Why these windows move mountains Poem by David Michael Jackson

I am worn weathered wood.
I have seen the storms,
felt the hot sun,
endured the wind until
I am cracked.
My colours have faded into
burnt siennas from red under
the sun’s rays.
I have seen the owl at night and
the hawk in the day for
I am a window in this wood,
this weathered wood.
I am a window or
I am nothing.
I am a window.
Sneek up, take a peek
into my panes.
She will be there, sitting
at the table
having her tea
or holding her cat


gets up every morning and joins the crowd poem


doesn’t live that life so he
gets up every morning and joins the crowd

Which shore?
He said petals from an appletree
yes petals from an appletree
and leaves falling silently

Which shore?
He said petals from an apple tree
summer music
and the summer breeze

and he washes up on the hundredth poem or the thousandth poem or
footsteps on a stair,
washes up on the shores of reason and reaches
washes up with the wordbarrel


David Michael Jackson 2005

Lost Love or Loss of True Love Poem by David Michael Jackson

Love Lost: The Loss of True Love Poem

Silence does not befit me
The loss of true love
does not the tongue
The irises are in bloom
and I have
lost another love.
Sad roses and doves in
the rain
call to explain.
I am an old pine dwarf
clinging to the the rocks of
a minor mountain.
Crying in the wilderness.

Love Lost, The Loss of True Love copyright 2008

abortion poem by h. e. hasben

You win.
I concede.
You say it’s murder.
You win.
I concede.
Make it illegal.
I’ll carry a sign.
It’s first degree murder
for the young lady
the doctor.
They conspired to kill this
They planned a violent death
for this person,
It’s first degree murder.
No less.
It’s the gas chamber,
no less.
We said it was a full human being.
We didn’t say it was a partial human being.
I would hope that, if
a young lady and a doctor
conspired to murder me,
you would deliver the proper justice
for first degree murder.
We do like justice so much.
Justice has been outsourced to profit
makers who need to show growth.
So first degree murder for the
young lady, her sister,
and her boyfriend who
drove her there.
Anything less than the gas chamber
devalues the
fetus to
something less than a full human
being and we
lose our initial argument that it’s a person.
It is often the wrong choice,
but it’s either choice
or first degree
