The Philosopher. Poem by Luis Fores. Translated by Robin Ouzman Hislop

Burning surplus together with the dawns
praying for a percentage of heaven,
harvesting sunsets in the bitter cold
unknowing how passionately you loved.
Night knew of that pain by which you covered
inimical veils of mists that hovered
so envious of so much ardour
the way the passion was consumed by yours…
A trade that wouldn’t make love feel arrogant…
And pass in waiting a sinister entrapment
to kill the days by thought imprisonment.
And even though the heart be soothed by dreaming,
still it is made a fugitive maddening in…
A night now fleeing like a nightmare – galloping.

El filósofo
Quemando con auroras plusvalías,
rezando a porcentajes por el cielo,
ocasos cosechando entre los hielos,
a fuego amaste cuanto no sabías…
La noche supo que el dolor cubrías
con la enemiga niebla de los velos.
Y tanto ardor en ello que eran celos
en los que de pasión te consumías…
Oficio que al amor no hiciera altivo…
Y en el siniestro pasar pasó esperando
matar los días de un pensar cautivo.
Aunque calmare al corazón soñando,
en su locura lo hizo fugitivo…
Y así en su noche hoy huye: galuchando…
Luis Fores (España)
Translated from Luis Fores El filósofo
by Robin Ouzman Hislop

This sonnet together with its translation appeared in The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Exciting new sonnet anthology edited by Richard Vallance now available on Barnes & Noble: Phoenix Rising from the Ashes BN ID: 2940148833628 Publisher: FriesenPress Publication date: 11/20/2013 Sold by: Barnes & Noble


Luis Fores (1960) is a poet, philosopher and arts anthropologist, as well as a devoted practitioner of plastic arts. He has completed practice and theory studies at the Escuela de Artes Imaginarias de Madrid (TAI), and in the Faculty of Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid. Following research in modern and contemporary arts, he achieved his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Art from the same University. In addition, he has achieved his Master in Arts Aesthetics and Theory, by the Autonomous University of Madrid and a Bachelor´s degree in Arts Anthropology by the Complutense University. He has worked in the fields of photography and design for both books and magazines. To his various creative activities, he adds poetry writing, arts theory and teaching as a philosophy professor. He has published essays (research) on arts and philosophy, as well as poetry collections and photography in Spanish and foreign publications.


Robin Ouzman Hislop Editor of the 12 year running on line monthly poetry journal Poetry Life and Times. (See its Wikipedia entry at Poetry Life and Times). He has made many appearances over the last years in the quarterly journals Canadian Zen Haiku, including In the Spotlight Winter 2010 & Sonnetto Poesia. Previously published in international magazines, his recent publications include Voices without Borders Volume 1 (USA), Cold Mountain Review, Appalachian University N Carolina, Post Hoc installed at Bank Street Arts Centre, Sheffield (UK), Uroborus Journal, 2011-2012 (Sheffield, UK), The Poetic Bond II & 111, available at The Poetic Bond and Phoenix Rising from the Ashes a recently published Anthology of Sonnets: Phoenix Rising from the Ashes. He has recently completed a volume of poetry, The World at Large, for future publication. He is currently resident in Spain engaged in poetry translation projects.
Poetry Life & Times


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How Could I Ever Forget You Sonnet by Jose Antonio Pamies.Translated from Spanish by Robin Ouzman Hislop.

How could I ever forget you, sonnet,
comforting evenings, without wickedness,
finding there knowledge of challenge, to fight
and to love freely, wrists without handcuffs.

Your dream is as if of secret corners
that’s yet in everything so far away,
things, that never get the respect today,
your neglected home of ancient roses.

I’d never studied how to fashion you
believing I found you in ancient books,
stroking your rhythms, I encountered you.

