That’s Why I Write. Poem. Kwame Write Aidoo.

‘That’s why I write’

My ink flies far when I Orville write..
[That’s why I write]
It’s ideal to open up and let the brains breathe right..
[That’s why I write]

Oprah talks,  Brad Pitt acts, I write!

Weird would the world be without writers..
Like Martin’s assassination story without snipers.
What? No Bible revelations?
No Readers’ digests?
No Quran quotes?
No Daily graphics?
No music magazines?
not even Kama sutra notes?
[That’s why I write]

I don’t tittle-tattle, I’d rather scribble-scrabble
Gossips are short-lived so let my pencil prattle
Poetry paints the state of affairs, affairs of the state
So why keep a glutton crayon by a starving slate?
[That’s why I write]

Born was I the same year noble Soyinka took Nobel award
My manger must have been brushed by his white hair wand..
Toddling, I watched Efua Sutherland weave ‘Anansesem’ with her palm,
Pondering why Kwaku Ananse hid a calabash of the whole world wisdom.
[That’s why I write]

But trifling is the written when never read..
Could we have the Passover without the bread?
So read Shakespeare’s or Blakes’s! Atukwei’s Ama’s
If you’ld read none, inspire…



Kwame’s love for wordplay has earned him online publications, awards from the Scrabble Association of Ghana and a couple of nicknames including Write. He is a nominee for the International Best Amateur Poet by World Poetry Organisation, a biochemist working as a health & safety consultant who believes that freelance writing, spoken word and rap are not only rich arts but tools for educating and inspiring people. Kwame Write founded Inkfluent which produced Vocal Portraits; a spoken word compilation that brought together 15 artists from 3 continents: Africa, America and Europe. When he’s not with the pen, he’s most likely playing beach soccer or making new friends over a bowl of fufu and palm wine. You can visit him at and

Twitter: @kwamewrite





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MY HEART IS AS… (2002).Poem. Robin Marchesi


My heart
Is as
The old
West pier
In Brighton.
It has been stripped down,
To bear minimum,
The structure crumbles,
Winds, Rains and Tides,
Have wrecked
Once noble
Steel girders.
The Penny arcades,
Little lights and joy rides,
Have passed into history.
Only the starlings, black clouds,
At sunset,

My heart
Is as
The old
West Pier
In Brighton.
Shrouded in darkness,
Awaiting collapse,
It is old enough,
To remember
The little boy,
Who once played,
When the Pier
And both made dreams,
That are now,
The Property
Of Ghosts…
Robin Marchesi, born in 1951, began writing in his teens, much to the consternation of his mother, the sister of Eric Hobsbawm, the historian.

In 1992 Cosmic Books published his first book entitled  “A B C Quest”.

In 1996 March Hare Press published “Kyoto Garden” and in 1999 “My Heart is As…”

ClockTowerBooks published his Poetic Novella, “A Small Journal of Heroin Addiction”, digitally, in 2000.

Charta Books published his latest work entitled “Poet of the Building Site”, about his time working with Barry Flanagan the Sculptor of Hares, in association with the Irish Museum of Modern Art.

He is presently working on an upcoming novel entitled “A Story Made of Stone.”

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The Insomniac’s Prayer. Poem. Video. Sara L. Russell.2000


The ripening berries
Summer’s last blaze
when her breath is of jasmine
and phlox is her sigh
Let me dream then,
of summer
and float through the haze
peaceful breath
bed of poppies
ceiling of blue sky

Let me float
like a feather
in the arms
of the breeze
Let me drift
like a leaf
on a tide, upstream
with the murmur of water
the soft hum of bees
in a garden 
in peace
in sleep 
in a dream

Send me love’s angels
to watch at my bed
golden of voice
and silver of wing;
two at the far corners
two at my head
with my dreams
all of heaven
when softly
they sing

Send me a light 
that can never grow dim
love, like a candle
to lighten my heart
empty my mind
of each worry and whim
and the ghosts 
of nights demons
that tear me apart

Till I float
like a feather
in the arms
of the breeze
and drift 
like a leaf
on a tide, upstream
love make me wise
through life’s cruelties
sleep dry my eyes
make me still
let me dream.


AKA @pinkyandrexa Poet, Artist, Cartoonist, Goth, Time Traveller. Friend of cats everywhere. Former Editor of Poetry Life & Times. Founder of … See also plus over a million poetry links online.


Sara Louise Russell , whose internet name is “PinkyAndrexa”, is a UK poet who has earned a well-deserved reputation as a highly respected twenty-first century poetry publisher and poet. She was the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Life & Times, one of the world’s premier poetry E-zines, which ran monthly from 1998-2006 under her tutelage. She has always been in on the scene with graphic design, animation, 3D art, web design, sign writing, photography, film and poetry recital videos. Sara is founder and current editor of Paper Li.  Poetry Lifetimes and the online  Ning network The Video Poets. Her poetry has been published in Artvilla, AuthorsDen, Hello Poetry, The New Pleiades Anthology of Poetry (Describe Adonis Press, Ottawa, © 2005), Sonnetto Poesia, Word Machinist and more, as well as in several e-books by Kedco Studios Inc. (USA). Her skills as a sonneteer are particularly remarkable.


