Excerpt from Fragments of an Unknown Diary
Inutile Inútil
insolent insolente
insociable insociable
insecure filthy insegura sucia
cupriferous carbona soaked cuprífera carbona rehogada
lens lamina lente lámina
leavened levadiza
villain villana
vultiferous jerk vultífera fregada
insomniac insomne
maniac maníaca
criminoid désolée decisive criminante desolante decisiva
incisive incisiva
leeks mangled beef puerro ropa vieja
snitch soplona
salivating drooling dissolving salivada babeante borrosa
brute bruta
brutally brute abrutada brutal
malapertous malabuena
malapropous malhabida
beflavorous saborida
borealeous brisada
brumeous brumosa
lunar rapide lunar rápida
unmissed mal ida
unwelcome malvenida
seated seatless ensillada sin silla
second sally resalida
aligned ahilada
related recontada
recuperated recuperada
cured curtida
cooked cociente
crunched crujiente
stitched cosida
chosen elegida
papa loved papá amada
papa pretty papá linda
papa talk papá diálogo
papa love papá amor
papa always papá siempre
broken bashed bent rota estrujada revertida
exonerated exonerada
extracted extraída
launched lanzada
mama suppressed mamá elidida
mama scolded mamá reñida
mama twisted mamá torcida
mama out mamá fuera
mama far mamá lejos
mama hurry mamá prisas
mama hollow mamá hueco
mama never mamá nunca
mama old mamá vieja
mama death mamá muerte
mama space mamá espacio
mama freedom mamá libertad
mama voice mamá voz
mama laughing mamá riente
mama suffering mamá doliente
mama pardon mamá perdón
mama please mamá porfavor
mama plea mamá ruego
mama purchase mamá compra
mama vigilant mamá avizora
mama idea mamá idea
mama recuperate mamá recupera
mama leftover mamá sobras
mama rags mamá guiñapo
mama mummy mamá momia
mama whine mamá queja
mama fate mamá sino
mama loving mamá amante
mama late mamá tarde
garden gone jardín ido
gathered recogido
garden rigged jardín jarcias
never-ever jamases
garden grasped jardín asido
threads hilo
garden moon jardín luna
gleams riela
carp play lúdica carpa
sounds suena
pool star charco estrella
garden plot jardín tramo
peril trance

Works by Noni Benegas
Argonáutica. Prologue José María Valverde. Barcelona: Laertes, 1984. (Platero Prize)
La balsa de la Medusa. Alicante: Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Alicante, 1987.
(Miguel Hernández National Prize for Poetry)
Cartografía ardiente: Madrid: Verbum, 1995.
Las entretelas sedosas: Montilla: Aula Poética Casa del Inca, 2002.
Fragmentos de un diario desconocido. Ferrol: Esquío, 2004. (Esquío de Poesía Prize)
De ese roce vivo: Madrid, Huerga&Fierro, 2009
Animales Sagrados: Barcelona, Igitur, 2012 ( Vila de Martorell Prize)
Lugar Vertical: Barcelona, Igitur, 2012 ( Ciutat de Palma, Rubén Darío Prize)
El ángel de lo súbito: A selection of poetry, whit an introduction by Benito del Pliego, Madrid, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2013
Fragmentos de un diario desconocido. Reedition, Madrid, eMe, escritura de Mujeres en español, Ed. La Palma, 2017
Poetry in translation
Burning Cartography: A bilingüal selection spanish-english, introduced and translated by Noël Valis. Austin, TX, Host, 2007. Second edition with added poems in 2011
Animaux sacrés et autres poémes: A bilingüal selection spanish-french translated by Annie Salager, Sète, Al Manar, 2013 (Voix Vives, de Méditerranée en Méditerranée)
Ellas tienen la palabra. Dos décadas de poesía española. (with Jesús Munárriz). Introduction by Noni Benegas. Madrid: Hiperión, 1997. 4th ed., 2008.
Ellas tienen la palabra. Las mujeres y la escritura. Collects the introduction to the anthology of the same name, a new prologue, articles, interviews and an epilogue. Madrid,Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2017
Ellas resisten. Mujeres poetas y artistas. Textos 1994-2019: Madrid, Huerga&Fierro, 2019
Bio: Translator. Noël Valis (born 24 December 1945) is a writer, scholar and translator. She is a Professor of Spanish at Yale University. She received her B.A. from Douglass College and earned a Ph.D. in Spanish and French at Bryn Mawr College. An Hon. Woodrow Wilson Fellow, she is a recipient of fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Valis is a Full Member of the Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (an affiliate of the Real Academia Española) and a Corresponding Member of the Real Academia Española. In 2017 she won the Victoria Urbano Academic Achievement Prize (Premio Victoria Urbano de Reconocimiento Académico), given by the International Association of Hispanic Women’s Literature and Culture (Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica), for her work in Hispanic women’s and gender studies. Her translation of Noni Benegas’s poetry, Burning Cartography, was awarded the New England Council of Latin American Studies’ Best Book Translation Prize.
Robin Ouzman Hislop is Editor of Poetry Life and Times ; his publications include
All the Babble of the Souk , Cartoon Molecules and Next Arrivals, collected poems, as well as translation of Guadalupe Grande´s La llave de niebla, as Key of Mist and the recently published Tesserae , a translation of Carmen Crespo´s Teselas.
You may visit Aquillrelle.com/Author Robin Ouzman Hislop about author. See Robin performing his work Performance (University of Leeds)