the words opened a wound those nights we wrote yours coming out like fine hairs of a sable brush and mine with the toughness of an orange peel well I want you to know I rubbed your words off nightly into erotic soft powder screaming in shades of pastel mixing it up for a day when we would have a likely work to be juried by critics too close to ownership but so far from the truth
opened a wound
those nights the tension was so heavy with denial I could feel it in the air what wasn't being said I heard so loud until the silence gave it away the words opened a wound ******
Copyright © Ms. Sage Sweetwater, Celebrity firebrand lesbian novelist
Sage Sweetwater is an American Celebrity firebrand lesbian novelist, poet, storyteller, screenwriter, and business artist who hails from Colorado, USA. Her novels and screenplays are being made into Hollywood High-Budget films. Her complete list of works and bio can be found at