Different War But the Whores Never Change.Poem.SageSweetwater

Different War But the Whores Never Change


Sweetwater staying true to the original characters in The Biker Chronicles. Try adapting an audio recording to film when you went into the recording studio some twenty years ago when Sweetwater did! Things have changed! Much! Different wars but the whores never change! My dilemma on a particular character named the Vision Jammer has prompted me to cast three different men for the role incorporating three generations. Sixty-five is the common age for living Viet Nam veterans, some well into their seventies and eighties, many of the older Viet Nam vets have passed on. So today’s Viet Nam vets are from the 60-ish group, the Viet Nam war ending in 1975, 38 years ago. So, what we have is an older character cast for the Vision Jammer and Country Music Star Toby Keith cast as Jammer Jr. in his forties, staying close with Keith’s age, and a young Jammer Jr. casting an 18-year old man. The film script will be finished at the end of the month on to film! Interesting adaptation! —Sage Sweetwater, original recording artist of The Biker Chronicles adapted to film by Sage Sweetwater.


Different War But the Whores Never Change


viet nam
delivers a
heavy kick the
weight of the shrapnel
imbedded in his right leg
in nam the vision jammer existed
from self-teachings on the power of
fantasy and illusion bats flew circles
above the vision jammer as he rode the
moonlit asphalt hard and fast


it kept
him alive
and delivered
him home safe but
not sound no vet ever
came home sound


war fragment reminiscence collectively
floated on top of what was
left of gray matter


visions of
a night-wandering
seductress danced nude
on a black-and-white tiled
checkerboard floor as shiny
as the gold hoops piercing her


he throttled
down and the shovelhead
ceased the euphoric thunder
the nicotine tasted sweeter than
pralines but when the vision jammer
drank whiskey all things tasted sweeter
especially the flesh of a hot woman


his war-stained
hands pulled the
red baron’s over his
inflamed eyes and he
snugged the stars and stripes
bandana around his scarred forehead
not about to lose a piece of America again


the asphalt
and moon turned red
castle whores motioned
to him from outside castle


unmistakable obscenities
echoed throughout whoreland
their soliciting voices sounded
relentless like the voice of his
platoon sergeant john darrius kalitzy
jd for short


a thumbs up
sign was all he
cared to offer out
of appreciation to their
bribe of white powder he
politely eased the throttle
and watched the moon reflect on
their red mirrors


the snow lines
dissipated into
their racy bloodstreams
he smiled and took his left
hand off the grip plugging a
nostril as if he were indulging
with these perfumed whore babies
and to his surprise one tossed down
a vial of snow and shouted from the
powder slopes above “One for the road!”


the vision jammer
didn’t do powder but
then again he didn’t do
war until it was assigned
to him


he thought
cocaine paralleled
with war just different
lines were used to fight the

Copyright Ms. Sage Sweetwater, Celebrity firebrand lesbian novelist


Sage Sweetwater


Sage Sweetwater is the name of Colorado Firebrand Lesbian Novelist, Poet, Storyteller, Screenwriter and Business Artist. She has several High-Budget feature films, no less than fifteen in Pre-production, some near filming. Her Jett Durango Trilogy, three spaghetti western style feature films will usher in her film career. Sage has written poetry for many years, showcasing her work on Authors Den since 2005, and funneling in her readers to Authors Den from social media venues such as Twitter and Facebook. Her vast writing and film portfolio can be seen on Authors Den. Sage’s writing career has spanned nearly twenty five years when she first began to write and publish, then in the last three years has adapted her novels to film and wrote other screenplays from the ground up now in Pre-production. She has solid Hollywood investors who are financing her various films and she has good producer representation managing her career. Sweetwater and The Sundance Wives also have a multitude of spin-off products in the works from Sweetwater’s various films.

Sara Russell, former editor and founder of Poetry Life & Times did the first PL&T interview with Sage back in the year 2006. Robin Ouzman Hislop took over PL&T from Sara and he did a second PL&T interview with Sage in the following year of 2007. A lot has changed in Sage Sweetwater’s writing and film career since then. Filmmaking requires long time frames—years, if you will. Sweetwater thanks both Sara and Robin for taking her in and introducing her around in the poetry literary scene via Poetry Life & Times, just a wonderful poetry family.



The Oz Man II(In the Shameful Shadow of Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’)Sonnet.Poem.Norman Ball.



I met a Baathist from a ravaged land
Who said: Two short, blue-trousered legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half-dazed by shock and awe, a visage frowns,
with wrinkled lip, and smirk of chimp-command.
No doubt Dick Cheney well those passions read,
Which squawk on yet, as do most lame-duck things,
Like mice that roared, while at the trough they fed,
And on one trouser-cuff these words appear:
“My name is W, unelected King:
Look on my Evil Axis and despair!”
No liberty remains. Round the decay
Of neo-cons and hegemonic air,
Fallujah’s level sands stretch far away.
The Ozymandias sonnet also appeared in Christopher Dickey’s ‘The Shadowland Journal’. Christopher Dickey is  Paris Bureau Chief and Middle East Regional Editor for Newsweek Magazine and The Daily Beast.
NORMAN BALL is a poet, playwright, essayist and musician residing in Virginia. A featured poet on Prairie Home Companion, his poems and essays have appeared in Light Quarterly, The Raintown Review, The Berkeley Poetry Review, Epicenter, Oxford Magazine, The Cumberland Poetry Review, 14 by 14, Rattle, Liberty, The Hypertexts, Main Street Rag, The New Renaissance, The Scotsman, The London Times among dozens of others. His essay collections, How Can We Make Your Power More Comfortable? (2010) and The Frantic Force (2011), both widely available on the web, are published by Del Sol Press and Petroglyph Books, respectively. His recent play SIDES: A Civil War Musical (Inspired by The Red Badge of Courage) is currently being produced for TV by Last Tango Productions, LLC.

