As Noble As the Song I Sing | Poem

Well it’s here again
the winter through a window,
The cat in the window,
the birds outside,
the man in the chair beside the window,
the hope of spring far away.

He glances like a metaphor

An Egyptian cat who was a God
and the man in the chair
who is not.

Oh where am my going?
Nowhere have I been,
aware is the song I sing.

Nihilism doesn’t matter
more than the song
and the wind is really in the trees
and not there at all.

the cliché is the metaphor
and the metaphor, the cliché
Her countenance was noble
as noble as the wind
as noble as the song I sing

………..David Michael Jackson…..1/25/2019

Photography by Fabrice Poussin

Fire in Her Soul

Rocky Mountains National Park, Colorado.

Sunset are probably a favorite of many around the globe, and it is true that the viewer can find amazing sunsets probably every day. Coming down the road from almost 13,000 feet I had been observing the changes in the sky until I arrived much closer to the bottom of the valley. It seemed very unreal, almost magical. The fiery clouds seemed to be playing with the mountain peak.
From Long Ago

Crater Lake, Oregon

Driving from Idaho to California, I notice this dot on the map and decided that a 300-mile detour was not such a great thing if a trek which took me over 16,000 miles this past summer. I was certainly not disappointed. The West side of the USA is extremely volcanic, and this is great reminder of what was once.
Hope Again

Big Bend National Park, Texas

This park saw temperatures drop from 113 to 72 degrees in just a few minutes as several storms came through. In a land which can be so hostile, yet hope appears from time to time. Lightning in fact started several brushfire as I stood before this beginning of a rainbow.

Valley of the Gods, Utah

This site which takes the visitor on an 18-mile dirt road was fairly unknown two years ago. I was then able to journey through the valley alone. This past summer I traveled there again and was most disappointed in finding campers at every single stop. I am not sure what led to this change, but it was upsetting. One of the greatest things we experience in such locales is the ability to commune with the immensity of the universe. While I, or no one is solely owner of such a paradise on earth, it is good to feel so for but a few minutes. In the quiet of this beautiful desert, on can stand for hours, and discover different vistas at every turn.
Road to Nowhere

Death Valley, California

To say that Death Valley is an eerie site is the east that could be claimed about this place. Silence prevails, vegetation hesitates and those who venture upon these roads may not return.
The Promise

Lake Yellowstone, Wyoming

This image is inspired by the great American landscape painters of the 19th century. As their work did, the photo shows the almost infinite space which stood in front the old pioneers as they conquered the land.
Who Knows

Monument Valley, Utah

The dream of any child who has watched many an old western and played with the made-up stories of the old West, it is with awe that I discovered the place where John Wayne and John Ford worked together with so many dreamers. I have not to this day seen the valley under a clear sky, but seeing it under the rain, or heavy clouds, while a challenge to the photographer allows for unusual, or at last uncommon perspectives to those who are used to seeing this landscape in books or on postcards.
Window to Yesterday

Canyonlands, Utah

A very popular rendezvous for many I was not aware of the existence of this arch at the end of a little hike in Canyonlands. Being able to frame the beauty of the landscape beyond gives the impression of a much more inviting emptiness in these forbidding climates. The colors are true and leave the spectator with a sense of amazement at the pure beauty of an unspoiled earth.

Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and dozens of other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch Review, the San Pedro River Review as well as other publications. 

The Showdown | Poem by David Michael Jackson

Start writing
don’t look up
feel the click of the keys
Remembering her thumbs
moving like magic on the phone
the screen flashing here and there
so fast
standing there amazed,
Tombstone Poet Standing in the Street
waiting for the showdown,
former whittler and tobacco hand,
stood amazed, cliche’d from the past,
“You sure can work that thing, and you aren’t even looking!”
“You have to message under the desk at school.”

Stone Age Poet, Tombstone Cowboy Poet,
you type your words so slowly above the desk,
Your horse is old and those stones that are your words
tumble down the side of your mountain
to the showdown

Janet Kuypers’ “Under My Skin” 8/23/17 poetry feature @ Chicago’s In One Ear

Janet Kuypers’ “Under My Skin” 8/23/17 poetry feature @ Chicago’s In One Ear

    Chicago poet and Austin resident Janet Kuypers returned to Chicago for a week in August to coincide with the August 21st total eclipse of the sun (where she traveled to southern Illinois to photograph the event). During her stay she was honored with the opportunity to perform her feature show “Under My Skin” for In One Ear (at the bar next to the Heartland Café, 7000 N. Glenwood, Chicago, IL 60626) Wednesday, August 23rd 2017.

    Because Janet Kuypers knew she was coming back to Chicago the week of the total eclipse of the sun (and because she had no book releases of her poetry for years, ever since she moved to Austin), Janet Kuypers was thrilled that Scars Publications was able to release the first printing (from a U.S. printer) of two new books of hers, of poetry she had written while living in Austin, “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 poems” and “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems” (the second book of poems she wrote for features she has had in Austin). Since her return from this trip, Scars Publications has also released the second printing of “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 poems” and “(pheromemes) 2015-2017 show poems” (from an Amazon affiliated printer, with sales from printers in the U.S., the U.K. and all of Europe). Though in the begging of her feature she read her poem about the total solar eclipse that she wrote 12 hours after witnessing and photographing it, everything she otherwise read in her show was from these two books, and she also sold proof copies to audience members after the show.

[tubepress mode=’playlist’ playlistValue=’PLYa-AZK78_hqDS_Ho4EAk27OlbpHd2llq’ ]

    Janet Kuypers was also photographed during the live Chicago show, so people can still view the album of 20 photos live 8/23/17. Before the show started, Janet Kuypers also handed out select print copies of the Scars Publications chapbook “Under My Skin”. The chapbook is also available online anytime for viewing or download.

Read the poems from the feature “Under My Skin” (as well as poems performed during the open mic before the feature):

Protecting Peace can Put you in Prison”,
Quivering against the Invading Enemy”,
The Truth Is Out There”,
x-raying metal under my skin”,
X-rays and broken hearts”,
unique noise”,
erasure poem: A Poetic History”,
Just One Book”,
and “Returning to Georgetown)

Junebug Poem by David Michael Jackson

He sang his song and walked along
to the brightly lit shores and brought
fish and berries in a bucket home.
Junebug, junebug you don’t get a break
so you hide behind the blackberry and wait
As he pauses beside the gate,
for the berries to take.

She sang her song and walked along
to the brightly lit stores and brought
shiny ribbons and baskets home.
Junebug, junebug you can’t get a break
so you hide behind the blackberry and wait
to surprise her with your song
as she approaches the gate

Junebug, junebug you don’t get a break
for love comes by choice or happen stance
you bring your surprise along
or leave our lovers meeting, to chance.