Connecticut Artist Leif Nilsson

Connecticut Artist Leif Nilsson

Connecticut Artist
Leif Nilsson Spring Street Studio and Gallery, LLC

Connecticut Artist Leif Nilsson is an impressionist. A modern form of Monet in Connecticut. His art is wonderful. His site is so very well done so get out of here and go there.
Click on the pic above and use Cntrl + to enlarge. It’s high-res and you can zoom to the brush strokes. Very pretty close-up. With impasto the eyes loves to just look at ther brushstokes. They are part of the art.
The internet is about content and links. Our little show and tell gene is a bit more out of hand than most and our posts and links mean that we can help other artists be seen on their sites.

Artist Leif Nilsson is our content today. We like the way he goes for it.
Any artist knows the cost of materials and impasto is expensive. To paint Van Gogh’s paintings with his materials would cost a small fortune. We admire Leif’s work!

Creek Paintings ~ Three Paintings of a Creek

Creek Painting 48″ x 36″

creek painting
creek painting

This creek painting was painted from a photograph of Passenger Creek in 1989. There was a tree in the photo which was not falling but certainly about to fall. It makes me think of the “tree falling in the forest” statement we all know. Maybe it was caught up in that branch. It adds an element of anticipation on the creek.  Here is our earlier post of this creek painting

All paintings have a story and even maybe a byline. This one has a byline. I painted it the day my brother died. I’d cut it into a thousand pieces if I could get him back. The last strokes went on when the phone rang. I was painting it for Wayne Jackson.

Creek paintings are plentiful. Fcreek-painting-02creek-painting-o3amous creek paintings I cannot seem to reference. Maybe this should be one.  Things don’t turn out that way though.

My first effort with this photo was this smaller creek painting . This painting was owned by  Wayne and is now in my possession. I had just started painting and he put it on his wall and bought a light for it. This sparked my painting efforts. The creek, in particular passenger creek has always been special for me. The creek represents a small out of the way unnoticed peace and tranquility. A place of small sounds, insects and birds. I grew up on a farm on a creek. My earliest memories are walking the trails beside this little creek, fishing and swimming with my brothers.

These creek paintings were my earliest efforts and maybe my best. They were impressions of peaceful times, of good times as a child. Oil paint has a way of becoming more translucent over the years. These creek paintings were painted in 1989. A few years later I began painting on paper and painted this last painting of the creek. This one is dated 1992. It is the last of the series.

Here iwayne jacksons a pic of my brother, Wayne Jackson.



Here is a link to his poems. He was, and is, my brother and friend. These paintings and my art are dedicated to him. He encouraged me. That is the greatest gift.

David Michael Jackson


Kimberly Rinker’s article about Liudmila Kondakova Art

Liudmila Kondakova painting

Liudmila Kondakova
City Iconographer Extraordinare
By Kimberly A. Rinker

Here is an article we published many years ago. We congratulate Liudmila on her success an an artist. She has become quite well known since those days.

We have searched around and found her art represented well  at Martin Lawrence Galleries

Art-One does a good job of presenting a gallery of Liudmila Kondakova



Thanks to Kimberly A. Rinker

….editor D M Jackson