Years have passed and that slim cider plant
is now a strong tree
The mesmerizing highway’s been constructed
across the mysterious sea
Wars started and presumed
to be ended soon
My senses have deadened, whereas my body
promoted to defend
I wonder why in this time
I’m not feeling good, I’m not fine
Days have come and nights have gone
without a sign of evolution in our genes
Climate smirks at our greenhouse dreams
Through once in a while, monsoons of disease
cyclones of death
Men are digging the earth at a furious pace
but I’ve always known that there are planets, in which
rains are diamond, snows emerald
Along this ephemeral wasting of time
I’m not feeling good, I’m not fine
The spider web’s connected all the people
Some are trapped like butterflies,
Some are tearing off the net, though cannot fly away
I heard their wings have hurt
and needed a century of rest
Galaxies have been expanding through the Dark Energy
I know that the chance of dropping in a Black Hole
is less than becoming human for some men
We are now safe living in the Milky Way!
But I’m running out of time
I’m not good, I’m not fine

Soodabeh Saeidnia lives in NYC but originally is Persian. She got her Pharm D and Ph.D. of Pharmacognosy and has worked as a researcher, assistant and associate professor in the Kyoto University (Japan), TUMS (Iran) and University of Saskatchewan (Canada). She is interested in English literature and poetry, and has published a collection of her poems, Words for myself, in Farsi. Her poems have been published (or a head of publishing) in the American magazines and literary journals including Squawk Back, Sisyphus Quarterly, Paradox, TimBookTu, Bobbling of the Irrational, SPINE, American Writers Journal, Tuck Magazine, La Libertad, Tiny Poetry, Indiana Voice Journal, The Pen, 352 degrees and the Great Weather for Media. A number of her poems have been printed in the books Where the Mind Dwells and American Poet by Eber & Wein Publishing as well as Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze by Johnson Publications and Artistic. Her newest book, Street of the Ginkgo Trees is now available online on Amazon. Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop the Babble of the Souk