The End of Everything. Poem. Neil Ellman


(after the painting by Roberto Matta





And when it ended

there was a terrible groan

like the voice of a tree

falling from the weight

of too many seasons of death

and the pain of rebirth.


The ground could not hold.

Rocks heaved a last appeal.

Space filled

with an anarchy of white

shifting to red.


And then a silence

deafening, more profound,

its inevitability told

at the instant of its birth

when the word was everything

green, young and ours

we lived in that moment

not knowing it would end

with none of us to hear.

Neil Ellman

Biography:  Nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net, Neil Ellman writes from New Jersey.  More than 1000 of his poems, many of which are ekphrastic and written in response to works of modern and contemporary art, appear in print and online journals, anthologies and chapbooks throughout the world.  His first full-length collection is Parallels: Selected Ekphrastic Poetry, 2009-2012 (Omphaloskeptic Press).




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CREME BRULEE. Poem. Paul Strohm.



I’m going to Paris!

Can you believe it?

Paris, France of all places.

It’s where the French people live.

Mister Tom says I’m to become a chef.

That’s the French word for cook.

Think on it,

I am going to be a fancy cook.

Mister Tom says I make a good cup of coffee,

Now I am going to make cafe!

Mister Tom says I’m to get money for my work.

I have read his garden book.

Yes I can read! When?

Since I was a child.

Mister Tom thinks his people should be educated up.

And now I’m to Paris,

Going to Paris with Mister Tom.

I’m going to be a Chef.

I’m going to Paris, France.


Paul in Army Dress-1

Paul Strohm is a free lance journalist  working in the Houston, Texas area.  His poems have been published in a number of print and online literary journals. He is married to a HS English teacher who hates contemporary poetry,which makes for a happy meeting of the two  minds.  Paul has only one full frontal photograph of himself on his IMAC.  He loves this photograph because it symbolizes the constraints of the culture he lives in.  The hat was one size fits all.  So everyman had to use it for his official military ID photograph. However, the wife says Paul has a big head.


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Lord’s Player. Poem. Phillip Larrea


(from the title “At Play in the Fields of the Lord”- Peter Mathiessen)

Often times, I am stuck sitting
For hours and hours on end
In between meetings
On which the day’s success depends.

Some odd spot, no amenities.
Maybe a coffee
In a parking lot
Descending to serenity.

This ridiculous pilgrimage
Not between temples dark.
More like an amusement park where
Madcap harlequins pillage plots.

She asks, “How did it go today?”
Oh, fine… bad… okay.”
The best part, I can’t really say,
Was spent in the Lord’s field- at play.


Sacpoetry pic green shirt


Bio: Phillip Larrea was born and raised in Sacramento, CA., lived in N.Y.C. and Northern New Jersey most of his adult life, but has since moved back to Sacramento “where the New York City winters aren’t bleeding me.” (Paul Simon- The Boxer”). He studied poetry with Thom Gunn and Karl Shapiro at the University of California at Davis during the late seventies, and then all but abandoned writing until 2011. Since 2011, Phillip has had poetry published in over sixty journals and anthologies, is the author of Our Patch (Writing Knights Press), We the People (Cold River Press) and hundreds of non-fiction essays about the economic conditions of the average working household.




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Riding Dark Horse Nightmare(3).Poems.Joan McNerney



to prison library

where sewer

backs up flooding

cages of books

my brains are washed

by a short scientist


 detectives trail me

arrested by police

giving up to

handcuffs  ether


now on train

calendars peel

off cars

1942   1962   1982

2198   1892   1294

passengers screaming

screaming off track

burning 3rd rail


in swamp struggling

to reach green reeds

i   am   a

fixed target

paper duck

*pull trigger*fire pin*thru barrel*into muzzle*

b u l l e t                 s h o t

paper duck

mowed down.



an executive


showed me in

i, shy

as an orphan


her charming face

thru sewing room

viewing beige cabinets

bolts of silk

tactical prints

her life in threads

swatches impressive



discerning glances

make me hurry

out the rear

but she invited

me only to see

her material things

& feel them



all handsome houses

have well guarded gardens

lush chrysanthemums

smothering me




“A” train

brassy blue



close eyes

watch points

like stars


think now

how insignificant

compared to train

speaking for itself


stars known

in no language

burn shoot


tiger’s eyes


brain in

constant action



to what we do not know

plans of distant stars

galaxies floating as


“A” train

silver worm

slides under

big belly

of city


Joan McNerney’s poetry has been included in numerous literary magazines such as Seven Circle Press, Dinner with the Muse, Blueline, Spectrum, three Bright Spring Press Anthologies and several Kind of A Hurricane Publications. She has been nominated three times for Best of the Net. Poet and Geek recognized her work as their best poem of 2013. Four of her books have been published by fine small literary presses and she has three e-book titles.




