I only Have Apples For You by David Michael Jackson

The poems were written separately many years ago. They were “found” and “arranged”, again, many years ago. The recording was made in 2000 and became our number one free download. The recording has now been released and will be in Itunes so it cannot be legally given away. Sipping is an accident of nature. In many ways releasing it is like putting it away in a drawer. That is how many of our poets feel about the difference between the free internet and the attempt to sell.

Dave Jackson


I only have apples for you,
Winesap apples
hanging red and green
from twisted trees
and lying on the ground,
brown and rotten,
soft and mushy,
not very good
but they will do
for a break from the field,
for a break
from the work
and the

My brown eyes
her green eyes
her red dress
my brown eyes
her red shoes
the spring trees
the blue sky
my brown eyes
her green eyes
her green

I am.
I have been read by one’s and two’s.
I have been seen by tens
or even hundreds.
You can see me
on the street.
I am.
You can hear my voice
the silence
in the
at the
I am every one,
I am no one,
I am the man on the street.
Tell everyone I was here,
right here,
on this spot of soil,
in this something, this
recognition of something.
Tell everyone.

I have eaten the last grape.
I hold the vine in my hands
and I throw it into the yard.
I wonder of the purpose
of the vine
(as you would, as anyone would)
to feed me,
to reproduce,
to seek the light.
When I have eaten my last grapes,
I will, perhaps, understand.
but the vine doesn’t care anymore.
It just lies there
in the green
green grass.

The trees are whispering to me.
They tell me the rain will come,
that spring will bring new leaves,
that birds will nest
in my branches.
They tell me not to concern myself
with the fire
nor the blight.
They tell me to stand strongly
and to lift my arms
to the light.

My tongue touches
the roof of my mouth.
My lips are stuck together
and pop apart.
I can feel the air
through my chest.
I hold this page in my hand
I read
these words.

Now sunrise brings a cup of coffee to welcome the day.
Our lives are measured with these days
which are poured into cups
and mixed with sorrow and joy.
We say thing like
“I’ll always remember.,
I’ll always love you.”,
and we are blown like
dry leaves in a whirlwind,
rising for a moment,
then settling
to make room
for other leaves
to be blown,
to rise,
to settle.

The trees live and die.
Each blade of grass
leans to the summer light
and breaks in the winter wind.
The birds live and die.
The seasons turn
like a merry go round and
we ride the pretty horses and
we hear the pretty music and
we play in the warm sun
as the merry go round
goes around
and around and around.

There is a chill in the day.
Already the birds gather,
already the insects are frantic.
Already the leaves turn
to browns and yellows.
Savor the day.
Sip it
like a glass of
fine wine.
Breathe deeply
and glory in the song
of the cricket.
Cup the day in your palm like
spring water
and drink.

My little wife
thinks I’m odd and lazy
as she flutters,
constantly working.
She is a little worker bee.
She flutters gracefully,
picking this up,
straightening that.
She is gathering nectar
and I am in the hive,

Easter Egg Hunting a Poem

easter eggs hunting poem
Remember the Easter eggs?
Remember running
and hunting them,
finding them,
remember the taste?
and your favorite color?
Remember finding them
under a leaf or
behind a tree
where they were
carefully hidden
lovingly hidden,
and you ran
oh you ran
and you laughed
oh how you laughed
Remember you had the bag?
or a basket?
There was always a bag
or basket,
at Christmas,
and we were
always running
with our bag
and laughing
and our laughter
was the best
music of
our times.

david michael jackson

The Twitch Poem

I walked into the
room and James
was there and we were
both twitching,

same eye,

INTRAC it was called,
some name they made up,

we had t-shirts,
there was golf,
there were picnics,
there were banners,

James and I can be seen
in the pics,

you can’t see the twitch.
but the eyes do look blurry,

it started at the cheek
and went to the eye,
this twitch,
it showed up especially
after the speeches,

there was a team
there was a coach,

he didn’t have the ball,

we had the ball.

James twitched,
I twitched,
we worked,
we made it work.

One night at eleven
we were there,
the team,
the ball,

He came roaring
out of his office,

James and I looked up,

Where is the list I gave you people?
Is this the best you can do?
I have people.
They want to know our level of confidence.
Is it really eighty percent
and how can we get to

You can see him
in the picnic photo
with his thumbs up

……………..david michael jackson

Trust the Breeze Poem by David Michael Jackson

Trusting the Breeze
When the breeze settles upon the
like the cat settles into
the empty box or
when the dust settles
after floating in the air
or appearing
in the shaft of light
from the window,
when suddenly the odor
of ozone in the air before the
settles into the corners of
the afternoon,
then, and only then,
will I turn the page

– David Michael Jackson