And from that noble form emerged the dream
flowing with other words to kiss your looks,
destroying eve time, loving oblivion.
Translated from José Antonio Pamies Cómo he podido olvidarte soneto by Robin Ouzman Hislop
Cómo he podido olvidarte soneto
Cómo he podido olvidarte soneto
que acompañabas las tardes dichosas
sin maldad, hacerte aquí sabe a reto
y a amor libre, muñecas sin esposas.
Suenas todavía como un secreto
arrinconado lejos de las cosas,
chismes de hoy que no merecen respeto,
olvido es hogar de las antiguas rosas.
Nunca estudié una manera de crearte,
en libros viejos te hallé imaginando
acariciar tu medida, ubicarte.
Y desde la noble forma soñando
otras palabras con las que besarte,
destruyendo tardes, olvido amando.
José Antonio Pamies (España)
jose pamies

José Antonio Pamies (Alicante, 1981) Finalista del III Premio internacional de poesía 
Andrés Salom 2005 y del II Premio de la editorial poesia Eres Tu 2010 con Las Ruinas 
de la Aurora. Ha publicado Campos de hielo (Babilonia, Pliegos de la palabra nº 3, 2012) 
y Afonías (finalista del XXVI Premio Gerardo Diego de Poesía), así como poemas en revistas 
y numerosas antologías. Reside en Madrid, donde realiza estudia Teoría de la Literatura y 
Literatura Comparada.

José Antonio Pamies (Alicante, 1981) His early poetry collection Las Ruinas de la Aurora was a runner up at the III Andres Salom International Poetry Award in 2005 and the II poesia Eres Tu Publisher Award in 2010. He has published Campos de hielo (Babilonia, Pliegos de la palabra nº 3) and Afonías a runner up at the XXVI Gerardo Diego Poetry Award. He currently lives in Madrid, pursuing studies in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature.


This sonnet together with its translation appeared in The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Exciting new sonnet anthology edited by Richard Vallance now available on Barnes & Noble: BN ID: 2940148833628 Publisher: FriesenPress Publication date: 11/20/2013 Sold by: Barnes & Noble




Robin Ouzman Hislop (UK) Co-editor of the 12 year running on line monthly poetry journal Poetry Life and Times. (See its Wikipedia entry at He has made many appearances over the last years in the quarterly journals Canadian Zen Haiku, including In the Spotlight Winter 2010 & Sonnetto Poesia. Previously published in international magazines, recent publications include Voices without Borders Volume 1 (USA), Cold Mountain Review, Appalachian University N Carolina, Post Hoc installed at Bank Street Arts Centre, Sheffield (UK), Uroborus Journal, 2011-2012 (Sheffield, UK), The Poetic Bond II & 111, available at and Phoenix Rising from the Ashes a recently published Anthology of Sonnets: He has recently completed a volume of poetry, The World at Large, for future publication. He is currently resident in Spain engaged in poetry translation and you can also visit Face Book site at


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Eternity Shivers with a Coldness Translated from José Antonio Pamies’ “Toda la eternidad tiembla de frío” by Robin Ouzman Hislop


Toda la eternidad tiembla de frío,

es un plan muerto antes de nacer,

porque la cáscara nutre el vacío

ahondando en el alma de las cosas.


Yo sé que tú no crees en lo baldío

de la flor siniestra sobre el café,

la tarde es para ti como un estío

abrasado de calor contra las rosas.


Traerá Mayo su trasnochado azul,

contemplarás bajo el color nevado

tallos ocres de cuando fuiste oro.


Raíz negra rugiendo en el baúl,

solar sin tregua, sexo desmayado

donde el calor despierta sueños de otro


José Antonio Pamies (España)


Eternity shivers with a coldness

from a plan dead before it is born

because the rind which feeds the emptiness

deepens in concerns of the soul its form.


But you dont believe in the sinister

wasteland of this coffees wild flowers,

evening for you is seen as a summer,

a scorching heat burning against roses.


May will yet come in her outmoded blue,

you will watch beneath a snowy colour

before when you were gold, stems of ochre.


Black roots twisted in the wooden trunk scream

on a relentless ground of sex fainting

where the heat awakens anothers dream.