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Eternity Shivers with a Coldness Translated from José Antonio Pamies’ “Toda la eternidad tiembla de frío” by Robin Ouzman Hislop


Toda la eternidad tiembla de frío,

es un plan muerto antes de nacer,

porque la cáscara nutre el vacío

ahondando en el alma de las cosas.


Yo sé que tú no crees en lo baldío

de la flor siniestra sobre el café,

la tarde es para ti como un estío

abrasado de calor contra las rosas.


Traerá Mayo su trasnochado azul,

contemplarás bajo el color nevado

tallos ocres de cuando fuiste oro.


Raíz negra rugiendo en el baúl,

solar sin tregua, sexo desmayado

donde el calor despierta sueños de otro


José Antonio Pamies (España)


Eternity shivers with a coldness

from a plan dead before it is born

because the rind which feeds the emptiness

deepens in concerns of the soul its form.


But you dont believe in the sinister

wasteland of this coffees wild flowers,

evening for you is seen as a summer,

a scorching heat burning against roses.


May will yet come in her outmoded blue,

you will watch beneath a snowy colour

before when you were gold, stems of ochre.


Black roots twisted in the wooden trunk scream

on a relentless ground of sex fainting

where the heat awakens anothers dream.


Translated from José Antonio PamiesToda la    eternidad tiembla de frío by Robin  Ouzman Hislop


jose pamies

José Antonio Pamies (Alicante, 1981) Finalista del III Premio internacional de poesía 
Andrés Salom 2005 y del II Premio de la editorial poesia Eres Tu 2010 con Las Ruinas 
de la Aurora. Ha publicado Campos de hielo (Babilonia, Pliegos de la palabra nº 3, 2012) 
y Afonías (finalista del XXVI Premio Gerardo Diego de Poesía), así como poemas en revistas 
y numerosas antologías. Reside en Madrid, donde realiza estudia Teoría de la Literatura y 
Literatura Comparada.

 José Antonio Pamies (Alicante, 1981) His early poetry collection Las Ruinas de la Aurora was a runner up at the III Andres Salom International Poetry Award in 2005 and the II poesia Eres Tu Publisher Award in 2010. He has published Campos de hielo (Babilonia, Pliegos de la palabra nº 3) and Afonías a runner up at the XXVI Gerardo Diego Poetry Award. He currently lives in Madrid, pursuing studies in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature.


This sonnet together with its translation appeared in The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Exciting new sonnet anthology edited by Richard Vallance now available on Barnes & Noble: BN ID: 2940148833628 Publisher: FriesenPress Publication date: 11/20/2013 Sold by: Barnes & Noble




Robin Ouzman Hislop (UK) Co-editor of the 12 year running on line monthly poetry journal Poetry Life and Times. (See its Wikipedia entry at He has made many appearances over the last years in the quarterly journals Canadian Zen Haiku, including In the Spotlight Winter 2010 & Sonnetto Poesia. Previously published in international magazines, recent publications include Voices without Borders Volume 1 (USA), Cold Mountain Review, Appalachian University N Carolina, Post Hoc installed at Bank Street Arts Centre, Sheffield (UK), Uroborus Journal, 2011-2012 (Sheffield, UK), The Poetic Bond II & 111, available at and Phoenix Rising from the Ashes a recently published Anthology of Sonnets: He has recently completed a volume of poetry, The World at Large, for future publication. He is currently resident in Spain engaged in poetry translation and you can also visit Face Book site at













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Far Deeper than a Soul Starves.Richard Lloyd Cederberg.Haiku/Tanka Poem

 Far deeper than a soul starves


Being positioned

Between vitality and

The grays of shadows;

This freely expressed life of

Extraordinary colors


Creates full rainbows

With words and desert echoes;

Revealing her path


As an art scholar,

Medieval literature;

One LIVING sculpture

Lamenting loves complexness;

A dragonfly ASCENDING,



The innocence of dreaming,

Not fully knowing


 Her life will evince

The fervent hopefulness’s

 Of one seeking TRUTH



In humbleness of spirit,

(Voyaging beyond)

 Life’s many unrequited

 Gifts given from two scarred hands


 Understanding now

 Dying as a conversion;

 Circling obstacles

 Akin to daily regrets;

 A cathartic chrysalis


 Waiting to be bound

 To ONE who emancipates

 The LIFE she foresees;

 Translucent of an echo;

 Far deeper than a soul starves,


 Chrystus beckons

As an artificial church decays




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Why I Write, What I Write. Poem. Ruan Mills Burke.


My writings are varied, my thoughts fuel the fire
My mind takes them captive before they expire
An inner dimension, newborn in the breeze
Dictates to my fingers in moments like these
My muse is a tyrant, a dragon, a fiend
At unlikely moments more thoughts have convened
I cannot detain them, they must have their way
Pushing and shoving to hijack my day
Dancing a tango, seducing my mind
Forming the words that my voice cannot find
Rushing and tumbling over the page
Whirling and twirling, coming of age
Splicing, enticing, leading astray
Dreaming up ways to enrich the affray
Sounding and pounding, building with glee
‘Til finally, a brand new creation is free
It’s because all of this that I write what I write
I don’t have a choice when new notions take flight
I am merely a vessel, a means for my muse
Thus providing a stage for its artistic views.



