The News | Fake Poem

The News by David Michael Jackson

The news from a fake poet

is that there is no news

there are no longer handholds called facts.

All is chaos

except for the refugees

who are real

except for the children

who are real.

A fake sun sets on a fake nation

and the fake temperature rises

the fake sea rises.

The fake reasons for war

become truths for awhile.

The refugees

who are real,

the children

who are real,

die for real.

Janet Kuypers’ Chicago WZRD Radio 8/23/17 2-part poetry feature & interview

Janet Kuypers’ Chicago WZRD Radio 8/23/17 2-part poetry feature & interview

On August 26th, 2017 (on her last full day visiting Chicago since her move to Austin, Texas in October 2015), Janet Kuypers was a selected feature on Chicago’s WZRD Radio (88.3 FM), and on this Sunday poetry radio show Janet Kuypers was interviewed not only at the beginning of the multi-hour radio show but also at the end of the showcase, which was not only broadcast live but was also made available as a set of SoundCloud audio releases and a set of YouTube video releases (a good portions of part 2 of the interview was also released as a live Facebook stream).

[tubepress mode=’playlist’ playlistValue=’PLYa-AZK78_hrLk-JANQ5hGSeJA5YXvJig’ ] PLYa-AZK78_hrLk-JANQ5hGSeJA5YXvJig

During both parts of the interview, Janet Kuypers not only talked about life since leaving Chicago and moving to Austin (and her multiple features and poetry readings monthly in Austin). Specifically because she knew she was coming back to Chicago on the same week she was scheduled to photograph the total eclipse of the sun 8/21/17, she also had released through Scars Publications two Janet Kuypers poetry books of poetry she had written while living in Austin, “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 poems” and “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems”. At the time of the radio show airing, these books were released from the first printer (which printed only in the U.S.), but by mid-September 2017 these books were also released through a second Amazon-affiliated printer, then printed for easier shipping not only in the U.S., but also in the U.K. and all of Europe.

Read the poems from the from the live Chicago “WZRD Radio show” (in two parts):

Ultimate Connectivity: a bird in the hand
Original Snowbirds
Earth was Crying
Just Thinking About It
Political Merry-Go-Round
Endings Bring Light”, and “Everyone Celebrates Together
Only Half the Story
Quieted Soul
Exempt from the Draft
Optimizing your Odds
Years, Centuries, Eons
Only an Observer”, and “Queen ISIS

WZRD 20170826

You can also come here to hear SoundCloud audio of Janet Kuypers sharing her poetry from her two books, “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 poems” and “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems” (w/ her poems “Ultimate Connectivity: a bird in the hand”,“Original Snowbirds”, “Earth was Crying”, “Just Thinking About It”, “Political Merry-Go-Round”, “Ernesto”, “Endings Bring Light”, and “Everyone Celebrates Together”) in her Chicago 88.3 FM WZRD Radio interview 8/26/17, Part 1.

You can also come here to hear SoundCloud audio of Janet Kuypers sharing her poetry from her two books, “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 poems” and “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems” (w/ her poems “Only Half the Story”, “Quieted Soul”, “Exempt from the Draft”, “Optimizing your Odds”, “Years, Centuries, Eons”, “Only an Observer”, and “Queen ISIS”) in her Chicago 88.3 FM WZRD Radio interview 8/26/17, Part 2.

You can also follow this link for a FaceBook photo album of 30 photographs taken during the first part of the radio show interview.

Soldier and Poem

A soldier is one who

16″ x 20″ Oil on canvas
$500 unframed
David Michael Jackson (


in an army

Poetry is a form of literature

that uses aesthetic and


qualities of language

A soldier is a poem

and a poem,

a soldier

David Michael Jackson

The Sky is Falling

…..the sky is falling…..
there are blue
chunks in my yard
pieces of clouds are
on the trees
like gossamer
like cotton sheets
blowing in the wind
and if I look really closely
I can see my mother
with clothes pins in her mouth

and she’s hanging these

clouds and she’s


david michael jackson Originally Published Apr 12, 2013

Photography from Photography by Fabrice Poussin

The Male. A Poem by John Grey

I’m driving down Main Street.

My wife is in the passenger seat.

A beautiful young woman

in tight dress and high heels

is sashaying along the sidewalk.

How do I look

and yet not appear to be looking?

That is a question that often arises.

It came up the time

when I first saw my wife.

I was sitting in a coffee shop

and she was at the next table.

My book was open.

It was “Tender Is The Night:”

by F Scott Fitzgerald.

That novel and I

were married at the time.

John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in the Homestead Review, Harpur Palate and Columbia Review with work upcoming in the Roanoke Review, the Hawaii Review and North Dakota Quarterly.

Robin Ouzman Hislop is Editor of Poetry Life and Times his publications include All the Babble of the Souk and Cartoon Molecules collected poems and Key of Mist the recently published Tesserae translations from Spanish poets Guadalupe Grande and Carmen Crespo visit Robin Ouzman Hislop about author. See Robin performing his work Performance (University of Leeds) and his latest Collected Poems Volume at Next-Arrival