Battle for Music. A Poem by Linda Imbler

Battle for Music

Reaching out to those from the past,

old frostbitten treble held fast,

in the unsettling absence of the old ruling class.

Blatant slights composing discourteous tone,

the tempo of time stolen 

and loose ends kept unkempt,

defining an obscure drone as nearly all we can hear.

Reverse ourselves,

soothe the interruption,

fill the secret box with choruses reprised,

replace removed harmonic constraints,

tunefulness no longer forbidden.

Preaching of the hymns  

and cardinal virtues renewed.

Abiding affection of clefs and ledger lines

meant to transform all as consonance,

putting forward what’s most dear to one’s heart,

and seat it with a staff,

enthroned in obvious audio triumph

Linda Imbler is an internationally published poet, an avid reader, classical guitar player, and a practitioner of both Yoga and Tai Chi. In, addition, she helps her husband, a Luthier, build acoustic guitars. She lives in Wichita, Kansas, U.S.A. where she enjoys her 200-gallon saltwater reef tank wherein resides her 24 year old yellow tang. Linda’s poetry collections include eight published paperbacks: Big Questions, Little Sleep First Edition, Big Questions, Little Sleep Second Edition; Lost and Found; Red Is The Sunrise; Bus Lights; Travel Sight; Spica’s Frequency; Doubt and Truth; and A Mad Dance. Soma Publishing has published her four e-book collections, The Sea’s Secret Song; Pairings, a hybrid of short fiction and poetry; That Fifth Element; and Per Quindecim. Examples of Linda’s poetry and a listing of publications can be found at Linda has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and six Best Of The Nets.

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