I called it Abstract chair painting. It looks like a chair in a space ship.
Painting is for sale…..editors@artvilla.com
See more of David’s Abstract Original Paintings
I called it Abstract chair painting. It looks like a chair in a space ship.
Painting is for sale…..editors@artvilla.com
See more of David’s Abstract Original Paintings
Posting poems in the night for
you who read me,
somewhere in this world.
Oh I have done it for so long now.
I may have published
the first poem on the net.
It went
Hello World.
“Hello Ball”,
said Art Carney.
I roll the ball toward
some overwhelming question
without an answer
and tell you that
beauty is truth.
Then a few judge
whether I
said it
well enough.
when all I wanted, really,
all you wanted
was to hear the words
rain drops fall off the leaf.