Happy Birthday Pops

Louis has a lot to say in the prologue to to this song. I wish what he wishes.

Gotta Hear Hello Dolly, Ya know?

You just gotta hear this one too He sings of angels singing above. He’s one of them now and I see why the singing of angels has to be so special.

(August 4, 1901 – July 6, 1971

When I was a child in Tennessee the only black people I got to see on TV were Sammy, Louis, and Nat. I was a little boy and I didn’t understand. I still don’t. Now I know they helped take us beyond all of that or at least get us on the road.
In a large way I grew up with Louis Armstrong. He became a part of all of us. Our love for this man flows because of the joy! If you took joy and condensed it, squeezed it down until it was pure, you’d have Louis Armstrong. You made one little boy smile and you’ve made the old man smile with a tear.
Hey Pops, thank you for the joy.

david michael jackson August 4, 2012

Ten Second Poem by David Michael Jackson

Befits me I guess this
serving of poems in the night.
You read the poem and leave me
I put my name on it but you do not remember me
My fifteen minutes is ten seconds of your time,
ten seconds of hers, of his.
I have ten seconds, ten seconds.
My father, my father,
oh how his eyes did shine!


Hot Day Poem by David Michael Jackson

These Moments
by David Michael Jackson

These moments lead to other slow,
oh so slow, moments leading to endless
If the universe exploded once,
it will explode again leaving us with
that question,
floating over the horizon like
simple dew drops,
waiting for the hot summer sun to leave them
seemingly vanished into the noontime
of a hot day with a hoe in my hand in
the field,
the hot field of a farmer’s son.

Stream of Conciousness Poems by David Michael Jackson

So Here We Are
By David Michael Jackson

poets know about letting go
about the stream which flows
like thin molasses on a hot day
red and orange dolphins
swimming in the purple sea
of my thoughts
you already know
the water which flows like a
cliche into your
consciousness from my
you already know
how the arms hang long and thin
and the fabric lays just so
you already know of the wetness of the street
in the darkness
you already know
of the fingers in your hair and
the lips
so there we are
again once again
in the twilight, trying to remember the
so here we are
and here we
have always

Copyright © 1998 by David Michael Jackson, All rights reserved