, no room to

go around the

butterscotch cat

The car stops

inches away,

the patient driver

staring at the

butterscotch cat

Slitted eyes glaring

head slowly lifting

letting out a

heavy sigh

rising with a

flick of his tail


the calico cat

gives up

his place

in the sun

Copyright 2002

The tide turns (Kalbarri) Poem by David Barnes

Sea-weed half exposed washes
across sharp serrated rocks —
sways and swirls, sways effortlessly,
slips against, over them, indifferent
as tawny coiled sea-snakes twist
in rapid frenzied motion with the sea —
shadows that fade at dusk, submerge
unharmed with the tide.

© debarnes August 2003 -06

Shadows and Mist Poem by David Barnes

David Barnes

Shadows and Mist at South Perth

Mists shroud the paperbark copse walkway ahead, and
the swan river behind. At the same time, the high crest
of Kings Park is as vivid as a spring sky. Ahead,
head-hunters hide among the trees and shadows. Behind,
wraith slayers dart, ferries loom.
What use is distant clarity?

© debarnes August -23rd / September 2003 -03

Possession Poem by Rochelle Hope Mehr

Rochelle Hope Mehr


I feel like I have to fight all the time.
Scratch and claw just to fend off interlopers.
To grub the knotty
Fiber of my roots.
What is there?
No growth.
Just undergrowth.
I yaw.
I clang.
I collide with yin.
I slide hard into yang.
I am neither here nor there.
I transfigure dust into air.

Memory Poem by Janet Macon

I remember it well, the night was hot, and you were there. Oh, there were others around too. But they didn”t matter. All that mattered that night was how you peeked around the hood of that old dragster that you raced at the speedway on Sunday afternoons. The glances that you imparted as I pretended not to notice. Looking back now, those looks were a gift.

That was the night that I fell in love forever with Jackson Browne. “˜Running On Empty” came on the radio, and you paused in reverence”“whether to the man or the lyrics, I”ll never know. I do know that still, even after all the years that have passed, I still think of you and that night whenever I hear the song.

Maybe that it why I am writing this. I heard the song on the radio this afternoon. The flashbacks began, as they always do. They begin with the memory of that night, the night that we met, and they continue through the summer, with memories of too many beers, long drives going nowhere, hot Sunday afternoons in the “˜pit” at the track. Redneck times. Young times. Good times.

It”s funny to me how I can still hold those memories so close. You see, you were the most romantic love I ever had. The memories I have of sitting in my dorm room waiting for the ring from Ma Bell, staring at the clock, watching the seconds tick by at a merciless slow pace, are some of the most precious memories I”ll ever have. The memories of how my thoughts of you then were all encompassing and shielding from the rest of the world are part of the glue that now holds me together. I guess I”m lucky.

You”re married now. You married the one you left when you met me. The one who you said no longer meant anything to you. The one who you started secretly seeing when I wasn”t there. I hope you found in her what you didn”t find in me. Guess it”s pretty obvious that you did, huh?

I hurt for a long, long time. Years. You were my greatest love and my greatest heartache. I guess we can”t have the second without the first. Does one negate the other? I think it does, in time. I consider my brief time with you as something to be cherished, because in my darkest hours I can relive those moments. It was a time of giving and receiving without the fear of pain. No, you taught me pain. It was a time of reality in its purest form”“there was no albatross around my neck then. You became my albatross..

I do hope you”re happy. And I wonder if you ever think of me? Another answer I”ll never know. I wish, just one night in my dreams, I could once again hear you say, “I love you.”
