I long to hold the Poetry Editor’s Penis in My Hand
                                                                      ~Francesca Bell
We enjoyed the voice in your poems;
in particular we enjoyed:
however, they are not
what we are seeking for
inclusion in RECYCLE BIN.
Your submission was just
so close to acceptance.
We look forward
to reading more from you
in the future.
Please feel free to submit
again, we do ask that you
wait at least six months
before re-submitting.
Geosi Gyasi is a librarian, book blogger, reader, writer, and interviewer of many important writers including Nobel Prize Winner, Roald Hoffmann. His work has appeared or forthcoming in Visual Verse, Verse-Virtual, The New Black Magazine, Afrikana.ng, Misty Review, Nigerians Talk, African Writer, Kalahari Review, Silver Birch, Linden Avenue, Brittle Paper and elsewhere. He blogs at www.geosireads.wordpress.com

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SMOKING TIME. A Poem by Ajise Vincent

I crave for days when dreams
were breast-fed with lactates of didactism.
Days when truth was our deity
Worshiped in the shrine of our conscience
Then, our words were golden
They tangoed not with subtleties
Our biddings were enveloped in love
They wore not the swinish regalia of abhorrence
Lo! in a flash
We ate eve’s apple. Knowledge?
Misconstrued. Annihilated.
We are now a generation
Of forbidden heresies.
A bisected
Navel tossed into abyss.
For our conscience
has been battered for mammons
& all our prospects now lie
on the tree of knowledge, good and evil.


Ajise Vincent
Ajise Vincent is a Nigerian Poet. His poem “Song of a Progeny” was a shortlisted poem at the Korea- Nigeria Poetry feast, 2015. His works have been published in London grip magazine, Kalahari Review, Sakonfa literary magazine, AfricanWriter, Indian periodical, Social Justice Poetry, I Am Not a Silent Poet, Afrikana ng, Poetry Pacific, The Poet Community, Whispers, Commonline Journal, Novel Afrique, Black Boy Review, Tuck Magazine and various literary outlets. He is currently finishing up a major in Economics at the University


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Box Kick Poems by Christopher Barnes

Box Kick 16

…Floor crosses bag-of-tricks magnetrons
And peripherals…

Worker Ant No.11 kinks labels.

…Floor crosses bag-of-crunchbollock sRmg8TtA@o
?dA pip<Her2sla

Box Kick 17

…Skin-tight between word counter
And duplicator
With the setback hesitation graft…

Worker Ant No.12 cocks a wheel to shifty.

…Skin-tight between word counter
And tracklouse
H6.W cK,,,sB tat”9hsi0&

Box Kick 18

…Propelled to welder’s inhaling confines
Bridged with a sprung hose…

Worker Ant No.13 grafts contraptions.

…Propelled to welder’s railpogo NiFs7ne”
gib.(4r Hit- + sUn:p4 soH<

Box Kick 19

…Tiptop channel manoeuvres
For harmonious user reflex…

Worker Ant No.14 dribbles acid
Onto the keyboard.

…Tiptop channel manoeuvres
Marksmash #Hois2%!rA sUr/ xeR8&E

Box Kick 20

…Dinky tangible circumference,
Sit-back predicaments
In running flexibilities…

Worker Ant No.15 jigsaws the pod.

…Dinky tangible circumference,
Sit-back blundertrue N+nNir:]v eX3b_T,f7iii

In 1998 I won a Northern Arts writers award. In July 200 I read at Waterstones bookshop to promote the anthology ‘Titles Are Bitches’. Christmas 2001 I debuted at Newcastle’s famous Morden Tower doing a reading of my poems. Each year I read for Proudwords lesbian and gay writing festival and I partook in workshops. 2005 saw the publication of my collection LOVEBITES published by Chanticleer Press, 6/1 Jamaica Mews, Edinburgh.

On Saturday 16Th August 2003 I read at the Edinburgh Festival as a Per Verse poet at LGBT Centre, Broughton St.

I also have a BBC web-page www.bbc.co.uk/tyne/gay.2004/05/section_28.shtml andwww.bbc.co.uk/tyne/videonation/stories/gay_history.shtml (if first site does not work click on SECTION 28 on second site.

