On the other side of the tracks
Old Glory flew
Filled full by the warm California wind
As I had never seen her before
Not for many years, anyway
Not like that
Defiant and strong
As I stood
Waiting for the Surfliner to arrive
And my heart swelled
With both pride and fear
Pride for those who shed their blood
To defend freedom
A way of life
That now stands threatened
By those who put petty self-interest
Greed driven lust for money
Ahead of country
Those who would tear down
What so many worked for
Died for
Argued for
And cried for
For the many
And not the few
It rushed through my head
As I saw our flag
Strong in the wind
As I waited for the train
A reminder of who we are
And what we stand to lose
If some of us are forced to live on one side of the tracks
While the rest are on the other
With no law or common good
To balance our wants and needs
Providing a bridge
To cross over
Only the lust for money
A rigged system
And the power of greed
Simple thoughts
Far too simple, perhaps
For the many
And not the few
©2015 Ron Olsen – all rights reserved