Helium Addicition poem by Janet Kuypers

Helium Addicition (#002, He)

Janet Kuypers

from the “ Periodic Table of Poetry” series

Since I lost my job welding cars,
I thought I’d get my truck driving license
And make my money on the open road.

So when I applied for the truck driving job
for moving compressed Helium from California
to Maine, they asked if I could drive a truck…

When I said I could, they gave me the keys —
and the truck’s a beaut, with a bed
of nine cylinders of that precious Helium.

I hear there’s only so much Helium on Earth,
so I really had some precious cargo to haul.
Now, since I love driving and know how to weld…

I rented the tools and bought the tubing,
and after Arizona I had my rig set up
so I could do Helium hits while on the road.

I mean, I had nine huge tanks of Helium,
all compressed, it was like worker’s comp. You
can always skim off the top, they won’t notice.

Now, this made New Mexico and Texas really fun,
and I ignored the winds sweeping down the plains
of Oklahoma when I had my Helium.

But after Missouri, through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio,
the cops always pulled me over for erratic driving
(but I can’t let go of this Helium high!).

The cops would ask me for paperwork,
and I would happily comply. “You seem to be
driving erratically. Have you slept recently?”

“Yes sir, I’m just so excited, I love this job.”
And the cops looked at me funny before
writing me a warning and sending me on my way.

So I’d always look at my clock radio
and limit my Helium puffs to every time
I saw a good looking seat cover in a passing car —

but the hotties were few and far
between, so I’d check my clock radio
and puffed every seven minutes.

So when my Helium high subsided after only
seven seconds, and I still have seven states
before I could deliver my remaining Helium —

well, that’s when I drove north instead,
to go through Michigan, and leave my life —
and this country — with my precious.

And yeah, I’ll miss my family and friends,
but I’ve only scratched the surface
with my nine lives of Helium, and really,

that Helium high is really worth the world.

Beryllium poem by Janet Kuypers


Janet Kuypers

from the “ Periodic Table of Poetry” series

I’ve wanted you with me.
I’ve paid for fragments of you,
spending what I could at the
Gem and Jewelry show for years,
because all I could afford of you
was aquamarine glimmers of you,
blue like the endless sky above.

In that aquamarine sky above
I’d see you in high-speed aircraft,
I’d see the Universe with your space vehicles,
even travel the information superhighway
in your communication satellites, before
you’d try to bombard me with your missiles.

I’ve needed you with me,
because I hear you make things stronger,
and I’ve needed that for so long,
for so many years. I needed that.

And when I found someone
that dated me for years, that
I thought I had a future with,
I took him with me to get your
green brilliance, wrap you around my neck,
wrap you around my finger. Frame you
in diamonds and gold, I’d do
whatever I could to get you.

Your emerald brilliance,
your aquamarine brilliance,
is what draws me to you, still.

I know it’s irrational, my desire for you,
I know that I don’t need you,
but you have been the window for me
to all of the things inside of me, and even
to everything beyond this world.
But with your colorful brilliance,
you give the world strength, you help me
see everything truly inside of me, help me
communicate with the world, even get me
beyond the confines of this world
When I lay it all out for you this way,
you have to understand
my attraction to you.
You have to understand
my desire for you.
I know, doctors say
I don’t need you,
but in a way, I do.
So I just wanted you to
my seemingly
irrational need.

“Palladium” poem by Janet Kuypers


Janet Kuypers

from the “ Periodic Table of Poetry” series

“Have you ever been to the Palladium?”
He asked me,
so I asked, “The one in New York?”
“Oh, the Hollywood Palladium? No.”
But the thing is, after the success
of the Hollywood Palladium,
New York converted the Academy of Music
to the Palladium in ‘76,
there are Palladium theaters in San Antonio TX.,
St. Petersburg FL, Detroit MI,
High Point NC, even Worcester, MA.
Sorry I haven’t been.
I was actually thinking
about how as an element
Palladium is a rare and lustrous silvery-white metal
(like other other platinum group metals),
and although it is primarily used now
in catalytic converters, which convert
up to 90% of harmful gases from auto exhaust.
Palladium is also used to make
fine-art black-and-white prints,
and Palladium even plays a key role in technology
used for fuel cells, combining hydrogen and oxygen
to produce electricity, heat, and water.
And the thing is, Palladium has been used
for jewelry as a replacement for platinum…

You know, I think it would sound kind of cool
to say you have a diamond set
in a Palladium band
instead of a platinum one.

I mean, it would then have one more thing
to make it worth talking about….

Then he asked me,
“Would you rather have a Palladium diamond ring
or perform at the Hollywood Palladium?
And I thought about it for a second,
then answered,
“I’d rather perform at the Palladium.
The ring is just a thing
I could get at any time.”

Then I saw the news,
stating that platinum was about
to skyrocket in price,
and I thought,
“wait a minute,
now might be a good time
to get that Palladium jewelry,
before the price of Palladium
goes up too…”