Christmas 2001 The Northern Cultural Skills Partnership sponsored me to be mentored by Andy Croft in conjunction with New Writing North. I made a radio programme for Web FM community radio about my writing group. October-November 2005, I entered a poem/visual image into the art exhibition The Art Cafe Project, his piece Post-Mark was shown in Betty’s Newcastle. This event was sponsored by Pride On The Tyne. I made a digital film with artists Kate Sweeney and Julie Ballands at a film making workshop called Out Of The Picture which was shown at the festival party for Proudwords, it contains my poem The Old Heave-Ho. I worked on a collaborative art and literature project called How Gay Are Your Genes, facilitated by Lisa Mathews (poet) which exhibited at The Hatton Gallery, Newcastle University, including a film piece by the artist Predrag Pajdic in which I read my poem On Brenkley St. The event was funded by The Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Research Institute, Bio-science Centre at Newcastle’s Centre for Life. I was involved in the Five Arts Cities poetry postcard event which exhibited at The Seven Stories children’s literature building. In May I had 2006 a solo art/poetry exhibition at The People’s Theatre why not take a look at their website ptag.org.uk/whats_on/gallery/recent_exhbitions.htm

The South Bank Centre in London recorded my poem “The Holiday I Never Had”, I can be heard reading it on www.poetrymagazines.org.uk/magazine/record.asp?id=18456

REVIEWS: I have written poetry reviews for Poetry Scotland and Jacket Magazine and in August 2007 I made a film called ‘A Blank Screen, 60 seconds, 1 shot’ for Queerbeats Festival at The Star & Shadow Cinema Newcastle, reviewing a poem…see www.myspace.com/queerbeatsfestival On September 4 2010, I read at the Callander Poetry Weekend hosted by Poetry Scotland. I have also written Art Criticism for Peel and Combustus Magazines. I was involved in The Creative Engagement In Research Programme Research Constellation exhibitions of writing and photography which showed in London (march 13 2012) and Edinburgh (july 4 2013) see
www.researchconstellation.co.uk/ . I co-edit the poetry magazine Interpoetry



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[don’t burn the midnight oil] A Poem by Yuan Changming

Yes, Elvis has left the building
And you may be glad to see the back of
A hot potato
Jumping on the bandwagon
But once in a blue moon
You will hear it on the grapevine
Rather than straight from the horse’s mouth
Which is a far cry
From the best thing since sliced bread
Something you can see eye to eye
While cutting the mustard
By drawing all the best of both worlds
To make a long story short
Now if you feel a bit under the weather
Do not sit on the fence
Do not let the cat out of the bag
But just give it the benefit of doubt
And then hit the sack
Even in this heat of the moment

[bio info]:: Yuan Changming, 8-time Pushcart nominee and author of 5 chapbooks, is the most widely published poetry author who speaks Mandarin but writes English: since mid-2005, he has had poetry appearing in Best Canadian Poetry, Best New Poems Online, London Magazine, Threepenny Review and 1069 others across 36 countries. With a PhD in English, Yuan currently edits Poetry Pacific with Allen Qing Yuan in Vancouver.


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Whittler’s Lament. A Poem by Ron Olsen

He sat on the stoop
One stick
After another
Whittling away
Until they were gone
Pausing only to spit on the wet stone
To sharpen the blade
Without it
He would be finished
His mind waltzed from one vagary to another
Possessed by some brazen demon of old
Without defined purpose or cause
Knowing only that he had been left behind
Without a partner in the dance
They laughed at his plight
His suffering
His brain turning to rose colored granite
She had so loved the smooth face of the granite
And cool spring nights at the graveyard
Truly alone
At last
He had taken his shot and missed
And now
Sneering at the children in the street
With their catcalls
Their pranks
Tiny cheerful idiots
He was unable to remember
His need that went begging
Before the haze came
And the whittling started
Now there was only the blade
Working its way
Through the pile of twigs
One switch at a time
Until they were gone
His pain dulled
Once again
By a job well done
©2015 Ron Olsen – all rights reserved

Ron Olsen is a Peabody and Emmy award winning journalist based in Southern California. He is recently retired from the Tribune Company, where he was stationed at the Los Angeles Times, working with the newspaper’s writers and editors to adapt newspaper stories for KTLA-TV. He is the author of more than one-thousand essays and an occasional poem. His essays have been published by several local papers in the Los Angeles area. He began writing poetry just recently. He says he loves the craft of saying more with fewer words, with each word playing a significant role in the piece. “I am sometimes struck by my poetry”
he says.”I’ll look at what I’ve written and wonder where it came from-some wellspring that’s beyond my understanding. What a strange and wonderful process.”

