Stray dog on the straw wind –
Heaven & earth are ruthless,
Yelp, yelp –
Where’s your tag, tab & chip!
You’re not even an exile,
You’re banned,
Perhaps you’ll get rabies & infect us.
This is my seat, my place, my corner,
I’m here, I’ve got my coat & bag
Next, see, when you get on,
I’m next to the window.
Get back to your kennel, with a number on.
Running loose. So we know where you are.
Maybe someone will leash you in.
Leash you from the lash.
Going to make it to the hill!
Borders are patrolled here.
A few chickens in the backyards
On the way. No way.
Our helicopter’s sniper
Will take you out & kill, kill, kill.
Poor thing, looks about all in,
What a shame, that beggar
Down the road looks as if he’d eat it.
I wouldn’t be surprised,
Poor thing.
What, sit here?
The bus is full?
Really, Oh well, if you must,
You must.
Mutter, utter,
(My Space:) ((so small)).
Here we are, at least, aren’t we.
Pets, but a stray’s a stray.
It’s raining cats & dogs.
Straw dog on the stray wind.
& treats the myriad creatures as straw dogs.
(Lao Tzu)
Robin Ouzman Hislop Editor of the 12 year running on line monthly poetry journal Poetry Life and Times. (See its Wikipedia entry at Poetry Life and Times). He has made many appearances over the last years in the quarterly journals Canadian Zen Haiku, including In the Spotlight Winter 2010 & Sonnetto Poesia. Previously published in international magazines, his recent publications include Voices without Borders Volume 1 (USA), Cold Mountain Review, Appalachian University N Carolina, Post Hoc installed at Bank Street Arts Centre, Sheffield (UK), Uroborus Journal, 2011-2012 (Sheffield, UK), The Poetic Bond II & 111, available at The Poetic Bond and Phoenix Rising from the Ashes a recently published Anthology of Sonnets: Phoenix Rising from the Ashes. He has recently completed a volume of poetry, The World at Large, for future publication. He is currently resident in Spain engaged in poetry translation projects.
Poetry Life & Times