Translated from José Antonio PamiesToda la    eternidad tiembla de frío by Robin  Ouzman Hislop


jose pamies

José Antonio Pamies (Alicante, 1981) Finalista del III Premio internacional de poesía 
Andrés Salom 2005 y del II Premio de la editorial poesia Eres Tu 2010 con Las Ruinas 
de la Aurora. Ha publicado Campos de hielo (Babilonia, Pliegos de la palabra nº 3, 2012) 
y Afonías (finalista del XXVI Premio Gerardo Diego de Poesía), así como poemas en revistas 
y numerosas antologías. Reside en Madrid, donde realiza estudia Teoría de la Literatura y 
Literatura Comparada.

 José Antonio Pamies (Alicante, 1981) His early poetry collection Las Ruinas de la Aurora was a runner up at the III Andres Salom International Poetry Award in 2005 and the II poesia Eres Tu Publisher Award in 2010. He has published Campos de hielo (Babilonia, Pliegos de la palabra nº 3) and Afonías a runner up at the XXVI Gerardo Diego Poetry Award. He currently lives in Madrid, pursuing studies in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature.


This sonnet together with its translation appeared in The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Exciting new sonnet anthology edited by Richard Vallance now available on Barnes & Noble: BN ID: 2940148833628 Publisher: FriesenPress Publication date: 11/20/2013 Sold by: Barnes & Noble




Robin Ouzman Hislop (UK) Co-editor of the 12 year running on line monthly poetry journal Poetry Life and Times. (See its Wikipedia entry at He has made many appearances over the last years in the quarterly journals Canadian Zen Haiku, including In the Spotlight Winter 2010 & Sonnetto Poesia. Previously published in international magazines, recent publications include Voices without Borders Volume 1 (USA), Cold Mountain Review, Appalachian University N Carolina, Post Hoc installed at Bank Street Arts Centre, Sheffield (UK), Uroborus Journal, 2011-2012 (Sheffield, UK), The Poetic Bond II & 111, available at and Phoenix Rising from the Ashes a recently published Anthology of Sonnets: He has recently completed a volume of poetry, The World at Large, for future publication. He is currently resident in Spain engaged in poetry translation and you can also visit Face Book site at













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The War Poet. Poem. Jeff Green


He ripped away the patriotic fog

by painting scenes of brutal blood and gore,

of tedium and unrelenting slog

to show the world the horrors of the war.

He learned from all the greatest of the age.

Sassoon would coax from him his finest art:

the voice that told a generation’s rage,

with passions stolen from a broken heart.

When all was won and death still greater waste,

he gave his life as millions had before.

The news gave peace a lasting bitter taste,

and emphasised the dreadful final score.

There is no sweet and fitting way to die;

his verses showed the world that greatest lie.


Jeff Green, who lives in Harrow, UK. is by training and inclination a scientist, is also a long-time lover of words. Of himself, he says, “I started writing poetry for others when I included brief rhymes in Christmas cards for a group of lovely young ladies about five years ago, but had always played with the sound of words for my own amusement. The girls all wanted to read each others verses and asked for more, one of them encouraged me to find a wider audience, and after much nagging I did so. Writing regularly lead me to understand what I really like in poetry, and that is how I got here!”  www.

This sonnet is pre-published with the permission of the Editor-in-chief from:Richard Vallance, editor-in-chief. The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Anthology of sonnets of the early third millennium = Le Phénix renaissant de ses cendres : Anthologie de sonnets au début du troisième millénaire. Friesen Presse, Victoria, B.C., Canada. © 2013. approx. 240 pp. ISBN Hardcover: 978-1-4602-1700-9 Price: $28.00 Paperback: 978-1-4602-1701-6 Price: $18.00 e-Book: 978-1-4602-1702-3 Price: TBA

300 sonnets & ghazals in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese & Persian. Selected sonnets in this anthology are to be pre-published by our permission in Poetry Life & Times (UK) which has exclusive sole rights prior to the publication of the anthology itself. Readers may also contact Richard Vallance, Editor-in-Chief, at: for further information.



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Pimp Shoes. Poem. Sonnet. Phillip Fried.



