I LEAVE THE LAIR by David Michael Jackson

leave the lair
leave the lair

I leave the lair
dark and desolute
damp and musty
and wander in the sunshine
for awhile yet
before the rest
before the darkness
I leave the lair
and wander among the breating ones
still for awhile
Blackheart comes for me
he will find me indeed
as always beside the waters
of the

Stream of Thought Poem by David Michael Jackson

word to start with, don’t
go there you say, don’t carry the
world on your
shoulders waiting for
something so nebulous as a
word taking you
to a rose
to a
willow tree beside the
stream of thinking.
You had something to
something that mattered
in the morning of
dew covered
melting into
silence and


Artist Poem For Séraphine Louis

Séraphine Louis

Séraphine Louis Naive art

They called it Naive art, these paintings by the cleaning lady. It is quite a story

Oh Séraphine

All artists should know you

for you painted for you

after scrubbing the dirty clothes

after being the help, the servant

after your hands were rough

you painted for you

and for your lady Madonna

and because your God

told you to


it drove you mad,

and you never knew anything but the work

followed by the paint on your hands, for

the artist’s hands are

always beautiful

when the painting is


You got there

you made it

you can’t hear me

can you?

So artist out there

paint when no one wants it,

paint with no one but you to see

paint when no one cares

paint when you know for sure

that the art will rot

in some forgotten attic.

Thank you

Séraphine Louis

for the art



The movie

david michael jackson April 5, 2012 editors@artvilla.com

Abstract Art Images

Abstract Art Images

Abstract Art Image-01
Abstract Art Image

This is the last oil I painted. It had many forms and shapes over the years for I liked it, didn’t like it many times and added paint again and again.
Abstract art images or, as I call them, shapes are my passion.
I have always called it abstract shapism. Others call it that now. These images have been on the net since 1996. My art was at Artcrawl because Robert Varner noticed me in 1997. He is the founder and owner of DoubleTake Gallery, Fine Art Consignments. Since 1997 I have not met a more honest company and a finer person on this internet.

I also call this abstract image The Stairway painting because it has lifted me up somehow. It is truly reaching for something whether I achieved it or not.
It is the reaching, the stairway that is important. Abstract art is a denial, a rebellious act. Often the rebellion looks like everybody else’s rebellion. This certainly doesn’t look like a stairway, maybe it’s a weird flower to you. When I succeed, the image is different things to different people.
“I see a cow” is a perfectly great reaction to a great abstract shape. That is why my abstract images have shape. Here is another shape:

abstract art image-02
abstract bug painting

and another:

abstract art image03
abstract art image03


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abstract art image-04

What do you see? If your imagination is at work then I have succeeded!


David Michael Jackson is the painter, author and publisher of Artvilla. These abstract art images are of his art. His site is at Modern Art Paintings and Images      email is editors@artvilla.com.

david michael jackson 4/11/2012

Make sense poem

Make sense this time
said the budding flower
get a life said the tree
make something of yourself said the pot
then they all died
except for the pot
who was made of death
and held the water carefully
as the bee landed on the lip
and said,
See my short life,
visiting the tree
and the flower
and the pot,
I have no time for poems
and I am more useful than you
for no one writes odes
to the poet who writes odes to me,
the bee

david michael jackson