The Potato of Terror.Go Thrust.Poem.Sonnet.




Go thrust thy buttocks through the window frame,

Thou always claimed the sun arose therein;

We’ve seen them all, yet no two are the same,

Peach or Marquee, enormous things or thin.


Ascending flocks of angels hide their eyes,

The sun and moon shall turn away their face,

White lightning bolts illuminate the skies

As thy behind is shown, from place to place.


Go thrust thy buttock through the window frame,

Let fancy fly at caution as it likes;

Reveal its oblate splendour without shame,

Give flying pigs a place to park their bikes.


Go then, like the ever-changing moon,

Or like some vast, mutating macaroon.




The Potato of Terror (Potato Tarquin Orbisfleur Terror III) (1968 ― ), winner of the Three-Toed Elvis Duck Award in 1998, is a modern sonneteer who became known chiefly for breaking new ground with the New Tuberism Movement and the noble Ponnet form of the sonnet. He commenced his early writings in a freezing cold garret over a Chinese restaurant in Bethnal Green. He has since been published in The New Pleiades Anthology of Poetry (Describe Adonis Press, Ottawa, © 2005), Sonnetto Poesia, Artvilla, Poetry Life & Times and Sara L Russell’s e-book, Spiders & Gliders.



This sonnet is pre-published with the permission of the Editor-in-chief from:Richard Vallance, editor-in-chief. The Phoenix Rising from the Ashes: Anthology of sonnets of the early third millennium = Le Phénix renaissant de ses cendres : Anthologie de sonnets au début du troisième millénaire. Friesen Presse, Victoria, B.C., Canada. © 2013. approx. 240 pp. ISBN Hardcover: 978-1-4602-1700-9 Price: $28.00 Paperback: 978-1-4602-1701-6 Price: $18.00 e-Book: 978-1-4602-1702-3 Price: TBA

300 sonnets & ghazals in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese & Persian. 30 sonnets in this anthology are to be pre-published by our permission in Poetry Life & Times (UK) which has exclusive sole rights prior to the publication of the anthology itself. Readers may also contact Richard Vallance, Editor-in-Chief, at: for further information.



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