Born in the south of England, Ruan is an avid reader and writing has always been a part of her life. She says, “The challenge of sculpting the English language into works of art is always exciting because it is such a diverse and perverse material that I can never really tell what shape each piece will take”.


Ruan now lives in western France, drawing inspiration from her three wonderful dogs, the surrounding wealth of art and music, and the beauty of the vast French countryside


Ruan has had her work published in seventeen anthologies to date and has been a guest speaker, reading her own work, on both UK Southern Counties Radio and Radio Caburn.
She has won several poetry competitions and been recognised by the Arvon Literary Foundation UK.


Her work was featured in the top 100 Poets 2001 for the Arvon Literary Foundation and the top 100 discovered poets of 2012. Much of her work has also been recognised on-line via websites such as Authorsden, Poem Hunter and




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A Cage Biosphere. A Poem by Jim Dunlap.


                                                           Jim Dunlap  Author                                         


Nebulous writhings, pure emotion,

blot a madcap ledger, writ

like the last, inchoate notion

of a dark, unhealthy fit.

Extant some bold lammergeier,

serpentwise, yet dragon fell,

destroying life’s pure, flaring fire

across untrammeled leagues of hell.

Colors shooting blinding schism

lighten dark, unfettered dreams.

Sunlight, filtered by a prism,

outlines evanescent schemes.

Thus from behind these prison bars,

     the savant yearns to claim the stars.


Jim Dunlap’s poetry has been published extensively in print and online in the United States, England, France, India, Australia, Switzerland and New Zealand. His work has appeared in over 90 publications, including Potpourri, Candelabrum, Mobius, Poems Niedernasse, and the Paris/Atlantic. He was the co-editor of Sonnetto Poesia and is currently a Content Admin for Poetry Life & Times. He is also the chief proofreader for the On Viewless Wings Anthologies, published out of Queensland, Australia. In the past, he was a resident poet on Poetry Life & Times and the newsletter editor for seven years with the Des Moines Area Writers’ Network.

You may find him here:











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Eulogy for Harley. Poem. Sara L Russell

 Harley Pic

Do you hear unspoken thought,

  Do you fly now, with the birds,

As the rest of us stay caught between our futile deeds and words?

  In the endless dome of sky

  Make a territory of dreams

While we can only cry for how finite a lifetime seems

Are you floating down the styx

  Like Egyptian cats of old?

Do you dine with Tut and Ramesis in palaces of gold?

  In the finite span of life

  And the cycles of the moon

We can only make short plans for anything that ends too soon

A final resting place

  Is no prison for a soul

We are elemental as the air that keeps our planet whole

  In your light and playful way

 You will always follow me

Outside in the garden where the angels set you free.

I think we got Harley in 2001 (but I need to verify that with my husband Tom.) It was Guy Fawkes Night when we picked him up from the cat rescue place in Crawley. He was two I think, as I think his age would have been fifteen around November this year. I wanted a black and white “dinner jacket” cat and he fitted the bill perfectly.
His previous owner called him Bob. I thought that was a daft name for a cat, so called him Harley, partly because, being black and white, he had a harlequin look. Also because I am a rock/metal fan and the name Harley is associated with the Harley Davidson motorcycle.
He died on Friday 13th September 2013, humanely put to sleep at the vets, due to discomfort breathing, with an enlarged heart and water retention problems.
I think these video links will make people laugh and help them build a picture in their minds of Harley’s eccentric personality. Sara Russell.
I trained Harley to miaow in the right place to sing along with Figaro (YouTube link: (Preview)      )
Harley also appears in this video of two cats arguing in our garden: (Preview)
He also stars in this video of where he has a fight with a rabbit glove puppet: (Preview)

AKA @pinkyandrexa Poet, Artist, Cartoonist, Goth, Time Traveller. Friend of cats everywhere. Former Editor of Poetry Life & Times. Founder of … See also plus over a million poetry links online.


Sara Louise Russell , whose internet name is “PinkyAndrexa”, is a UK poet who has earned a well-deserved reputation as a highly respected twenty-first century poetry publisher and poet. She was the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Life & Times, one of the world’s premier poetry E-zines, which ran monthly from 1998-2006 under her tutelage. She has always been in on the scene with graphic design, animation, 3D art, web design, sign writing, photography, film and poetry recital videos. Sara is founder and current editor of Paper Li.  Poetry Lifetimes and the online  Ning network The Video Poets. Her poetry has been published in Artvilla, AuthorsDen, Hello Poetry, The New Pleiades Anthology of Poetry (Describe Adonis Press, Ottawa, © 2005), Sonnetto Poesia, Word Machinist and more, as well as in several e-books by Kedco Studios Inc. (USA). Her skills as a sonneteer are particularly remarkable.

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