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My Cumbria.Poem.Lulu Gee


Oh!  My heart’s in Cumbria,
That for so long I’ve missed,
The blue grey hills and valleys
Of early Autumn’s kissed.
For not since young I’ve seen it
Beneath a northern sky,
When at dawn in soft grey mist
I watched the clouds race by.

The lakes ‘neath mountain summits
Are deepest peacock green,
With trees aflame in Autumn,
The like you’ve never seen!
For colours rich in texture
Are painting gold the hills
While heathers bathe in purples,
Ahead of winter chills.

All through this golden silence
By silver tarns aflow,
The low-land sheep are grazing
Where tangled breezes blow
And o’er beyond in Keswick,
You’ll see the ospreys there,
Among the blue of shadows
Where sights of them are rare.

Yet should you walk yet higher
To climb the tallest peak,
There’s snow as white as crystal
Where clouds will brush your cheek.
My heart so loves this landscape
That Autumn’s long desired,
The lakes and fells and mountains,
Where poets are inspired.

The bronze and gold this season
Will nestle on the brink,
Of shores beside pearl waters,
Where trout and salmon slink.
Oh! My heart’s in Cumbria,
That for so long I’ve missed
But hope prevails I may return
To keep an Autumn tryst.


  Lulu Gee lives on the south east coast of England.
She’s had a varied working career starting at a theatrical shoemakers designing and making shoes for most of the west end shows in London, then as a hotelier and finally in finance for a corporate cryogenic company until she retired, and now is a proud published author of three poetry books.
She now writes full-time with her two dogs Teddy and Dolly never far from her side in her newly acquired cottage in the Kent countryside, known as the garden of England.
Her first book, ‘Dolly’s Wonderful New Life’ is a story in verse of the rescue and re-homing of her beloved border terrier, Dolly Daydream, while the second and third were both written in conjunction with the poet Dan Lake.
Her latest character Miss Twizzy is about to be published and hopefully be in the shops for Christmas 2013
At the moment she is working on a collection of fantasy poetry that will appeal the child in all of us.


Her diverse poetry can also be found at





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Season of Black. Poem. Sara L Russell


sara's vampyre


For winter I wear black.
not one spark of colour
shall break my mourning for this
season of death.
It speaks of the way I feel inside;
the chill stab of sorrow,
the darkness of hurt long concealed.

There will be no yellow
until daffodils appear;
no blue until the bluebells,
no pink until the cherry blossoms
scatter their petals
over the long-thawed land
to make way for the coming of the goddess of spring.

Black is the opposite of white,
of the flat white snow;
black’s like a sheltered cave.
Let me hibernate in shadow
draw the curtains
close my eyes.
Wake me only when springtime finally arrives.



sara russell

Sara Russell Thanks Robin, Rebekah, Rab & Val… this poem was originally written in 2011 because I never liked the season of winter and suffer from S.A.D., but since the tragic death of my sister this year (early December) it seemed to fit my mood, to post it again online. Trying my best to have a normal Christmas… of course you never know when things are really actually OK until suddenly they’re not, and someone special is gone forever.


AKA @pinkyandrexa Poet, Artist, Cartoonist, Goth, Time Traveller. Friend of cats everywhere. Former Editor of Poetry Life & Times. … See also plus over a million poetry links online.


Sara Louise Russell , whose internet name is “PinkyAndrexa”, is a UK poet who has earned a well-deserved reputation as a highly respected twenty-first century poetry publisher and poet. She was the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Life & Times, one of the world’s premier poetry E-zines, which ran monthly from 1998-2006 under her tutelage. She has always been in on the scene with graphic design, animation, 3D art, web design, sign writing, photography, film and poetry recital videos. Sara is founder and current editor of Paper Li. Poetry Lifetimes.

Her poetry has been published in Artvilla, AuthorsDen, Hello Poetry, The New Pleiades Anthology of Poetry (Describe Adonis Press, Ottawa, © 2005), Sonnetto Poesia, Word Machinist and more, as well as in several e-books by Kedco Studios Inc. (USA). Her skills as a sonneteer are particularly remarkable as featured in the recent publication of the anthology of sonnets Phoenix Rising from the Ashes. Friesnen Press Ottawa Canada Edited by Richard Vallance.

