CRAVING REST. A Poem by Bradford Middleton.


At work again and craving sleep and
A change in this life, two hundred and eleven hours
To go until freedom is mine
With a move around the corner
Is surely big enough right now but
My eyes look to the future and where
I’ll be spending the rest of my life
Who knows where that will be as
Not even I have one clue as to where
I will land but this year is certainly
Going to be a challenge as again
Job searches begin whilst finding places
That is within my meagre means and the
Sad realisation the answer, still, ain’t much

Bradford Middleton was born in London in 1971 but eventually found himself in Brighton in 2007 and began writing. Since then he has over 250 unique publications, including a novel from New Pulp Press and a couple of poetry chapbooks from Crisis Chronicles Press and Holy & Intoxicated Press. His work is dotted all over the internet and in several magazines and journals. He tweets occasionally @beatnikbraduk and is on facebook at bradfordmiddleton1.

Key of Mist. Guadalupe Grande.Translated.Amparo Arróspide.Robin Ouzman Hislop Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop the Babble of the Souk

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I Can See the Sun. A Video Poem by Allison Grayhurst

This video poem is a contribution written & performed by Allison Grayhurst for the Video Poet Documentary project planned by Sara L Russell. The video poem is filmed by Allison’s daughter Ava Harness. It is posted here at PLT as a sample of poetry videos suitable for the project. In case of interest to contribute a video poem for the project or for further information contact More of the works by Sara L Russell & Allison Grayhurst can be found at this site PLT by checking the Catagories tab list.

Key of Mist. Guadalupe Grande.Translated.Amparo Arróspide.Robin Ouzman Hislop Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop the Babble of the Souk

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The Politics of Verisimilitude. A Villanelle Poem by Jim Dunlap.

Poetry Life and Timesmoi(1)


An ill-thought-out statement can pack quite a punch,
So it’s best to be careful while speaking:
What you say at breakfast … can eat you for lunch. *
A bare-knuckle sandwich might be what you munch
If your words cause inordinate ‘freaking’:
An ill-thought-out statement can pack quite a punch.
Unwelcome visitors might join you for brunch
If bad thoughts from your mouth exit streaking:
What you say at breakfast … can eat you for lunch.
The state of the world, at last forced to the crunch,
Throws a stench that’s quite powerfully reeking:
What you eat for breakfast may inconvenience your lunch.
Of the species on earth, we’re the worst of the bunch,
And we’ll likely not find what we’re seeking:
Mother Nature could just simply CANCEL our lunch.
No ‘bang’ and no ‘whimper’ can make such a scrunch
As the blast where the fuel line was leaking.
An ill-thought-out statement can pack quite a punch:
What you mis-said at breakfast … can eat you for lunch.



Key of Mist. Guadalupe Grande.Translated.Amparo Arróspide.Robin Ouzman Hislop Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop the Babble of the Souk

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100 Thousand Poets for Change. Leeds 2016.

Since 2011, 100 Thousand Poets for Change has been working with poets, writers, artists, musicians… to help organize events around the world for peace, justice and sustainability. Now, more than ever mobilization is crucial so we have created the GLOBAL ACTION CALENDAR open to EVERYONE to post Creative Actions around the world.
Editor’s Note:
On January 14th 2017 at the Inkwell Arts Centre Leeds UK Transforming with Poetry presented this collection of poems by local Leed’s poets & contributors
editited by Tony Martin-Woods & Siobhan Mac Mahon. Their Editor’s preface scrolled down provides further elucidation on the purposes & intentions of this compilation of poets’ works. Once opened simply simply access the enlarge monitor on the bottom bar & follow the forward arrows throughout.



Key of Mist. Guadalupe Grande.Translated.Amparo Arróspide.Robin Ouzman Hislop Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop the Babble of the Souk

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I Never Heard A Man Sing Like This Before. Video Poem by Norman Ball.

This video poem was contributed for the project documentary You Tube Poets to be edited by Sara L Russell by Norman Ball a writer & poet in USA of Scottish descent, more of his works can be found at this PLT site. Contributions of you tube video poems are welcome for the project, samples can be found on our PoetryLifeTimes Face Book page or at this Poetry Life & Times site, for more info contact, all links are on the post below.

Norman Ball FBP

NORMAN BALL (BA Political Science/Econ, Washington & Lee University; MBA, George Washington University) is a well-travelled Scots-American businessman, author and poet whose essays have appeared in Counterpunch, The Western Muslim and elsewhere. His new book “Between River and Rock: How I Resolved Television in Six Easy Payments” is available here. Two essay collections, “How Can We Make Your Power More Comfortable?” and “The Frantic Force” are spoken of here and here. His recent collection of poetry “Serpentrope” is published from White Violet Press. He can be reached at

Key of Mist. Guadalupe Grande.Translated.Amparo Arróspide.Robin Ouzman Hislop Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop the Babble of the Souk

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The Stone is Cast. Sonnet. Poem by Richard Vallance.


John 8:7
So since they kept on and on nagging him, he answered them, and said,
“Let the one among you who is sinless be the first to cast a stone at her.”

As stones are cast against the inner walls,
the lessee of the castle wracks his brains,
while wicked winter rails against its halls
and shakes the filings off his dungeon’s chains
where he’s incarcerated serfs at whim,
because they’d dared defy his iron will:
his fingers drew the rusty bolt on him
as well as them, and held him, freezing, still,
until he fled that vile, ensanguined room,
their blasted thane — unconscious of his sin,
though conscious of what cold impending doom
was bound, as winter is, to do him in.