A more complete bio can be found here –
or at his blog at
http://workingreporter.com/wordpress or his Facebook page at

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Vestiges of yesterday,
the touch:
contoured force of weight,
map of the route,
stride at the beach,
cutting out,
a stone figure of the story,
incised epicurean scars,
saltwater on our feet,
second of soaked ooze,
at the moist goo,
to chew
a purple behavior,
in the swim,
bite the cherry,
pelting ego
to climb within,
necks are
ten feet long,
legs grappled
flapping equation,
for the triangle,
a shade
that stirs,
tied on
of munched ground,
a shrub to care,
buoy up crack.
drawn on spine,
scratched limbs,
soaky meat,
bestowed fat,
sit on a roof,
pile up cubist
left lobe,
right lobe,
the corpse in view,
burn through
the drawing,
memories of omitted
childhood toys,
the put-together valve,
meat sourced from various donors,
construction to press,
three pieces,
not at all a perfect fit,
disparate dimensions,
blamed on size,
pellets and screws
bolt the amalgamated
weighted on each step,
the stride squeezes
our lower ventricle.
Roots of the walnuts
hanged below,
as support
they rise
marvel at
the burning ashes
on the casserole,
fired blaze,
trails on the moving picture
guessing figures,
three blackboards
solve the equation,
place a blindfold to sleep it off.
Out here,
the ceiling remains
on sketches,
placed to
awaken at the scent,
tie a pendant to hang
the smirched dahlia
on a necklace,
scaled buds on
derma peel,
as the spit skims,
walnuts are slow
to sprout branches,
let us sit across
the chalk design,
out of the inflated chamber.
A tin cup,
pour the beverage,
comb your hair,
the jagged leather,
ripped wounds,
outside the sewn thread,
our hair may want partings.

Author bio:
Benedict Downing has written fiction, poetry since his adolescence. He joined local community reading circles, workshops, college literary groups, and ventured into his own. Has published fiction and poetry in literary magazines and journals. He is currently working in his second novel.
There are two published books written by Mr.Downing. A poetry book “Sidereal Reflux” (2011) and a novel “Epicrisis” (2014).

ISBN-13: 978-1499783056 Sidereal Reflux (Poetry)
ISBN-13: 978-1499774993 Epicrisis (Novel)

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Life Pictures. A Poem by Ben Nardolilli

His grip sucked the life
from ancient rivers,
whose substance was earth,
the welcome house for all
with sores on,
I received your words
without pride, with
the right human veins,
the world opened, others
persuaded you,
their eyes criss-crossed, flashed
like rotten anger
a salty soul,
witch of an euro-american legend
to our mouths,
a sweating gown
deep like the day,
orifices like lyres,
we commuted in the worse
on all their words and pictures


Ben Nardolilli currently lives in Arlington, Virginia. His work has appeared in Perigee Magazine, Red Fez, Danse Macabre, The 22 Magazine,Quail Bell Magazine, Elimae, fwriction, THEMA, Pear Noir, The MinettaReview, and Yes Poetry. He has a chapbook Common Symptoms of an Enduring Chill Explained, from Folded Word Press. He blogs at mirrorsponge.blogspot.com and is looking to publish a novel. Thanks for reading,
Poetry Life & Times


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Toasting the gods. A Poem by Scott Thomas Outlar

Little Man-child
trying to play with the Big Boys
pretending to be gods
up on Olympus
Careful with the hubris
lest ye fall like Atlantis
with Eve and all her serpents
Take a rib and suck it
down to the marrow
trying to find a First Cause
in the belly of the feast
It’s the passion of the Beast
welcome to carnage city
bringing the chaos nightly
Come dance with Bacchus
who wears the grapevines
on his head as a halo
glowing with the spilt blood
captured in the glass that ever flows

Scott Thomas Outlar lives a simple life in the suburbs, spending the days flowing and fluxing with the tide of the Tao River, marveling at the intricacies of life’s existential nature, and writing prose-fusion poetry dedicated to the Phoenix Generation. His words have appeared recently in venues such as Siren, Section 8, Midnight Lane Boutique, Dead Snakes, Mad Swirl, and Dissident Voice. His debut chapbook “A Black Wave Cometh” is forthcoming from Dink Press. More of Scott’s writing can be found at 17numa.wordpress.com.
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