Did I mean to stalk the streets in cothurni? Shit, no.
I just failed to foresee the precarious vaudeville wobble
as the head with its chorus surveys what’s unsteady below,
its kibitzing voices tsk-tsking a double hobble

(another fine mess chalked up to clueless hubris),
hands groping for balance but looking as if I would break
into patter-song: oh hamartia, convivial riff.
And a fool might truly say, he’s a dupe of the Fate

that dogs the consumer, scammed with apotheosis
and the heady allure of a glowing ocher toe cap.
But watch me teeter in glory, a pimp Oedipus,
eyes level with second-floor shops for Pedi-Mani.

Elevation was my downfall, catastrophe
my rise. And my marrow’s red honey—fear, pity.



“Pimp Shoes” by Philip Fried was published in Cohort [Salmon Poetry, Ireland, 2009.


Philip Fried (1945― ), earned a B.A. in English at Antioch College, an M.F.A. in Poetry at the Writers Workshop, University of Iowa, and a Ph.D. in Literature at the State University of New York, Stony Brook. On writing sonnets, he has this to say, “I draw inspiration from the sonnet’s origins to update it for the Digital Age. Linked from its earliest days to legal proceedings and a modern psychology of conflicted love, the sonnet held together what wanted to fly apart. I have re-conceived the contemporary sonnet as an arena where fragments of self and samples of lingo play off against one another.” His poems have appeared in such journals as Beloit Poetry Journal, New Orleans Review, Partisan Review, Paris Review and Tin House. The most recent of his five published books of poetry is Early/Late: New and Selected Poems (Salmon Poetry, Ireland, 2011), which was called “skillful and memorable” by Publishers Weekly.


This sonnet is pre-published with the permission of the Editor-in-chief from:Richard Vallance, editor-in-chief. The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Anthology of sonnets of the early third millennium = Le Phénix renaissant de ses cendres : Anthologie de sonnets au début du troisième millénaire. Friesen Presse, Victoria, B.C., Canada. © 2013. approx. 240 pp. ISBN Hardcover: 978-1-4602-1700-9 Price: $28.00 Paperback: 978-1-4602-1701-6 Price: $18.00 e-Book: 978-1-4602-1702-3 Price: TBA


300 sonnets & ghazals in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese & Persian. Selected sonnets are pre-published by our permission in Poetry Life & Times (UK) which has exclusive sole rights prior to the publication of the anthology itself. Readers may also contact Richard Vallance, Editor-in-Chief, at: for further information.





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Still Life. Poem. Sonnet. Annie Finch



vermeer Girl with an Earing

A sunny afternoon, think of Vermeer.

Here is the apple, here the rounding side

of the blue pitcher. On the scrubbed wood just here,

she puts the pitcher down, so that the slide

of drops against its lip catches what light

there is for pitchers here this afternoon.

She does not really see the drops, or quite

attend the blue. A common thing. But soon

the tide will turn, and salty smells will rise

to circle in the street, and to her ears

will come the voices. Then doorways to her eyes,

then other days than this afternoon’s years.

She will stop to hold this moment near,

and drop the pitcher, and betray Vermeer.


Annie Finch is a highly acclaimed, widely published, and extremely gifted American sonneteer, whose complete biography and literary career are to be found by searching “Wikipedia Annie Finch”. Her inimitable sonnet, “Still Life”, which we republish here, has previously appeared countless times in poetry anthologies and books, journals in print and E-zines. Annie Finch is also a highly reputed poetry and sonnet critic.

This sonnet is pre-published with the permission of the Editor-in-chief from:Richard Vallance, editor-in-chief. The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Anthology of sonnets of the early third millennium = Le Phénix renaissant de ses cendres : Anthologie de sonnets au début du troisième millénaire. Friesen Presse, Victoria, B.C., Canada. © 2013. approx. 240 pp. ISBN Hardcover: 978-1-4602-1700-9 Price: $28.00 Paperback: 978-1-4602-1701-6 Price: $18.00 e-Book: 978-1-4602-1702-3 Price: TBA

300 sonnets & ghazals in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese & Persian. Selected sonnets are pre-published by our permission in Poetry Life & Times (UK) which has exclusive sole rights prior to the publication of the anthology itself. Readers may also contact Richard Vallance, Editor-in-Chief, at: for further information.