    Oh when it does, its frozen blast shall blind
    him to the shattered mortar of his mind.

Richard Vallance,
January 3, 2017
Richard Vallance
Richard Vallance, meta-linguist, ancient Greek & Mycenaean Linear B, home page: Linear B, Knossos & Mycenae,
PINTEREST Boards: Mycenaean Linear B: Progressive Grammar & Vocabulary, and, Knossos & Mycenae, sister civilizations,
Also poetry publisher, The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Anthology of sonnets of the early third millennium Le Phénix renaissant de ses cendres : Anthologie de sonnets au début du troisième millénaire Friesen Press, Victoria, B.C., Canada. © August 2013. 35 illustrations in B & W. Author & Title Indexes. 257 pp. 315 sonnets & ghazals in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese & Persian.

Key of Mist. Guadalupe Grande.Translated.Amparo Arróspide.Robin Ouzman Hislop Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop the Babble of the Souk

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You Tube Video Poets. Sara L Russell.

Meet Sara Russell she is Editor of the monthly Poetry Lifetimes Blog our plan at PLT is to make a You Tube Poetry Documentary with Sara as it’s Editor, submissions or for more info contact for sample videos check this site or see our Facebook page

Sara Russel latest
Sara Louise Russell, aka PinkyAndrexa, is a UK poet and poetry ezine editor, specialising particularly in sonnets, lyric-style poetry and occasionally writing in more modern styles. She founded Poetry Life & Times and edited it from 1998 to 2006, when she handed it over to Robin Ouzman Hislop and Amparo Arrospide; Robin now runs it as Editor from Poetry Life & Times at this site. She is currently founder and Editor of the blog journal, ; which is a sister publication to Poetry Life & Times. Her poems and sonnets have been published in many paper and online publications including Sonnetto Poesia, Mindful of Poetry and Autumn Leaves a monthly Poetry ezine from the late Sondra Ball. Her sonnets also currently appear in the recently published anthology of sonnets Phoenix Rising from the Ashes. She is also one of the first poets ever to be published on multimedia CD ROMs, published by Kedco Studios Inc.; the first one being “Pinky’s Little Book of Shadows”, which was featured by the UK’s national newspaper The Mirror, in October 1999. (Picture link for Mirror article)Angel Fire

Key of Mist. Guadalupe Grande.Translated.Amparo Arróspide.Robin Ouzman Hislop Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop the Babble of the Souk

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Coming Full Circle (A Feminist Fiasco). Poem. Sara L Russell.


Time to retire now, ladies,
the drawing room awaits
as the gentlemen go to smoke
and drink brandy
or tell ribald stories
unsuitable for a lady’s delicate ears.
Time to work on our embroidery
or retire to bed.
The men shall retire whenever they wish,
and the stars are too many for us to count.
Now we must lie abed
dreaming of Mr. Darcy
or perhaps a future career,
If only one’s gender
might permit such a thing.

Time to adjourn now, ladies,
Mrs. Pankhurst has said her piece
and the rozzers are coming
to break up our meeting of like minds.
I heard that she was in prison for a time,
and went on hunger strike!
oh yes, my dear,
I heard they beat her,
force-fed her
then left her to cry alone in her cell.
Only she didn’t cry. She never cries.
They say one day we women
will be able to vote!
Yes, of course it could happen.
We deserve it, after all.

Time to adjourn now, people,
it’s been a long session
and even ministers need a lunch break.
Mrs. Thatcher no doubt will carry on
making notes for yet another meeting,
I don’t think that woman ever sleeps.
Even if she never does,
she has razor-sharp concentration
and a sharper mind.
You don’t want to get
on the wrong side of that one.
Funny, years ago,
they never dreamed we’d have
a woman Prime Minister.
Not everyone agrees with her
yet few dare to disagree.

Time to retire now, ladies.
The men have important things
to discuss, too serious for our lowly ears.
Theirs is the sun and the daylight
ours are the shadows that herald the dusk.
Gather your prayer beads
and lower your gaze.
Do not look into the eyes
of the Imam as you pass by
on the way to your rooms.
Do not let any breeze from the window
displace your veil.
Guard your modesty
at all times;
protect your respectability,
for it is all you have in the world.

Sara L Russell, August 29th, 2016
Sara Russel latest
Sara Louise Russell, aka PinkyAndrexa, is a UK poet and poetry ezine editor, specialising particularly in sonnets, lyric-style poetry and occasionally writing in more modern styles. She founded Poetry Life & Times and edited it from 1998 to 2006, when she handed it over to Robin Ouzman Hislop and Amparo Arrospide; Robin now runs it as Editor from Poetry Life & Times at this site. She is currently founder and Editor of the blog journal, ; which is a sister publication to Poetry Life & Times. Her poems and sonnets have been published in many paper and online publications including Sonnetto Poesia, Mindful of Poetry and Autumn Leaves a monthly Poetry ezine from the late Sondra Ball. Her sonnets also currently appear in the recently published anthology of sonnets Phoenix Rising from the Ashes. She is also one of the first poets ever to be published on multimedia CD ROMs, published by Kedco Studios Inc.; the first one being “Pinky’s Little Book of Shadows”, which was featured by the UK’s national newspaper The Mirror, in October 1999. (Picture link for Mirror article)Angel Fire

Key of Mist. Guadalupe Grande.Translated.Amparo Arróspide.Robin Ouzman Hislop Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop All the Babble of the Souk. Robin Ouzman Hislop the Babble of the Souk

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