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World by the Arse (A Sermon).Poem.Karen Springer.


–and they certainly do!
Now listen up,
I did not say “ass”
so this isn’t a vulgar poem
but we are talking
an ancestral home
(O.K., thirty-eight years
is close enough)
almost totally rehabbed,
hers and his caddies
with matching vanity plates
(Yes, there IS a doctor
in the house.
“What kind?” folks ask.
Who the hell cares
besides other insecure doctors?)

Moving along,
Social security is their pin money
And, you’re right,
their place at the shore
is in the cheap seats
but it’s on the water,
in the woods
and twenty years paid for.
The unintelligent and lazy
are wary of them.
Still, they are admired
by reasonable, hardworking individuals
because they are the validation
of what is fair and good.

Indeed, they are
a fine and generous couple.
Her weaknesses
are his strengths
and, of course,
vice versa.

For so many years
they struggled
through the vagaries
of her semi-profitable career,
hung in there
when the stock market
went ever so way down
took, and are taking, care of their
senile old moms,
(and ten stray cats)
as they
secularly humanistically
hug trees
and subscribe to
Mother Earth.

You bet,
those sweet bastards
have a tight hold on
the glutei maximi
of our great planet
and they deserve
that firm, unrelenting grip.
Amen, my friends.

Karen R. Springer


Karen has been writing poetry since the age of ten. She has three, as to date, unpublished anthologies:
101 Speakings of the Giddy Gypsy, High Noon and My Pistol’s Smoking, and Getting There.
Much of her energy for the past forty years has been devoted to her career as an administrator in
several southern New Jersey school districts where she served as superintendent and/ or principal.
Her degrees include a BA and MAT in Music; as well as an MA and Ed.D in Public School Administration.

After her formal “retirement” from public education, Dr. Springer served as Senior Director of Academic Affairs at thecollege level, an award winning after school/summer administrator in an urban setting; as well as Head Master of a private school. She is currently an education consultant who lives happily with her husband of 41 years. They both enjoy their rustic summer home in the woods at the Jersey shore. She also loves going to the opera; as well as singing it. Karen has recorded a CD of her original song entitled, “Bipolar, Brite, and Blue”.

This feisty lady summarizes herself in the opening quatrain of her poem, “The Good Ol’ Girl”:

I’m just a simple good ol’ girl
who drinks her coffee black
Sips scotch as strong as iodine
and drives a Cadillac.


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Killing the Tigers. Poem. RC de Winter


there are not many
like me left in the world
fierce loners
wishing only to be
free to live the life
we are meant for

not long ago
we roamed
scorned by some
ignored by most
but free - free!
wandering at will
on the periphery
of homogenization
able to live
by our talents
and our wits

then quietly
the roundup began
the truthtellers
first followed by
the crazy the poor
the sick the old
and all the others
who could not be cogged
into the great machine
built by the
worldwide worshipers
of mammon

my glorious fur
matted and dull
from being confined
in this small space
(prescripted by
bureaucratic souls
in bespoke costumes
paid for in blood
sucked from slaves)
with ragged claws
i tear at invisible bars
that separate me
from my natural terrain

if i were free to find
the empire poachers
who boxed me up
it would be
a fierce quick end
for those abductors

but dawn comes
and with it
great gray tumbrels
to carry us

useless scribblers and daubers
dangerous malcontents
prophets and nonbelievers

© 2013 RC deWinter ~ All Rights Reserved


RC deWinter is a photographer, digital artist, poet, essayist and singer-songwriter currently living and working in Haddam, Connecticut. She has been shooting photos for over 25 years, using both traditional and digital SLR equipment. Her digital work is created using a variety of software and includes oil paintings, watercolor sketches and drawings.

Her work has appeared in print, notably in Uno: A Poetry Anthology, Pink Panther Magazine, Arts Creation Magazine, The Sun Magazine,2River View, Poetry Nook, Garden Tripod and The American Muse as well as in many online publications.

In additionto her personal online portfolios, Ms. deWinter’s art is exhibited on of several internet-based showcases, including The Trillium Gallery, Saatchi Online, ARTbracket, The Art for Cancer Gallery, Copperflame Gallery, b-uncut and Artists, Writers and Photographers in the Raw. ABC has licensed several of her paintings to be used as set decor on the television series Desperate Housewives.

Ms. deWinter is honored to be the first digital artist invited to exhibit her work at an October 2011 solo show the Arts of Tolland Gallery in Tolland, Connecticut.

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