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VI.Sonnet.Poem.Barbara Crooker




One word, and then another, falls in line

like geese wedging their way down the sky,

a vast scroll of paper yet unwritten. I

Roll a sheet in the typewriter, and begin

again, to try and pin down what’s elusive,

some insistent bird that whistles from a bush,

Here, here, here I am,” then vanishes,

while I am left to struggle with the narrative.

Like “Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window”,

I wish the light would flood in from the left,

paint me slickly gold, tell me what comes next.

But I am in the dark, no map, no text,

just following my heart as night falls soft,

covers us with her obsidian wing.


VI” by Barbara Crooker. “Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window”. The reference is to the painting of the same title by Dutch painter, Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675). See also “Still Life”, by Annie Finch.


Barbara Crooker’s sonnets have appeared in magazines such as The Schuylkill Valley Journal, riverrun, Poets On: and Fringe. Largely a free verse writer, she believes that sonnets are another tool in the writer’s paintbox. Her work has been widely anthologized, in places like Poetry: an Introduction (Bedford/St. Martin’s) and Good Poems for Hard Times (Garrison Keillor, editor,Viking Penguin). Her book, Radiance, was winner of the 2005 Word Press First Book Award, and Line Dance (Word Press, 2008), won the 2009 Paterson Award for Literary Excellence. Her forthcoming book Gold. Barbara Crooker appears (2013 or 2014) in the Poeima Poetry Series of Cascade Books, a division of Wipf & Stock. Website:


This sonnet is pre-published with the permission of the Editor-in-chief from:Richard Vallance, editor-in-chief. The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Anthology of sonnets of the early third millennium = Le Phénix renaissant de ses cendres : Anthologie de sonnets au début du troisième millénaire. Friesen Presse, Victoria, B.C., Canada. © 2013. approx. 240 pp. ISBN Hardcover: 978-1-4602-1700-9 Price: $28.00 Paperback: 978-1-4602-1701-6 Price: $18.00 e-Book: 978-1-4602-1702-3 Price: TBA


300 sonnets & ghazals in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese & Persian. Selected sonnets are pre-published by our permission in Poetry Life & Times (UK) which has exclusive sole rights prior to the publication of the anthology itself. Readers may also contact Richard Vallance, Editor-in-Chief, at: for further information.



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The House of the Idiot. Poem.Sonnet. R.W.Haynes .





 When Dostoyevsky seemed so pessimistic,

 I smiled to think he’d viewed society

as though the false, the foolish, and the sadistic

established the patterns of human propriety,

with demons hovering over each decision,

winking and leering, clouding calculation

with appetite, with decency in derision,

annihilating honesty in negotiation.

Wondering at his marvellous naïveté,

I recognize that diabolic brood,

and ask myself how he could write all day

depicting evil with exactitude.

Age brings these recognitions, it seems,

as nightmares shove aside our foolish dreams.




R. W. Haynes (1951 — ), Professor of English at Texas A&M International University, has published sonnets and other poems in numerous journals, including Ampersand Poetry Review, Lucayos, Off the Coast, The Queen City Review, The Resurrectionist, Lucid Rhythms, Kritya, Willows Wept Review, Sixers Review, Sonnetto Poesia and Tertulia. He teaches early British literature and Shakespeare, with occasional courses on Ibsen and on Horton Foote.


This sonnet is pre-published with the permission of the Editor-in-chief from:Richard Vallance, editor-in-chief. The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Anthology of sonnets of the early third millennium = Le Phénix renaissant de ses cendres : Anthologie de sonnets au début du troisième millénaire. Friesen Presse, Victoria, B.C., Canada. © 2013. approx. 240 pp. ISBN Hardcover: 978-1-4602-1700-9 Price: $28.00 Paperback: 978-1-4602-1701-6 Price: $18.00 e-Book: 978-1-4602-1702-3 Price: TBA

300 sonnets & ghazals in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese & Persian. Selected sonnets in this anthology are to be pre-published by our permission in Poetry Life & Times (UK) which has exclusive sole rights prior to the publication of the anthology itself. Readers may also contact Richard Vallance, Editor-in-Chief, at: for further information.



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